
my online friend

notification: Mmtae has requested be your friend. Would you like to add him back? Hell yes I do! ... min leah, a senior in high school enjoys many things, including gaming. minjae introduces her to a close friend of his and things start from there. © bayleighrenee CURRENTLY ON HOLD started: 26 february 2019 finished: ...

leighr · 音楽·バンド
29 Chs


| march 3, 2018 | 11pm est | 12am kst |

L e a h.

Discord Notification:

Mmtae has requested to be your friend. Would you like to add him back?

I quickly opened the app. The first thing I see is his profile picture. The only part of his face showing was his jaw (if it even was him), being cut off by the small circle. The rest of the cropped photo showed a leopard print coat, that contrasted starkly with the dark red background. After looking I hovered over the accept button, until finally pressing it and send him a message.

Discord messages (translated)

to: Mmtae

11:01 pm



11:01 pm


hey 👋🏻

11:02 pm


i like your pfp

11:02 pm


lol thanks, i like yours too

you're very pretty

11:03 pm 

My picture was one from a few months ago, one that Oli had taken for me while we were hanging out. My hair was short and straight and framed my face.


haha thanks

i would compliment you back but i can't see your face 😂

11:03  pm


lol right...

here haha

don't mind the lip ring lol, it's not real

11:03 pm

Soon, a picture loads onto my screen. It was very close, his face and the top of his shirt barely fitting in frame. Yet, it gave me a closeup to all his striking features. He was handsome, very handsome.

His dark hair was short yet long enough to end above his eyes. His almond eyes were big and dark, he looked almost regal with his fair complexion and dark features.

"Goddamn..." I whispered. He was hot... and I told him so.




11:05 pm



11:05 pm


you're hot

like really hot

like damn

the lip rings hot too

11:05 pm

I respond bluntly over the phone. It's more fun that way. I'm confident when texting, compared to a face-to-face conversation. And I wanted to be honest...



thank you haha

11:06 pm


that's you right?

i mean you're not trying to catfish, are you 🤣

11:06 pm

I had my doubts. I mean, who can look that perfect?! It's crazy.


a catfish...?

11:06 pm

Shít... Is there a word for it in Korean? One that's not an actual fish...?


oh uh

it's like acting like someone else

like using someone else's pictures to impress someone

11:07 pm


oh lol of course not

i just took that

here's another lol, if you don't believe me 😂

11:07 pm

The picture loads, showing the same face, his face, but a different pose.



why are you so perfect 😅

11:07 pm


haha i'm far from it, but thank you

11:07 pm


are you a model then?

11:08 pm


lol nope

11:08 pm



you should be!

i'd pay for every one of your pictures lol

not in a creepy way though, i promise.

alright i'm gonna shut up now haha

11:09 pm



you're hilarious 😂

11:09 pm


i try 😉

11:10 pm



you're 13 hours behind right?

shouldn't you be going to sleep?

11:10 pm

He couldn't have known that on the spot, our time difference. I found it cute that he was looking things up.


its only 11 lol.

i'll be fine in the morning 🤷🏽‍♀️

11:10 pm


if you say so leah

11:11 pm


don't worry about me ;)

you are right though, i should probably go to sleep soon if i want to get up on time 🤣

11:12 pm


is this goodnight miss.leah?

11:12 pm

I smile at my screen. He's so corny, it's adorable...


seems like it mr.v...

it was a pleasure meeting and talking with you.

11:13 pm


the pleasure was all mine 😊

goodnight leah, sweet dreams beautiful

11:13 pm


have a good day handsome 😉

11:14 pm


| march 4, 2018 | 1:13 pm kst | 12:13 am est |

T a e h y u n g.

I've been smiling like an idiot for the past ten minutes. Laying on my bed, replying to each of her texts. She is amazing...

The door to my room opens and I see Jimin come in.


"Yeah?" I look up at him.

He chuckles, "Why are you upside down, Taehyung-ah?"

"Hm?" I sit up properly. "Oh, I just wanted to be."

"Well, what were you doing?"

"What do you mean?" I said tilting my head.

"I've been knocking on your door, for god-knows how long. Didn't you hear me?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry Jimin. I was on my phone." I smile at him.

"Hm... And who were you talking to?"

"You know Minjae?" Jimin nods shortly. "Well, it was his friend. We played sky wars today, and she's really cool."

"She's a she, huh?" He smirked at me, implying all the wrong things.

"Jimin! Don't look at me like that! You look funny." I said cracking up.

"Taehyung... Seriously though, I'm really interested now." He sits down beside me. "So~ What's her name?" He inquired, tilting his head to the side.

I smile, "Leah. Her name is Leah."

"Ooo~ Foreigner?" Jimin proposed.

"Technically yes... She's from America."

"Technically?" He questioned.

"She half Korean. I don't know if she was born in America. But I would assume so." I affirm, shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"Ah... Well is she pretty?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

I snort. "Yes, very."

"Ooo~ I want to see!! Show me a picture." He reaches for my phone and tosses it to me.

I unlock it and open discord up.

He looks over my shoulder, disregarding the fact that I had not even brought up her profile.

I click on her picture, trying to enlarge the photo.

"Woah~" Jimin breathes out.

"I know," I gush.

Her picture was casual yet she looked so beautiful. She was sat in front of a wall of paintings, looking of to the side. Her features were striking, her dark eyes and rosy lips complimented her, and her skin was a honey tone.

We stare at the screen, just admiring her entirely. She's perfect, not me... I shake my head thinking about her confession earlier.

"She's gorgeous Tae." I look up from the phone. "I wish I had a pretty friend like you..." He pouts.

"Don't let Jin-Hyung hear you say that." I chuckle.

He cackles, "You're right, he'd scold me for days."

"What did you come in here for again?" I asked.

"Oh right! We wanted to go out to eat at Tavolo. And we were wondering if you wanted to come."

"Of course. When are we leaving?" I say as I get up and make my way to the bathroom.

"Mm... fifteen minutes? I think... It's something like that." He finishes shrugging.

"What the hell, Park Jimin." I glare at him.

"Sorry," He shouts, bolting out of my room. I snort and begin to change my clothes.

| 2 pm kst || 1 am est |

We enter the restaurant, clad in hats and masks. Of course, I had my leopard print coat on... Even though it is March, it's still a little chilly.

"Ahh, it smells amazing in here," Jungkook claims while sniffing the air.

"It always smells like this Jungkook," I say chuckling at him.

A worker approaches us upon entrance, with a welcoming smile. "Hello, and welcome to Tavolo." She greets. "How can I help you?"

"Hello, we called earlier. For the private room?" Namjoon mentioned.

"Ah yes! Please follow me." We all follow the hostess through the restaurant, to the back room. "Here you are... Enjoy!" She says smiling, before walking back to the front.

"Okay~ So who's paying?" I ask.

Jin laughs his windshield-wiper laugh, and says, "I thought you were, Taehyung." 

"Uh- I don't remember agreeing to that hyung..." I objected.

They all laugh. "We're all paying for ourselves, hyung." Jungkook directed at me.

"Mmm." I hum, nodding my head and turning my attention to the menu.

I just realized how many chat scenes I wrote... I’m not sure how it will look formatted but if you change the mode to scrolling, it may look better.

I hope you enjoyed! I plan on uploading once or twice a day :)

leighrcreators' thoughts