
My military system

Hécate is a young and ablinos girl. She is in the famous Hanako Chiyo high school located in Tokyo. One day, she and all of her class are teleported into an other world. By being a great otako, she already sees herself in an adventure like she was always dream of. But nothing happens as she had dreamed. (This is my first Novel and English isn't my first language, so be gentle with me :) and the story will still free until the end. The image was generated by an AI )

Phoenix_VII · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 :

" …" Think

« … » Speak


____POV Hécate____


« So nik..nighJ…, sorry, I can't say your name. I am Chiyoko Fune, princess of the great country Nitis and I want you to return to my service. »

"Eh ? My…my enemy doesn't want to kill me...or torture me but just…..recruit me?"

Much of my terror was replaced with confusion after what Chiyoko told me.

When I was at her mercy, I thought I was going to die, or worse. But her next move surprised me.

First, she took her swords off me. Afterwards, when I tried to get up and I fell for lack of my legs, she caught me and helped me sit down.

And now, she offers me that I enter to her service.

I do not understand anything anymore. Less than three minutes ago, she wanted to kill me and there, she offers me to join her.

"I'm confuse"

Okay, let's dissect and analyse the situation.

To start, she is the princess of Nitis. So, her father is the king of Nitis. He is the person who believed that damn Ado Sato and who executed me at his request. But despite that, I don't blame her.

I blame his father, Ado Sato and my former classmates and not the other. I'm not going to destroy an entire country just for lack of some people.

Then she offers me to join her, but I have two big problems with that.

The first problem is that the last time I trusted someone was the biggest mistake of my life. I don't want to do the same thing again. I will never trust anyone again in my life. Especially when she's able to beat me so easily.

And the second problem is that she beat me very easily. So why does she want me to join her. Why a strong person wants a weak one to join them.

From my point of view, a person much weaker than yourself brings more problems than anything else. We must watch him so he doesn't die, he's useless because he can't help us against powerful opponents, ...

All that to say that there is something wrong behind all this.

"What does she want? What I have and not her. Power? No, she's stronger than me. An army? No, she's a princess. She can surely lead the army of her country. So what? I will try to dig after I finish my analysis of the situation. "

And to finish with my analysis, what bothers me the most is that she tried to kill me less than two minutes ago. I don't want to join someone who wanted to kill me less than a few minutes ago!

So, in conclusion, I don't want to join her, but do I have a choice?

If I were her, I wouldn't leave a choice. I will force her to join me by threatening her. And if she absolutely doesn't want to, I'll kill him because if she doesn't want to be with me, she's against me.

"So, what to do? The safest solution is to accept but I do not want to join it. She could betray me. She could find out who I am and kill me! OH NO. SHIT! THINK, THINK, THINK. I NEED MORE TIME "

« W…Why do you want me to join you?" I…I'm pretty weak compared to you » I asked worriedly.

« You underestimate yourself. I have witnessed the destructive power you have. You may be weak as a fighter, but you are very powerful as a... siege mage? Anyway, with you by my side, the demons won't stand a chance against us. » she replied happily.

"If she's honest then she just wants me to destroy the demons but that doesn't change a thing. If she knows who I am, I'll be a dead person. Let's try to negotiate! "

« Th…Thank you but I don't see how I could help you » I questioned

« You will destroy the bulk of the demon armies and since you know how to navigate in these dangerous waters, you will transport our troops to enemy lands » she replied

« B…Butl »

« You don't want to join me, do you? » Chyoko cut me

« Tha…That's not but… »

« Then why are you stalling for time? What is really the problem? »

"Damn, she saw clearly in my little game. What to do? Should I be honest or look for an excuse? "

« Anyway, you don't have much choice. You attacked the port of Porto. So, either you join me, or I kill you right here. What do you choose? Life or death? » She resumed


« O. OK…. I join you » I replied with fear and anger.

« Very well. Now you are going to take us to the capital of Nitis, Nearon »


____POV Princess/ Chyoko____


After ordering night…thing to take us to Porto port, it took minutes before she managed to get up.

As soon as she gets up, she heads for a ramp that goes up without saying a word. So as not to lose sight of her and so that she does not do something stupid, I follow her.

Once I got over the ramp, I was blinded by the lights that appeared and my ability to see in the dark.

Without delay, I deactivated the skill and I was able to review.

But what I saw disturbed me.

The room I was in was the weirdest I have ever seen in my life.

Lots of desks but they are not flat. On the desks, there are things that stand out like small buttons of all colors and some kinds of levers.

Anything here is beyond my understanding but not for Night.

She's pushing different buttons and pushing levers on different desks. Looks like a fish in water.

And shortly after she stopped and sat down at a desk, I felt the iron boat move.

« Does the Porto port lie to the EAST? » she asked

« Yes, that's it » I replied.

« We will be there in 4 hours »

« So fast? That's great! We can go find the king today! »

« I…I think we…we should wait until tomorrow. » She informed me hesitantly.

« What? But why? »I asked disappointed

« Because…Because…because it is dangerous to get too close to the coast when it is dark. The boat could hit shallows and it would sink it » she explained to me, stuttering.

« Okk…You are the captain of the ship so I will believe you….. »

"It's weird. Why did she just stutter suddenly? I have to keep an eye on her "


___Jump in time___



« Where am I?.... Ha yes, I'm in Night's boat »

To be more precise, I am in the dormitory of the ship.

After waiting 3 long hours in awkward silence, Night convinced me that continuing to sail in the dark would be dangerous. So she stopped the boat and asked me to follow her.

And that's where the boat really surprised me.

She took me to a room where I could wash myself. She showed me the mechanism and she left.

What really surprised me, apart from the fact that it was not a bath, was that the water was hot. After a few days without washing, it felt good.

As soon as I washed, Night came back to pick me up and she took me to a large dining room. There were several tables and benches.

After installing, Night takes me to eat then she left again.

I can understand that she leaves when I go to wash but when we eat, why did she leave? Does she not want me to see her eat or is she afraid that I will attack her while she is eating?

After I finished eating, she took me to a dorm. There were plenty of beds. We could easily accommodate 50 people. Which is weird since she's all alone on this ship.

What's even weirder is that she left again, leaving me to sleep alone.

I really believe that she is afraid that I will attack her. I will speak to her to resolve this problem. But for now, I will go to the dining room to eat breakfast.

After getting out of bed, which by the way is comfortable, I equip myself and I leave for my destination.

After a short walk, I am in front of the dining room door.

As I open the door, I can see food waiting for me.

I quickly realize that this food is for me and not for Night.

It's a shame she doesn't want to stay with me. In a way, I understand her. Our first meeting was not the best, but I tried to be nice afterwards. Ok, I forced her to join me, but I couldn't let this potential go to waste. I really need to talk to her to sort this out. And maybe we could even become friends. I'm sure we look alike. We have the same equipment and more!

But for now, let's not waste this food.

" Have a good meal ! »


___20 minutes later____


"I wonder what it's like food"

The food was the same as yesterday. It's not bad, but it's not very appetizing.

Well, since I'm done eating, it's time to go get Night and I have my little idea where she is.

While I was eating, I heard noises coming from where the sleeping creature was that I saw yesterday.

So, I get up from the bench and head over there.

As soon as I opened the door that leads to the creature I saw, I see the large door on the left open and the creature outside, motionless.

As I walked towards her, I see Night doing I don't know what with the creature.

« Hello Night! How is it going? » I asked

« Mmmmm, it's ok » she replied.

"She's not very talkative. "

« What are you doing ? » I asked curiously.

« I'm getting the helicopter ready, » she replied, more bored than anything else.

« What is a 'helicopter' »

« It's for flying. We're going to use it to find the king. »

« This thing…..flies? How? Doesn't even have a wing? »

« Too complicate to explain. It will be operational in 10 minutes. So, get ready »

« I'm already ready» I informed

« So be patient, » she replied.

"What to do while she prepares? Can I sharpen my swords or practice? Or I can talk to Night about her not wanting to stay with me.

« Tell me Night, I have a question. Why are you avoiding me? » I asked

« What are you talking about ? » she questioned

« You don't eat with me, and you don't sleep with me? Why? »

As soon as I said that I saw Night thrill and stop moving. It took a few seconds before she relaxed and speak.

« You can't expect someone to be nice to you when you nearly killed them and forced them to join you. » she said bored

« I thought you were a demon, and you were attacking me! If I had known and you hadn't attacked me, I would have been more diplomatic! » I defended

« So, you better be more diplomatic and let me work! » she said irritatingly

« Very well ! Good work then! » I shouted before turning around and leaving.

"I feel that working with her is going to be very painful! "


___Jump in time___

After calming down while walking around and Night came to pick me up so we could leave, I'm in the helicopter heading for the capital.

Speaking of helicopters, this thing is amazing. It can carry a lot of soldiers with their equipment. And for such a big thing, it goes pretty fast. The biggest problem is that it makes an impossible noise.

I hold my ears to mute the noise but to no avail. When I look at Night, it seems like the noise doesn't reach her.

But this problem will soon be over because we are landing near the forest, 20 minutes' walk from the castle.

At first, I wondered why we landed so far but after thinking, it's not so bad that we land. If the guards saw a big bird made of iron land in front of the castle, they wouldn't wonder and they would shoot.

Once landed, I inform Night that I will be back in 1 hour and I start walking towards the castle.

But before that, I use a skill on the helicopter. This skill brings out hands made of shadows under helicopter. I command the hands to grab the helicopter so it can't take off.

Hehehe, I'm not fooled. She could run away.

With that, I begin my walk.

___Jump in time___

As I said, it took me 20 minutes to reach the castle.

Once reached, I do not waste time and seek my father, the king.

On my way, I meet a servant. Asking the servant about the king, she informs me that he is in his office.

Now that I know where he is, I thank the servant and resume my journey.

After a short walk, I am in front of the doors of my father's office.

I take a deep breath of fresh air and open the door.

« Excuse my king but I have an announcement for you » I asked tilting my head down.

*No answer*

After waiting minutes in this position without hearing a sound, I raise my head to see why the king does not answer me.

My head raised, I see the king asleep on his desk.

"Again? He really has to manage himself"

I approach my father's office to wake him up and tell him my news.

« My king, please wake up. I have an announcement for you » I whispered while shaking my father a little.

*No answer*

"He must be really tired but my announcement can't wait"

So, to wake him up, I shake him harder and harder until he doesn't fall to the ground.

« DAD ! I am sorry ! I did not want… »

"Ho no…It's…It's not POSSIBLE!"

The king . No, my father, he is injured in the stomach and all his clothes are soaked with his blood.

« No…no..no..NO.. It's not possible. It's a nightmare . Yes that's it ! It's just a nightmare and I'm going to wake up any moment now" I said with tears in my eyes

« GUARDS! THE PRINCESS KILL THE KING! STOP her » shouted a voice I know only too well.

Looking towards the office entrance, I see Ado Sato, the hero, looking at me with a big smile.

Thanks to that smile, I quickly understood who my father's killer was.

« You...YOU...I'M GOING TO KILL YOU » I yelled pointing my finger at him.

But before I could pounce on him to take that smile off his face, a group of guards entered.

« You, I arrest you for the assassination of King Yamoto Fune! »shouted the head of the guard group.


I turn from the guards and run to the window that's just behind the desk and walk through it.

After falling a 7 meters (23 feet), I landed while rolling and running.

I run like I've never done before.

I run to the only place I can go ,to the helicopter.

I take alleys, places very little frequented, I avoid the guards and after an hour of escape, I finally arrive at my destination.

I remove the skill holding the helicopter to the ground and yell at Night to take off.

And as soon as I tell her, the iron bird begins to make its infernal noise.

Without wasting time, I open the door and get in.

Once inside, I order Night back to her boat and I head aft for some alone time.


___POV Hecate___


"What happened?"

We got back to the boat an hour ago, but Chiyoko is still sitting in the back of the helicopter.

She's been sitting there since she ordered me to get the helicopter off the ground.

At first, I thought she had a big fight with her dad but after 30 minutes of waiting for her to get out of the helicopter so I could put it away,I grew impatient and listened at the door.

As I listened, I heard "I'm sorry" or "Why?" with sniffles.

I quickly realized that this was not just a big fight but something much more serious. But since I didn't know what to do, I left.

But I've been looking for what to do for 30 minutes.

One side of me wants to go there and console her but the other wants to let her cry on her own.

I don't even know why I want to console her. She attacks me, she annoys me and she scares me but a part of me tells me to help her.

"Shit, damn conscience"

With this damn conscience, I head for the helicopter.

Once in front of the side door, I open it and go inside.

I can see Chiyoko in the back of the helicopter on the ground, crying softly.

With what little confidence I have, I walk over to her and sit down next to her.

As soon as I sat down, she stopped crying and shifted to the right, showing me her back.

"It's not easy but if you make it more difficult for me, it won't do it"

« You want to talk ? » I asked softly

*No answer*

« I'm not the best person but if you want an ear to talk or just a shoulder, I'm here » I said in a whisper.


After 1 minute of waiting without any answer, I resolve and start to get up but I feel pressure on my arm.

Looking up, I see that Chiyoko has grabbed my sleeve from my fight shirt.

So, I sit down next to her and this time, she shifts to the left, so that we are looking in the same direction.

« My father..*sniff*..was murdered and *sniff* everybody think that I killed him » she said with a lot of sadness in her voice.

« And…is that you? » I asked delicately.

« No *sniff* »

« You know who it is then? »

« I'm pretty much *sniff* sure it's Ado Sato, »she informed me ruefully.

« Ado Sato » I repeated with venom in my voice.

« You know him *sniff* »she asked.

« I know him too well. So, what are you going to do now? »

« I…I don't know…. »

« And why not avenge your father's death? »

« I would like to but….*sniff* how?. He is the hero and I….I am just a former princess » she says in despair

« You may be the former princess but you beat me so easily. Me, a siege mage capable of destroying entire cities » I say, puffing out my chest in ridiculous ways.

« hahaha…a siege mage is not made for melee attacks and I have no chance against the hero. »

« You have no chance on your own, but if we work together, we can get revenge »

« What are you offering me your help? But why ? »

« Don't you remember I joined you? »

« Yes but it was just for the demons. Here we are talking about attacking a hero, a person with an SS rank system. So why? » she said dazedly.

"Damn, do I tell her who I am or not? If I tell her, she will believe me and I will have an easier time getting my revenge, but if she believed her lies, then she will attack me and finish her father's job."

« Why do you want to help me. If you help me, you will be considered a bandit too. So why ? » she asked

"Fuck that shit"

With all the courage I could muster, I take off my helmet and take off my balaclava.

As soon as I did that, I saw that she was shocked

« You…you are Hécate, right? The person that my dad executed for doing horrible things according to Sato » she asked in shock.

« Yes it's me …. I survived and I am determined to take my revenge. And for your information, Sato lied about me. I never did anything he said. So, are you up for it? » I say holding out my hand to her.

« I knew it was all lies. It was way too big for a lie. I'm in » Chiyoko said taking my hand.


Quest completed

-Find an ally

Reward: 100,000 silvers


Hello there.

Sorry for the delay but to make me forgive, here is the biggest chapter that I made.

This chapter concludes volume 1 . I'm going to take a little time to really know what to do in volume 2.

If you have some idea for the story (character, weapon, systeme, ...) just say to me.

On that ,see you soon :)

Phoenix_VIIcreators' thoughts