
My Multiverse Trip

Reincarnation? Wishes? A System? Magic? Harem? Pudding? This story has all of those. Multiverse travel, kingdom building, fan boy dreams come true in this wild story starting in the Harry Potter world. Instantly op character? nope. sharingan at the start? nope. shameless Mc? yep. shameless comedy? yep. NTR. nope. Just to let everyone know this is my first story English is my native language I planned 0 chapters in this whole book and I literally started writing it because I simple wanted to read it myself. It contains parts from bringing the farm to another world, shadow hack, and supreme Anime system. leave any advice you want I read all comments and try to take them into account. (disclaimer I only own my characters I personally make) also there will be some grammar errors and some plot holes think of this as a rough draft I'm just winging it basically at this point lol doing well so far tho I plan to go back later to fix small things like speech and paragraphs sometimes I miss things. be gentle it's my first time.

Ryan_Colman · ファンタジー
467 Chs

194. the forest pt 2.

Making my way through the forest. I notice that some of my clones are fighting orochimaru already. I just ignore that bull for now I have zero intentions of showing off my power to him and messing up plans. I have my clones half ass the combat and barely make it.

I make my way in a different direction. I come upon a nasty looking scene 2 members of a party dead and ripped apart by some massive bear. The third crying and being pinned into a hallow tree.

I quickly cut off the bears head and pick up a pair of glasses. The sobbing figure notices this and squints over at me. I gently put the glasses on her face and watch as a blush comes across her cheeks.

"Seems like you were in quite a pickle, glad I showed up on time. Judging by that lovely red hair of yours I'm guessing you might be an Uzumaki am I right?" I smile at her dazing the poor girl who squeaks out a yes. "Oh well nice to meet you my name is Ryan Uzumaki."

She blushes more "My name is Karin, thank you for saving me. Although it won't do much good now that my team is dead..." She looks down sadly and mumbles out some unintelligible words before starting to cry.

I just pat her head and give her comforting words. "Hey seeing as your also an Uzumaki how about you come and stay with me in konoha I have a nice big place and I'm sure you'll be welcomed here. All Uzumaki are welcome to live in konoha freely." she looks at me "But I'm from the grass village how can I move here?" she asked confused.

"Ah don't worry about that I can solve it. The hokage owes me some favors. I mean I've already moved in one of the seven swordsmen of the mist what's a fellow Uzumaki?" she looks shocked.

"Anyway it's quite dangerous here we should get going." I pick up the scroll off the ground storing it. I lift her up in a classic princess carry. She wraps her arms around my neck blushing the whole time as I start hopping off.

(A/N I'm starting the red head waifu collection now boys. yeet. also I plan on knocking out some basic world's before moving on to custom fan fic world's for better character development.)

"You shouldn't head in this direction there's a massive chakra signature over there." I had forgotten she was a sensor.

"Don't worry its just one of the sannin being a pedo no need to panic and have you even felt my chakra signature?" I unleashed my chakra I had been hiding and the girl practically starts to pant in ecstacy and let's out a cute moan. I quickly pull it back hiding it.

"So huge it's like being engulfed by the sun." She pants out.

I just chuckle. She quickly regains her faculties blushing as she hides her face in my shoulder embarrassed by what happened.

I wait for the fight to end. karin confirms that orochimaru is gone and I make my way over to see a collapsed Sakura and Sasuke. Who is now squirming in pain from a curse mark on his neck.

I check them for wounds. "I can heal those for you if you want." karin asks shyly pulling up her sleeves and revealing nasty bite marks.

"Rejected and your not allowed to use that anymore." I use advanced medical jutsu to heal her arms and the other twos wounds. She looks shocked. "If you want to help me in the future I'll teach you real medical jutsu no need to use your chakra like that it could lead to problems and it must hurt." She nodded meekly. I'm pretty sure her mother was killed doing the same thing for the grass.

I pat her head and summon more clones and start heading towards the tower still carrying her.

We are intercepted by the sound ninja in route. "Drop the Uchiha and you can keep your life." Said one of the males.

*Woosh* some sand from the ground flies into his face he starts coughing then screams before dropping to the ground and going still.

I had always wanted to try using shukakus sand. I basically just pushed it into his nose and mouth and shot it through his brain and organs.

"Wow those are some serious allergies. Why didn't you two help him?" I ask with an innocent smile at the two shaking teamates.

"Wait don't kill us please we were put up to this by lord orochimaru! He wanted us to test the Uchiha." the girl shouts.

The guy however tried to discretely attack me only to die in an even more gruesome way smashed to death by sand under him.

"Well looks like your the last one left. I'll think about what to do with you later." I slap a seal on her and store her in one of the cells in kamui under guard of some clones.

By this time Sasuke has woken up from his curse seal and started to laugh like a madman radiating odd power. I just knock him out and continue on my way.

I pass by shikamarus team stopping to chat and giving them one of the spare scroll I have. doing the same with hinatas team before heading off to the tower. but not before getting some jealous looks from hinata for carrying karin.

Finally arriving at the tower I unfold the scrolls and out pops iruka. "Wow you guys are fast almost the first ones here." the his looks turn serious seeing the passed out Sasuke and Sakura. "What happened?"

"We had a run in with orochimaru. I'm pretty sure he used a curse seal on Sasuke so might want to have him checked out." I pass the boy to him "Also I need a few words with the third. tell him I'm moving another Uzumaki to the village and to prepare paperwork." iruka looks at karin curiously as she grips my sleeve.

He body flickered away with Sasuke with a nod. I make my way inside dropping Sakura off at the medical bay for at checkup before heading to the cafeteria for some lunch with karin.

I few hours later we are summoned to the hokage office by an anbu.