
My little brother the C.E.O.

Tommy Hawkins was an average nerd whose life was totally turned upside down when a tragedy happened. Was it for better? Or for worse?

Felix_Kunjan · Urban
Not enough ratings
253 Chs


I took a step back as my jaw was on the floor...


I yelled,"What?! You like me?! Then how come you have been the pain in my and your sister's existence ever since we met you?! How come you've been so heartless all this time?! You burned my cats alive!! You're right, you don't deserve me, because you aren't even fit to be called human, you are worse than a pile of garbage!"

I let out all my anger against her at that moment, not fearing what she could do to me. She looked hurt, then spoke,"I know I've done terrible things and I'm sorry. I only took my anger at the world on you, I am willing to return everything that I have extorted and apologize to everyone I have offended just so you'd know I'm really sorry."

Just at that moment, something in me shifted. I took a deep breath and to be certain, I asked,"Why do you like me?"

Without hesitation, she said,"I've liked you ever since I met you, because you're caring and funny, you're devoted to my sister and would do anything you can to ensure those you love are happy. Those are all qualities I would want in a guy, but like I said, I can't have you, you're right, I'm worse than a pile of garbage, I'm also a witch, a wench and whatever name you have used to describe me, you can take your revenge on me, just know that I'm sorry. I tried to get over you, by dating different guys, even multiple guys at once, but it never worked, I'm just such an idiot and..."

I just lost control and kissed her on the lips.

She was caught by surprise and her eyes were widened, but then she closed them.

Mark—who was watching—was for the first time in a while, confused.

I pulled back and said,"I like you too."

I meant every word.

She smiled as tears streamed down her cheeks and said,"Thank you."

I gently held her cheeks and wiped her tears then said,"You're welcome."

We parted and I walked to Mark, then he asked,"If I heard correctly, she admitted that she was Rose."


"...and you kissed her."



I turned to him then said,"Rose is greatly misunderstood, she's a good person who has been changed by her past experiences just like Ruby, that's the reason I liked Ruby, she's a diamond in the rough."

"So you like her?"

I nodded.

"...and you're sure she isn't using you?"

"No, but I want to trust her."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and said,"Well I trust your judgement."

"Thank you."

We entered the car and drove home.

The next day, Ruby got onto her floor and saw me talking with Rose, she rolled her eyes...

The idiot has probably gotten us mixed up again.

She went to us and said,"Tommy, she's impersonating me again, I'm Ruby."

I said,"I know...Ruby, Rose is my new girlfriend..."


Ruby was horrified as I said that and yelled,"What?! Are you crazy?!"

I said,"Ruby calm down."

"After all she's done to me, to you, you're dating her?!"

"Yes because she's..."

"Unbelievable, I knew you were a pea brain, but I didn't know your brain was quark sized!"

She stormed off. I looked at Rose and she said,"Go after her, I'll be fine."

I smiled and kissed her cheek then left.

I followed Ruby to the elevator and she was pushing the close button several times, but I got in.

She groaned and I said,"Ruby, just hear me out."

She looked at me and said,"Are you nuts?! What is wrong with you?!"

I said,"I like her."

She yelled,"You shouldn't like her, you should be with me! I like you Tommy! It's hard to admit and I didn't want t accept it, but I like you!"

I looked at her then sighed and said,"I'm sorry Ruby but it's too late now...I'm with Rose."

She just walked out of the elevator and that's the last time I talked to her for the rest of the term.

It was a winter day and I was at school. I knew Rose had tried everything to talk to Ruby but she never listened, Rose had changed and I wanted Ruby to know.

I went into an elevator and saw Ruby, I could tell the difference between them now.

I knew Ruby was going to avoid me so when she was walking to her next class, I pulled her into the janitor's closet.

She looked furious as I locked the door.

I looked at her and she yelled,"What the heck are you doing?!"

I looked at her and said,"I'm not letting you out until you listen to me."

She folded her arms and said,"You have one minute."

I sighed and said,"Ruby, I know you don't like Rose but I do and you have to give her a chance."

Ruby said,"You do remember that she stranded you in the middle of the ocean, burned down your mansion, killed your pets and did a lot more right?"

"Yes, but I know she truly regrets it and I want to give her a chance, she's your sister, why don't you?"

"Because she has never been a sister to me! Why are you even interested in her anyway?!"


"Because what?!"

"Just because!"

"Tell me!"

"Because she is the one who saved my life!"

She looked at me and asked,"What?"

"She's the one who rescued me when Oleh kidnapped me."

She looked at me and asked again,"What?"

"She told me not to tell anyone but I had to tell you, she's not who you think she is."

"And how do I know she's not playing you?"

"You don't, it's a leap of faith."

She looked at me then sighed and said,"People like her never change but fine, I'll give her another chance."

I hugged her and yelled,"Thank you!"