
The Bear

 Delaney paced back and forth in the entryway until she feared she was going to wear away the rug that covered the floor. The servants watched her warily, many seeming to have found a reason to hover within sight of the doors.

   "My Lady maybe you should try to get some rest," the butler suggested, "We can wake you when the Lord returns."

   "I cannot sleep," Delaney snapped in annoyance, "I don't know where my husband is or if he's safe. For all I know he could be wounded or even dead."

   The butler stepped back, stammering an apology and staring at the ground.

   Delaney sighed then, "I'm sorry. I'm just worried. It's not your fault. You and the others can go to bed if you'd like. There's no point in you all losing sleep."

   "Oh no my Lady," the butler shook his head, "Lord Adair is our master. He's a fair and kind one. None of us will sleep either until we know he's home safe again."
