
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · 都市
253 Chs


I went home after the sparring match and saw there was a box of chocolates and a mountain of presents waiting for me, with a note.

The note was for the third time in my favourite colour; blue and I read it.

I felt sorry for the girl as she liked me but didn't think she was good enough for me.

Of course you are, it's just my heart belongs only to Ruby, but how do I tell you?

But my chances of telling her went to null as the presents stopped coming.

Rose has a posted pictures on Instagram of herself and her new boyfriend together. He was better than looking than Xander yet richer than him as well, his name was Camilo.

But their relationship didn't last long and she broke up with him for the same reason she broke up with the other two; loss of interest.

The presents had stopped coming and I wanted to know why so I inquired with Ruby and she investigated for me, I loved that girl.

Ruby eventually came up with something interesting, the blue letters weren't just suited to my favourite colour for no reason, they had a hidden message;

Meet me at the Brooklyn bridge at midnight on the next Tuesday.

So I went, I just wanted to end things with her and focus on Ruby, then I saw her. She was shady, in an oversized hood, a mask and black denims.

We met each other in the centre of the bridge then I said,"Hi."

"Hi Tommy, I see you got the message."

"I needed help."

She giggled and said,"Of course you did."

"I just wanted to tell you that we can't be together, my heart belongs to someone else..."

"Of course, I knew we couldn't be together all along, that's why I said it in my letters. I'm not good enough for you."

My heart sank when she said those words and I placed my hand on her slender shoulder and said,"Please don't say that, you are good enough for me and for any other guy you want, don't let any jerk convince you otherwise."

She looked into my eyes with her beautiful blue ones and then I removed my hand then saw that her hood had shifted and I saw her hair and gasped.

She looked and also saw it then looked back at me and slowly removed the mask and the hood and I said,"Ruby?"

"No Tommy, I'm Rose..."