
My military system

Hécate is a young and ablinos girl. She is in the famous Hanako Chiyo high school located in Tokyo. One day, she and all of her class are teleported into an other world. By being a great otako, she already sees herself in an adventure like she was always dream of. But nothing happens as she had dreamed. (This is my first Novel and English isn't my first language, so be gentle with me :) and the story will still free until the end. The image was generated by an AI )

Phoenix_VII · ファンタジー
44 Chs

Chapter 1

« …. » speak

"..." Think

____POV Chiyoko____


« What is the plan? » I asked

« The plan? What plan? » she asked in confusion

« The plan for our revenge. Do you have one? »

« Kill Ado Sato with the biggest missiles I can find. »

« Wh…What are missiles? »

« It is a projectile that can be fired from a very long distance. And when it hits its target, everything explodes around the point of impact. Very effective » she informed me with a neutral tone.

« W... WAIT WAIT WAIT! » You cannot do that. I exclaimed

« Why not? This is the easiest and least risky method. » she explained

« If we follow your plan, hundreds of people will die. Our enemy is the hero, not the citizens »

« I will not target the citizens. I will aim for the castle where this coward is. If there are victims, it will be the guards or servants who work for our enemy. »

« Nope! I refuse to do that! Our enemy is Ado Sato the hero and no one else! »

« Very well. We forget the plan with the missiles. » she said rolling her eyes.

« So, do you have another plan? A plan that doesn't involve killing innocent people, »I asked emphasizing my last words.

« No, that was my only plan »

« Well…. We'll take care of the plan later. For now, we need to find a place to hide because I'm pretty sure Sato is looking for me. Or at least, the research information for the murder of my late father.... I think we should head south. We will fall... »

« Useless. I have a secret base in the West. Nobody will find us » she said, cutting me off before getting up, putting her hood back on and stepping out of the helicopter.


"She has a secret base? But how did she find the time to do it all? She has an iron boat, an iron bird, a helicopter and now, a secret base?!"

« Wa...Wait for me! » I shouted before rushing towards the exit to catch up with Hecate.


_____Time Jump____


« Dam…it. » I whispered flabbergasted at the sight in front of me.

After a few hours of navigation, Hécate informed me that we had arrived. But when I looked through the window, I saw we were in a cove with a big cliff.

At first, I thought the base Hecate was talking about was just this cove. That our real base is the ship.

But Hecate said « Wait, I'm opening the door » and the next moment I saw a gigantic door sliding down.

Behind this door is the iron bird that I have heard of.

« Dam…it. »

« Welcome to my base » Hecate says proudly.

« H-How? »

« How?? »

« How could you do that? Where did you find the time to do all this? And the materials? I've never seen a door that big in my life? Then how? » I asked frantically

« It's the system » she says, shrugging her shoulders as if it's normal

« N…No. No system allows you to do …...that! » I say pointing to everything around me with my hands.

« Apparently, I have a new type of system. » she replied


____POV Ado Sato____


« This king tried to put a stop to me, but he failed miserably. He really thought that calling off the wedding was going to ruin my plan. He just slowed me down. »

My plan is to rule this country. Basically, I wanted to marry the princess and become king.

But since he saw clearly in my game, he cancelled but it does not matter.

If plan A didn't work, then plan B will work.

My plan B is to make this country the first democratic country where the saviours will be the representatives.

And since all my comrades eat me out of my hand, I can lead this country in the right direction.

« Sato, why did you kill the king » asked a brown-haired boy with blue eyes.

This boy is Kabuto Hirano, a close friend.

« Because he had heard our conversation about how to fix the country » I replied softly so that only he could hear my answer.

« Yes, but there was no other method than to kill him? »

« If I hadn't done it, he would have done everything to get rid of me »

« And how? Need I remind you that you are the hero? The most powerful person in the kingdom? »

« With the Iron Bird »

« What? What is this? »

« If I heard correctly, it must be a bomber. He tried to attack the port of Porto » I explained calmly

« What?! How can a bomber be in this world? » he asked in surprise

« I don't know but I heard it when the princess argued with her father. If this thing is real, then the king would have looked for a way to find out who was flying this bomber and he would have tried to kill me »

« But, if this thing is trying to attack Porto, then he is our enemy. Could it be the demons?! »

« No, it's not, demons. It must be a person from our world. Why he attacked, I don't know but he didn't try anything else. For now, we are calm. I would look for a way to find and destroy this plane. Don't worry «

« Very…very well, I trust you »

« Good, now I have a mission for you. I want you to monitor the intelligence services. There's a small chance they'll help the runaway princess. »

« Very well, I'm going now » he said before disappearing in a smoke.

« Okay, let's start plan B »

Hello !

Sorry for the late update. I had COVID.


For the chapter, I prefer this one than the other despite being smaller. And you?


If you have some idea for the story (character, weapon, systeme, ...) just say to me.

On that ,see you soon :)

Phoenix_VIIcreators' thoughts