
My military system

Author: Phoenix_VII
Fantasy Romance
Ongoing · 236.7K Views
  • 44 Chs
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What is My military system

Read ‘My military system’ Online for Free, written by the author Phoenix_VII, This book is a Fantasy Romance Novel, covering SYSTEM Fiction, WEAKTOSTRONG Light Novel, DARK Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Hécate is a young and ablinos girl.She is in the famous Hanako Chiyo high school located in Tokyo.One day, she and all o...


Hécate is a young and ablinos girl. She is in the famous Hanako Chiyo high school located in Tokyo. One day, she and all of her class are teleported into an other world. By being a great otako, she already sees herself in an adventure like she was always dream of. But nothing happens as she had dreamed. (This is my first Novel and English isn't my first language, so be gentle with me :) and the story will still free until the end. The image was generated by an AI )

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Just leaving this here to encourage you to keep writing


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