
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · ファンタジー
51 Chs

Engagement & Birthday

After having a really long day.. Alexander went home with his parents..He talked to her mom to make her understand the situation and gladly his mom told her she'll think about it.

He didn't talk about Oliver that day but he'll surely needs to talk to her..He wanted to make sure when he leaves the company Oliver won't bully Aryan.and speaking about Aryan he was glad that she understood the situation but he was sure she won't work harder so that Abigail would be the winner.

Thinking about his stubborn girlfriend he went to his late brother's room to sleep since whenever he was home he liked to sleep there.

The next morning his phone beeped and he found text on his private phone.who would would dare disturb his sleep huh..

He looked at his phone and a half smile curved on his lips when he saw the name on the screen.

Hi Alex..

"Today is my birthday..would you mind to come at my hometown..But don't worry if you are busy I'll understand"

His smile went wide when he remembered her birthday and he wondered if he should just go alone..But then he thought it would be his chance he was waiting for..for too long he was hoping to have his time alone with her and maybe today would be his chance..

He called her and no answer..

He kept calling and calling but no one had answered and he got anxious..,He woke up and called Kelvin to check if she was alright....and gladly the man said Aryan left forgot her phone on her apartment..And he gave him The address to their home.

As he was leaving he saw Noel and John coming his way..I'll be leaving for a while and I'll be coming home late..? Alexander said.

I'll be coming with you then..?Noel said.

Hey Do you even know where I'm going huh..?he asked annoyed.

Of course it's Aryans birthday and she invited me so I'll be coming with you and Abigail heard that too.

Wait for me brother I'll prepare my self..,I need to go with you...?Abigail said.

Ooh no these two how about we go in a separate cars..,

Then since you'll be alone in your car how about we also tell grandfather huh..?Abigail teased but that was the fact and he was sure old Mr Anderson would want to come with them..

Fine we'll go together..?he said and After a while they drove to the said home town of Aryan.

It was almost time for the party to start..the party was held on Aryan's family villa.

They couldn't help but gape at the sight they were seeing..the villa was not as big as their mansion but it was a Beautiful indeed..where someone can refresh his mind.

They went inside and the House was just Aww.it was decorated Beautifuly and the maid came and assisted them to a place to sit.

After a while they saw Ellie&kelvin walking down the stairs and the next thing he knew was Noel mumbling something to his ear.

Georgeous he answered without tearing his gaze away from her..Aryan was wearing a Pink dress that curved her hips and hugging her perfectly.

The dress was just above her knees revealing her milky shining long legs..And she wore the matching heels.. Her hair was in a messy bun leaving two strands of hair loose down to her face and now he got sight of her face.

She had done simple make up..,if you look from a far you might say she looked like a white flower in a pink garden.,But to look closely she is just like a flower girl..,God he didn't know how to describe her anymore..and now she was dancing with her father,he was thinking to just go there then grab her and have his time alone with her but here was crowded..!

He looked at her again and she turned around as if sensing him..,she looked at his direction but turned again like she didn't saw what she was expecting.


The party was going on smoothy..They didn't announce that it was also Ellie and Kelvin's Engagement party because they wanted it to be a surprise so when Ellie and kelvin came together as partners the crowd did not budge because they were always partners..they were just having assumptions because today they were in an intimate position.

So when the party started the mc announced that the Birthday girl should open a dance floor with her father then it will be time for cutting a cake.

as Aryan was dancing with her father..she somehow wished that Alexander was here so that she can also dance with him, except for her father and brother she had never danced with any other males so she was wondering how it would felt to dance with Alexander..As she was thinking about him she remembered that she texted him but too bad she forgot her phone so she didn't know if he had answered her or not.

But she wouldn't mind if he was not here because she believed he was a busy person and she was glad there was no gossipers in her town..,If they were she was sure her father would've arleady asked her about Alexander.....

Still on her own thought she felt something was off..like someone was watching her intently as if Alexander was here..,she turned around but saw no one.. dissapointed not seeing him she felt the music stop and she looked at her father.

You seem like something is wrong my dear..tell me did you not like the party..?Her father asked.

No father..I like it very much it's just that...?

oooh then I bet you were expecting someone or you're too excited to see Ellie's engagement ring huh..?he teased.

Camon father..fine let's cut the cake.and she went to where the cake was..,she closed her eyes and her wish was"I hope to first see him when I open my eyes".and she opened her eyes.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing infront of her after she blowed the candles.. Alexander was here or was she just hallucinating.She closed her eyes and opened them again but he was still there and he was also looking at her.,she also saw Abigail and Noel together.

so they came huh..

who are you looking for dear,Did your wish came true arleady I can see that you are happy than before.Her father asked again.

yes father I'm very happy now..,my wish did came true and All the people I love the most are here.She took a piece and fed her father,then her brother and Ellie.

She couldn't wait to sneak out of the stage so that she can fed Alexander..But gladly the mc did not dissapoint her when he said That it's time for the surprise and the dancing would continue After party.

Then another cake was brought forward and Ellie was told to cut the cake..she took the knife and cut and then she felt something as she couldn't continue cutting..she sliced the cake into a place and then went back to the bigger cake she cut again and looked deeper at it when she saw a small box at the middle of the cake.

She was so surprised at that time..,she just knew that she'll be engaged but she never thought it would be this special so with all smiles on her face she opened the box.

The moment she opened the box,,the smile started to fade away and a dissapointed look surrounded her,she was expecting a ring but she saw a necklace..and she instantly became angry..looking at Kelvin a tear almost went down on her face.

Maybe the pregnancy thing was controlling her because she couldn't even control herself..so she decided to leave instead of venting her anger to him.

But before she could step forward he called her name and she became still.

Ellie Freeman..Kelvin called and she turned around.

God..he was confused her right now..she couldn't believe only one word from him and her anger vanished.she turned slowly and he suprised her again seeing he was on his knees.

Listen this was after the necklace but it seems if I start with the necklace then I'll be loosing you..he teased with a knowing look.

Ellie ..he became serious again.

I'm willing to give you the only heart I own..,my joy would be yours..,I want to stay by your side forever,I want to be your partner here in this world and even in heaven.and with all this I only want one thing in return so Ellie Freeman will you marry me..?

A tear went down wetting her face,she did not expect this at all and God he was so adorable that she didn't know what to do with him anymore.

ofcourse I will marry you..dummy.

He put the ring on her finger and stood to seal the promise with a kiss.And the crowd began to shout for them.

Then it was dancing time for Ellie and Kelvin..then dancing with father in law..,It was such a nice sight to see.

On the other side of the dancing floor,Abigail and Noel was dancing with smiles on their faces.

so tell me where did Aryan and brother go huh..?Abigail asked.

To have some fun ofcourse..


please read my second book.

from hell to heaven.

lets start a new year with new books.