
my new era

So what are you going to do about it? sit wait for help as a good girl? you're weak, you're nothing without me and you're going to do whatever I tell you... All these statements rang in her head, she inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger against the door, she stretched her other hand and released the trigger on the armed me who were coming from the door, not caring about her life, all she was thinking about at the moment was a sweet revenge. if I can't do it my way, I'll still do it my way, this is my reign! my new era! she shouted as she wasted the last man standing. with blood dropping flowing down her arm she dropped down almost unconscious as she waited for death to envelope her in her red dress as victory was no longer of any use to her. what would a princess be doing here, lying cold and still like death bride? she heard the familiar voice and thought she was hallucinating before death. let me take you home good girl, Mr fine eyes need you alive. Almira the FL of the story gets involved in a life she thought she wasn't supposed to be, only to become immune to the system and taste for power with many mysteries that would be unfolded, death, love, betrayal, longing, sorrow, heart throbbing eye openers. as she's set to get her revenge she gives in again to love which she had banned out her heart. "everyone gets hurt at the end" she always say....but love and friendship is a beautiful thing readers

chinonso_ossai · ファンタジー
61 Chs

A Message


Their eyes met and was locked in for few seconds before everything went to normal, Kay's heart was thumping hard like one could hear it five meters away. Brain left, ignoring the fact that she called his name immediately she woke up, her eyes slowly went around her environment, she was back in the environment, where her misery had started. She was on the second floor, where experiment were made on substances and dead bodies, for a while she panicked, wondering what they must have chipped in to her body.

Brain came back with one of the doctors as she was in a secluded glass room, drip been connected to her vein and a oxygen wire connected to her nose. The doctor opened her eye with two hands and put on a touch, he checked her mouth as she opened it on his command. He brought out his stethoscrope and checked the rhythm of her heart, after listening for some seconds, he took a pen and picked up a book from the nearby table and scribbled some words she couldn't see. As the doctor left Brain went along with him but she stopped him.

Brain, she called, he stopped and looked at her, waiting to know why she suddenly called.

Thank you, she said with deep gratitude from her heart.

He walked to her side and removed the hair covering her face and adjusted the cloth covering on her body.

I know I must have startled you after you woke up, you were asleep for long 15 hours, it got me concerned, so I was watching to see if I could guard you from any angel of death. You sleep peacefully though, and it's satisfying. All he said was with a straight face, he gave her a little tap and left the room.

She could only turn her head and watch him leave, he had brought her back to the head quarters, she wondered how much it must have cost him, he had really rescued her from the hands of death, if not she would still be falling without stop. If that was how death was she felt terrified and didn't want to die.

The little smile in her face left when she saw red haired Sylvia, she was with Brian, she kept discussing and looking towards her direction. For some reasons she felt irritated by her presence, how could she stand the atrocities been done here without blinking, she wondered how many lives she must have taken without baiting an eye lid.

We meet again, Sylvia said after entering inside, she saw the hateful look Kay gave and smiled without worry. I believe you're aware why this is happening right?

Kay gave no reply but if looks could kill, Sylvia would have been crunched into tiny melting cubes.

I know you feel bad, even I feel bad. But it's not about the surface, it's good to have you back, only God knows what you must have been through out there. It did be good if you don't see me as your enemy, there's more beneath your situation of been here, wish I had known I would have acted fast.

She sighed and walked to her bed, she pulled out a ring and stylishly dropped it in her sleeve. If you ever feel the need to kill me after this, do it with this ring, there's an antidote, but what can antidotes do if there's no poison at all. With that she left.

Kay was confused, she couldn't understand why she did that, and if she was caught on camera she would be scolded and the ring would be investigated. She moved the ring with her arm and let it rest under her armpit.


After three days of bed rest, she was finally allowed to walk, she asked for few minutes to walk around, surprisingly she was granted, she started looking at the whole of the building again, she wasn't allowed to walk out of the lab room but could walk round it as it was big and wide enough. As she passed an elevator, she saw a familiar face standing, she looked carefully and saw the person smirk at her under a face cap, she scoffed as she remembered who the person was. The girl who she had met during her training days, she was the one always complaining when task were difficult, when she felt the food was not up to the amount of energy she uses.

She passed and wondered what they did to the others, could there be another set of trainees again, if there be then they did be going through hell. She looked at the girl one last time, maybe the rest joined other exterminator teams, who could tell.

Back in her training days, they were up to 70 in the training ground, about 10 persons fell ill or broke a arm or a leg, after they took them for treatment, they never came back, there's was no explanation to why they didn't come back but nobody dared to ask. For some reasons she wanted to talk to Sylvia but couldn't find her, she couldn't put a meaning to the words she said, the ring was still in her armpit, during her bath, she would hold it in her mouth till she dressed up again.

P944, Kay Jamal of squad 95 exterminator team, a familiar voice called from behind.

She turned around in her bed rest gown and did a quick salute at the supervisor.

Nice having you back, he said tapping her shoulders, I heard you have been coping well during your missions, what brought you here?

A slight illness sir, she said standing attention and not looking at his eyes.

You're lucky, maybe the heads might have seen some potentials in you thats why they are willing to get you treated here, count yourself among the lucky ones, I was wondering if it was your turn to get beheaded for disobedience but Sylvia was right, you're a fast and observant learner. Stay alive, I want to boast that one of my trainee's is one of the best best. He left after talking and Kay just stood there, she was angry but was on hundred percent composure.

Kay Jamal, code p944, the speaker in the lab echoed, come to the check room within five minutes.

She sighed and went back to the elevator door she had just passed, she took one last look at the girl standing, the girl did the same, she slightly bowed her head to greet Kay and she also did the same and left.