
My mysterious CEO

Fantasy Romance
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  • 51 章
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  • NO.200+

What is My mysterious CEO

WebNovel で公開されている、JenniferGriffin の作者が書いた My mysterious CEO の小説を読んでください。He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it,My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like...


He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

10 タグ

Adam's repentance

Adam Nishimura is a young man who was abandoned when he was a few days old to an orphanage. He always sought to discover what his true self was and the purpose of his existence in this great universe. Despite his loneliness, he always wished that someone would have sincere feelings towards him or be important to someone. He narrates Adam shows us the events of his life and its details, how darkness began to invade his mind and heart little by little, and how his life transformed from a person with a tender heart to a deranged psychiatrist who rips out the hearts of his patients under the pretext that it is a type of treatment and an attempt to strip all of his patients of all human feelings and make them mere monsters without feelings who carry out his orders. Which he was taking from the organization that he started working with when he was graduated from the orphanage, and he implemented it to the fullest extent and tried all the brutal psychological tricks on the patients without any of their families suspecting him... But what did Adam do in the end? Did he remain in his tyranny or did other events happen? An unexpected event happened that made him come back to his senses and find out who he really was... His mother was his quest from the beginning. Will he find her too? The difficult question remains: Did he do all of this of his own free will or is he just another victim of this accursed world?

Iriss22 · ホラー
6 Chs


  前世,她是地位尊崇的天命帝姬,却在大婚前夕,遭遇背叛,自焚而亡!   重生为破落世家的废柴弃女,受尽欺凌,而害她之人却已高高在上,享尽风光!   一朝重生,凤唳九天!   驭神兽,凝原力,通医毒之术,掌人神生死!   她发誓:要让背叛欺辱过她的那些人,受尽折磨,百倍还之!   ……   他是孱弱温润的离王殿下,也是手握天下的暗夜君王,唯独为了一个人倾尽生生世世。   他承诺:要让他唯一爱过的那个人,平安喜乐,永世欢愉。   ……   她以为这一路必将充满血泪,却不知等待她的,是一世预谋已久的盛世豪宠!   小剧场:   1   夜深人静,楚流玥看着床上再次不请自来的男人,终于忍无可忍:   “人人都道离王殿下身子羸弱,夜露深重,殿下如此这般,怕是命不久矣!”   男人甚是感动:“玥儿原来如此挂念本王…嫁我可好?”   楚流玥挑眉:“嫁过去守寡吗?”   男人轻笑:“本王不会死在你前面让你守死寡,更不会让你…守活寡。要不……先验验?”   2   开始,人人都劝:“离王殿下,楚家弃女配不上您!”   后来,个个都嘲:“孱弱世子,恁配不上天命帝姬!”   最后,众人喟叹:帝君,您这是何苦来哉?   他淡笑:   她在云端,本王便去云端,她在尘埃,本王便入尘埃。   为她,前生不苦,余生皆甜。   全文苏爽甜极,欢迎跳坑!

战西野 · 一般的
2590 Chs
Latest Update
1 :My mysterious CEO


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The chapters have been updated daily..which makes the readers more curious to read more..,Characters have been designed normally according to our everyday lives..Come and spoil me my dearest readers


The story has been updated at least for more than seven chapters a week..I've been busy lately as I was taking care of something that's why I slowed down..But don't worry my readers I'll make it up to you..Thank you





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