
My Life in the Monsterverse (Dropped/Moved to New Book)

David Griffin is a man who just turned 22. He loves his family, but he is pressured by them all the time to do his best. He knows that they care for him, but when he tries to talk to them about how he feels about things, anything, he usually is told to just push through it, to man up, or something similar. He feels trapped because he wants to accomplish something that will make them proud, but whenever he tries to he ends up failing at it. Everyone around him says he's trying too hard, and is only hurting himself, but he just keeps pushing himself. He's also the oldest of siblings, so he has to be the example for them, so even when he's hurting he just puts on a smile and just pushes on. Well, problems start to happen with his mind, and he isn't able to cope with it and he starts breaking down, and he doesn't want his family to see him in that way, so he starts to drift away. Finally, one evening, he goes over to his family's home since his sister is bringing over a boyfriend. During the time there, the boyfriend starts joking around with the family, but for some reason, starts nitpicking at David about how even though his sister is younger than him, she has had more success than him. Well, this was the straw that broke the camels back. David blows up at his sisters boyfriend, and in the process ends up splitting them up. He feels bad already since he knows how much she loved him, and with everything swirling around his head at lightspeed of not being good enough, these next words from his family ends up driving a stake through his heart. "I'm embarrassed and tired of being related to you, I can't believe what you just did to me," his sister says, and the rest of his family is in agreement. Not being able to handle anymore, just gets up and leaves with tears not coming out because he's holding it in, and not being able to say anything with the feeling of shards of glass in his throat, drives off and tries to get home. On the way there, he finally can't hold it in anymore and starts crying on the way home. Unfortunately, with tears making it hard to see while driving, doesn't see that there was a car off to the side of him, the driver drunk. It's too late to swerve, and the drunk hits him head on in a T-bone. David died instantly, not able to process he died, and in hysterics from earlier that night, doesn't notice God sitting in front of him, with a sad look on His face. God walks over to him, hugs him and just lets David cry it out. After hours of crying, David finally is able to take in what is happening to him and looks around.

Forgotten_Saint · その他
23 Chs

The Falling Stars

When Kon woke up he noticed he was being hugged by Junko, and with that he had a smile on his face. Junko felt Kon stirring, and was happy but at the same time was upset, and Kon feeling the emotions was just concerned. He stopped his tail wagging when he noticed and looked at Junko for an answer. Junko looking back just kept quiet, and so Kon, with the best that he thought of decided that if she didn't want to talk, she'll talk on her own, and just decided to enjoy the hug.

Finally getting up out of the bed, they both got ready for the day, and as per usual, by the end Kon was having his tails being brushed and dried by Junko who was feeling better just doing something to get her mind off of what she learned from Iroh.

It was working.

But, anyway with them all ready, they decided to just go out and explore the world for a bit. Kon making a portal to the spot where he left off at last time, wanted to bring Junko with him. He switched back into his true body so that they could walk pretty quickly and at the same time, get an excellent view of the places they are going through. And just like that they continued on their way through the land all the way to China and then Japan.

"Ya know there's gonna be quite the interesting world in the future, so many things that you haven't seen yet, and I personally can't wait to show you everything!" Kon said with a smile on his face, tails wagging behind him and Junko just giggling to herself at the childish nature of Kon. Excited about the little things while making sure to make those little moments they both enjoy. Junko was just asking questions about the future of the world, and Kon was telling her all about the buildings, the cars, the planes, anything that could be talked about, Kon would explain with just pure joy on his face.

Well, they were getting to the shore of China when Kon stopped in front of the water. He then changed into his beast-kid form and was thinking of something. Junko curious, starts to walk closer and as she gets close, the waves came in and Kon being playful just splashed her with the water. Junko not expecting got hit, and with that she followed suit what Kon did and they just started to play in the water. It was starting to get nighttime when they finally stopped playing around. Making sand castles and just digging holes and seeing who could do one faster.

They laid down on the beach and since there was no light pollution, or pollution in general, the sky was clearer than Kon had ever seen before. He always loved just the simple things, and with Junko by his side he felt...whole for those moments. They sat there, talking about how the waves move, why things happen and to which surprised Junko, since she didn't know much coming from a magic based world.

Well, as they were watching the stars, they started to see a meteor shower, and Kon told her, "Quick! Make a wish! Whenever there's a shooting star you can make a wish and it's said to come true!" Kon was just having the time of his life, and Junko feeling the joy coming off him without even the connection just smiled a pure smile.

But for some reason, one of the stars kept getting bigger.

And bigger.

And bigger.

Kon realizing that it was coming and going to land near them, shouted to Junko, "Quick, hurry through here!" And made a portal behind them so that they could jump through. They both hop through it a second before the meteor struck the water.

"Well, that just happened." Kon said on a hill a little ways back, enough to be safe but still close enough to see well. Junko nodding to the comment. But something was different. The waves were still moving a ways out. They were both confused as to why it was doing this. Then they had their answer, and for Kon it scared him.

It was Ghidorah.

He had finally come. And in front of the two only people in the area too.

'Welp, this sucks. Hey Iroh, get us out of here.'

[I can't, someone isn't letting me pull you two back, you have to get out of there yourselves!]

Kon started to sweat a little, more worried about Junko than himself. He makes a portal and makes Junko go through it first. As he was about to jump through, he looked back and saw Ghidorah looking at him, and instead of the all gold color Kon was used to.

He had streaks of purple lines going across him.