
my new era

So what are you going to do about it? sit wait for help as a good girl? you're weak, you're nothing without me and you're going to do whatever I tell you... All these statements rang in her head, she inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger against the door, she stretched her other hand and released the trigger on the armed me who were coming from the door, not caring about her life, all she was thinking about at the moment was a sweet revenge. if I can't do it my way, I'll still do it my way, this is my reign! my new era! she shouted as she wasted the last man standing. with blood dropping flowing down her arm she dropped down almost unconscious as she waited for death to envelope her in her red dress as victory was no longer of any use to her. what would a princess be doing here, lying cold and still like death bride? she heard the familiar voice and thought she was hallucinating before death. let me take you home good girl, Mr fine eyes need you alive. Almira the FL of the story gets involved in a life she thought she wasn't supposed to be, only to become immune to the system and taste for power with many mysteries that would be unfolded, death, love, betrayal, longing, sorrow, heart throbbing eye openers. as she's set to get her revenge she gives in again to love which she had banned out her heart. "everyone gets hurt at the end" she always say....but love and friendship is a beautiful thing readers

chinonso_ossai · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Give Your Heart To Me


Again she had folded up, her hormones were messing with her again, her brain was sending signals and it was messing up with her physical and mental state, she was sweating profusely and her team mates surrounded her with worry on their faces.

How long does she have to cope with this? Brain asked as he watched her whine and cry in pain.

I don't know how long, this will continue, the care unit can't do anything about it again, Ani said.

We will have to transfer her back to the head quarters, over here there's no adequate care, looks like the death sentence has already begun, Brain said with sadness in his voice.

I can't bear another death, Will said moving his eyes from her, her eyes had become deep like they would get lost in her skull.

The operation they went before the last, she was lost consciousness and they had to carry her which made Ani to survive a bullet in her lap, they had to leave two team mates in the care unit unlike the normal victorious after party, it was a sad and hoping wait they had that night.

Kay could only breath as her heart broke seeing herself being a burden to them and almost getting them killed. The last operation they went for, they left her alone because she was very weak and of no use, they came back looking battered, she was unable to ask what happened and they never placed a blame on her.

I'm ....I'm sorry, she managed to say as tears ran down her eyes.

They just sighed, nobody who has left the headquarters has gone back there, unless it was due to an offence or immediate emergency which happened 12 years ago.

Where are you going to? Cassey asked Brain as she saw him leaving the room.

Going to lay a complaint, we can't have a team mate die because we can't reach the head quarters, if they want us to work well with them then they should provide us good medical care, if they are not taking the complaint there then I'll take her to the head quarters myself.

She's not worth risking it, we have already gotten on their nerves enough, you will only make things worse, Cassey said.

But she saved us, not once, not twice, have you forgotten when you would have died if she didn't push out of that stray bullet and took it herself on her arm, or you forgot how she helped us break into some files we couldn't, or when she made us not to use the exit door in one of our Missions where they layed ambush for us. At least let's be grateful she spared us some extra life if not we would be gone by now. Brain said.

I never forgot any of them, but we are going to die anyways, why would we risk the whole team to save her, you know this won't yeild any good result, Cassey answered.

Well I'm not risking the team, I'm risking my self, it's my way for paying her back for the countless favours she did for me, he said and left.

Cassey sighed and left Kay's side, she went to seat on a bunk and accompanied herself with a bottle of alcohol.

What's the use of being alive then, if they want us dead they can come get us here, why are they still keeping us and letting us live, this is enough toture, Ani said sadly as tears ran down her eyes.

Kay's eyes were running fountain of tears as she heard how they debated on her life, on one time she wanted to end her life, why she wanted to keep it now despite not having the best of her life is what she didn't understand. She gave up on living again but she still wanted life, slowly her brain triggered her crying eyes to sleep, but her mind was still conscious, aware of the pain and distress her body signs were giving and also listening to her surrounding.

She slowly drifted into a world of darkness, all she could see was deep darkness and she embraced it, no longer scared of the dark, the dark was like it confined her in one place but she kept falling till she fell on the ground, soon her lucid dream started, she saw herself in a room of multiple mirrors, they were all reflecting a dark figure, they all wanted to reach her and enter into her maybe to probably rip her into parts, she thought. She folded up and buried her head in her laps, she started shaking, she wanted to run away but her legs were too weak to run. Slowly she felt them coming close and all she could do was tremble in fear, she shut her eyes as she felt one of the figures carry her, it whispered indistinct words and she could barely hear what it said. In no time she felt her self been thrown and she was falling again, as she fell she heard screams, voices, and violence missed with rage, the sound was piercing into her soul like it would destroy it so she covered her ears and let out her own scream of terror till she landed on the ground again.

Out of fear she opened her eyes, she saw mirrors again, this time there were no figures again, she looked at the ground and saw shadow emerging from under the mirror, approaching her. She shaked her head in fear as they all surrounded her, she closed her eyes again and buried her head in her laps, she started screaming in her head that it wasn't real for a long time until she finally voiced it out with fear and opened her eyes when she felt the atmosphere was clear. She looked at the mirrors again and saw nothing, her guts told her to turn around, for some reasons she dared not and started looking for a way out by crawling as her legs were too weak to walk. The futher she went the more the more mirrors expanded, like they were elastic and moving with her, she turned to her back and saw a shadow standing a metre away from her, fear gripped her again, as she kept crawling looking if the shadow would keep approaching her she fell into darkness again unexpectedly, she screamed as she was tired of falling and wanted to get out of where ever she was.

She fell on the ground again after a long fall and saw the mirrors again, she became frustrated and shouted in fear, she didn't fold up again she started crawling until she couldn't but pushed herself with her tummy, she felt people approaching her and all she could do was shout, not knowing why she was scared again and again till she fell again. This time the darkness felt like it was piercing into her in every part and inch of her body until she landed again. This time feeling tired she avoided gazing at the mirror, looking at the ground as somehow she figured that a mirror would only reflect what you gave it.

As she crawled not making a sound, she heard footstep behind her, like it was following her and waiting for her every next move, she could only sob silently, as she kept crawling, she felt the ground opening, not willing to fall again she stretched her hand to reach out to someone with a loud cry.

Fortunately when she had started falling, she felt a strong hand grab her and pull her up from falling, another hand went down her waist to support her dear striken, weak, waggling legs from dropping. She looked closely at the person who held her, all she could see was darkness inside of a black hoodie with black dark aura coming from it. She was immersed in the darkness and get heart was beating very fast, with fear that it might let her fall again.

You can trust me, it said, just give your heart to me, I'll take care of it for you.

She slowly felt herself leaving his arms, this time she didn't panic as she gaze at the figure while floating away to reality.

Give your heart to me, she heard for the last time and she opened her eyes to meet two pair of eyes staring closely at her, it had a face and skin colour.

Brain, she called.