
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · アニメ·コミックス
59 Chs

Weird Supermarket

(Rin): "I think it's safe to say that Sora is a yandere for Tsuno."

I muttered to myself as I downed a bottle of cold water from the fridge. Even though she's human, what I saw definitely wasn't like one. Is that because of the power called love?

Ugh, I nearly puked there. Yeah, that's creepy.

Yanderes' were already my least favourite trope and now I'm at the receiving end of Sora's anger. I know not all yanderes' are bad. I've seen some that only become crazy on behalf of the main character's uselessness, but that's the only good thing about the trope. I don't like that "Let's attack the next person that looks at my crush" type of character.

Although I like the loyal character they have, they're too much of a control freak in my opinion. To the point of not trusting their partner or they blatantly force him to act a certain way or live a certain lifestyle.

And that was an experience I don't want to get involved in again. It felt like I was about to get exorcised. Her speed was crazy too. It was easily able to rival the top Olympic athletes and I could tell that she was restraining herself a little. Which is a good thing cause any faster and everyone would question how two high schoolers were running faster than a bloody cheetah.

I'm gonna have to deal with her if I interact with Tsuno any further, huh. Well, it won't stop me from talking to her, but it might get annoying.

On the plus side, at least I got some things sorta answered now.

(Rin): "Akane and Tsuno might like me after all… Even though today was a really fuking crazy day."

I could feel my face get warm when I said those words. This time I'm not around others so I just let my face loosen up a little. There wasn't a need to keep the calm expression up. I got kissed by two girls. At the same time, place and twice. I think even the densest of people would understand that.

Actually no, I just remembered a few series where the main characters would kiss them on the lip and still misunderstood. Seriously, how are they that dense?

(Rin): "Well, assuming that they are serious."

I doubt it would be an extreme prank, considering Tsuno's personality, and how both of them reacted when I kissed them back too. If they did it as a joke then I probably wouldn't trust another person again.

But even then, did they really need to get on me? I had to calm my mind down to a Buddhist priest's level just to not get an erection.

(Rin): "But I guess the kids will get their wish soon. Even though Tsuno still hasn't joined our group yet, getting Sora to join us now will be rough unless an event happens. I can only wait to see what opportunities I can find."

I sighed to myself when I remembered Tsuno rejecting my invitation to join the Blue Cross. She said she'll only join when Sora joins us, which seems unlikely now after all the running we did. Though there might be an event or something that most heroines have that could help me out with this issue?

She didn't appear in canon after all. Just like the rest of the culture club, minus the cram school girls. They didn't appear in canon so initially, I thought they were normal people until Kasamugi did that induction to test if they can sense miasma or not.

I still don't know much about Kasamugi either. Just like Sora, but I know that they can't have a simple background. She was able to scare me a little after all. That physique is already unbelievable and I doubt the source of that power was because she followed an exercise routine a certain bald superhero did.

(Rin): "Speaking of kids. Kage, come here."

Remembering I had to go to Mephisto's office for something, I summoned Kage by my side. When I called out her name, my shadow extended before the child herself appeared out of it.

I'm still not used to it, but it looks awesome, in my opinion.

(Kage): "That was a good show, Otou-san. I give you my praise. When would the wedding take place-ow"

And when she appeared, she had an unusually cheery smile on her face as she said that. Goddamn, these kids… I flicked her forehead in response which made her rub on it and frown. How did she escalate that to marriage? How so fast?

(Rin): "Haah, you kids know how to stress me out. I didn't even do anything."

I sighed to myself as I ran my hand through my hair and messed around with it a little. I wonder why they were so aggressive and in public though? Akane usually isn't like that, and Tsuno's really reserved too. Hmm, Akane mentioned a date this weekend, so I guess she said Tsuno talked about the date yesterday?

(Kage): "Ehehe. Okaa-san and Natsuno Kaa-san had red faces that did not go away even just before I left. I found it very cute."

Kage laughed cutely, informing me of the girls. Eh, Tsuno graduated from Nee-chan to Kaa-san? Hmm, I feel like she'd join in on their fun and spoil these guys. She seems to like the children's company too. Guess I can use it to get closer to her a little.

(Rin): "By the way, did they hate it…?"

I asked with a red face while avoiding eye contact. I realise that it was a little aggressive and I wasn't in the right mindset so I wonder how they felt about it. Even if it's payback for what they did to me, I don't know if I felt like I crossed the line or something. God, my heart's pounding now.

(Kage): "You should ask them, Otou-san."

Kage said with an unusual smug expression. Where did she learn these expressions from? School? Maybe from one of her friends?

(Rin): "I know you weren't going to help me out. I don't know why I bothered."

I sighed again before getting ready to head out. Let's put that matter at the back of my head for now. I still have to deal with Mephisto's mission. I can already tell it's gonna be an annoying one.

(Kage): "We just love you that much. Thank you for your hard work for us."

Kage hugged my side as she said that. It's hard to get angry at her when she does this.

(Rin): "Yeah, I love you guys too. Let's get going, the annoying bastard's probably waiting for us."

(Kage): "Un!"

I said as I messed with her hair before I used my silver flames to open up a portal to Mephisto's office. Let's see what this guy wants us to do now.

(Mephisto): "Greetings again."

And as expected, Mephisto was in his office, pouring himself hot water into his instant cup of noodles. He really likes having instant noodles huh. Alright, let's make this quick.

(Rin): "Sup. What do you want from us?"

I said somewhat impatiently. I don't like being near the guy. Don't know what kind of plans he's secretly concocting after all.

(Kage): "Thank you for letting me go to school, Sir Pheles. I had a wonderful time at school thanks to your help."

Compared to me who doesn't want to be here, Kage's thankful for the old bastard as she gives him a little standing bow. She's too kind to people. Reminds me of an Ojou-sama character in a manga, in some ways.

Hmm, I wonder how effective her lie detection skills are on him?

(Mephisto): "My my, the young lady has some nice manners. Hopefully, her Otou-san can develop some for himself. Hahahaha."

While I was thinking about her miasma skills, Mephisto immediately started criticising me with an evil looking grin before laughing like a madman. Is that payback for my slander this morning? I just looked at him disappointingly, waiting for him to calm down. He really loves the sound of his own voice huh.

I learned that if I don't react to him he gets bored after a while and he finishes the job quicker. Otherwise, I would react but he'd enjoy it and drag it for hours on end.

(Kage): "Please don't talk badly of Otou-san."

But to my surprise, Kage stepped in to defend me as she replied with a cold voice as the temperature felt a little colder. She was staring daggers at him as if she wanted him dead. Nothing like the thankful expression she had earlier.

Calm down, Miasma's starting to leak out. I wonder if she picked that up from Sora? Kage… Please don't be a Yandere when you grow up.

(Rin): "There, there. I told you he'd be annoying."

I said that as I patted her head and held her hand until she calmed down. I think this is the first time I've seen her get angry. It made me a little happy, to be honest. It shows she respects me enough to stand up for me, but unfortunately, that guy now got a rise out of it.

Out of the three kids, she's usually the calmest. Looks like her reverse scales are her family being insulted. I think it's a good trait but should be limited a little.

(Mephisto): "Owe woe is me! I cannot believe you talked badly about me to your children, Rin! How could you!? Is our friendship meaningless to you?!"

And now Mephisto is whining at me like a child as he uses his napkin to wipe away his fake tears and makes a dramatic pose. Dude, you're too much of a drama queen. And can you really blame me for keeping my kids away from you? Even if we're technically half-siblings I would rather have you away from them with a 20-meter stick.

(Rin): "Friendship? Nah, we're business partners at best. I get something I want and you get something you want. Even if you're technically my higher up."

I don't really consider myself part of the order thanks to what I'm planning. It feels more like a spy infiltrating instead. Though I'd be a pretty trash one for still being a Page rank, the lowest rank there is in the order.

And thanks to that, I don't really consider Mephisto as a superior. Gotta love being rebellious.

(Mephisto): "Oh? You don't see me as a higher-up, do you?"

Mephisto said that as the air felt like it stopped for a second. The smile he had earlier changed in a way that felt off. My demon instincts were warning me again.

Let's see what he'll do. I took a step in front of Kage and responded nonchalantly.

(Rin): "Not really."

(Kage): "!!"

And immediately after saying those words Kage and I felt an extreme amount of miasma that was pouring down upon us. It felt like a giant hammer was smashing onto us with each slam more powerful than the other.

I couldn't move either as it felt like the space around me was frozen. Not only that but the air around me had a weird cold taste to it too. Making a noise was impossible too. Looks like he's paused the particles in the air. Is this what it feels like to be paused in time and space?

So this is a little bit of a demon king's powers, huh.

(Kage): 'Otou-san!'

As I was thinking about Mephisto's abilities, I heard Kage's voice who sounded worried which made me stop my thought process as I released my flames. They started out blue but turned to silver as I made them burn the space around me, effectively breaking me out of his miasma pressure.

Looks like he's testing me again.

(Rin): "Damn, you got a little temper huh."

I said that as I spread out more of my flames till his entire office was covered in silver flames. It's not like they can burn anything tangible, just the concept of time of a specific object I set my intentions to. This was just a countermeasure for if he wants to try something again.

Albeit I'm not too certain if it will have any effects on him. This skill is still

(Mephisto): "Hooh, an excellent display of resistance you have there. You seem to have grown to a remarkable extent through these past few days. Your mastery over your spatial flames has been refined to an exceptional degree."

Mephisto had a weird proud smile on his face when he said that which gave me a weird feeling. I wonder if he was hoping for me to retaliate? Or to see how far I've mastered my current flames?

Regardless, he seems happy about something and I'm not sure what to think about that.

(Rin): "Yup, I have. Couldn't have done it without that pocket dimension your familiar has access to."

Seriously, a time delay of 1:6 is one of the best things someone can get. It's helped me out with discovering new things. Like this ability, I've been working on it recently.

(Rin): "By the way..."

I released my flames as a mixture of them were revealed. They were blue, black, silver, green, white and purple. The flames intertwined each other without affecting each other's properties. The visual result is a myriad of beautiful colours that my children like to see.

(Rin): "Don't drag my daughter into this, shit bag."

I said that as I was a little pissed off that he dragged my daughter into it, though part of the blame is mine for provoking him. The purpose of these flames was to overload Mephisto with the amount of miasma they generate. It's a type of intimidation skill that I learned. It was good against Akane and Naneko too, but I have no clue how they are against a demon king.

Fun fact, my eyes colour changes to a mixture of all the flames when I use this skill. The only downside of it is I can't maintain it for too long.

(Mephisto): "Alright, alright, I apologise. I must admit you have been making extraordinary progress for a demon that recently awakened. Much applause."

Mephisto said that as he suddenly summoned a white flag and waved it around. Hmm, I wonder how far away am I in fighting him?

(Mephisto): "In fact, I got the perfect opportunity to test how far you've grown."

He said with a disgusting smile as I looked at him with a blank face.

(Rin): "So what is it?"

Seriously, get to the point already. It's been 10 minutes of nonsense so far.

(Mephisto): "Ah yes. But first a report on your school. If you would, Kage-chan."

He made another stupid smirk as he said that and made eye contact with Kage, who released miasma again. Calm down little one.

At least now she understands why I dislike the guy, but she needs to learn how to control that anger. At least to hide it from their enemies. Else talking to this bastard will get more annoying.

(Kage): "Yes, in the past week that we have spent in school we looked around the premises without finding anything related to demons or miasma. We already checked out the school's seven mysteries but they were just rumours the children came up with. The only thing that came up was the missing child from before, but the school covered it up by saying he went on a trip with his family. As for the receptionist, the school doesn't seem to recall her existence, as if her presence was erased."

Kage reported a surprisingly detailed amount. I guess I shouldn't underestimate her investigation abilities. Looks like she and the boys have been doing their job properly.

(Mephisto): "Fufu, of course, you wouldn't have found anything. I had some of our members search the site as soon as I got the report. Even we don't know what she was there for. Quite a mystery indeed."

Mephisto says while laughing as if someone said something funny. Dude… He's hiding something again. Was the purpose of them investigating the school just to test them out?

Yeah, sounds fishy.

(Mephisto): "Now then, we're about to run out of time. Could I ask the two of you to merge right now?"

Merge? So he already knows about it. Was he watching us during my date with Tsuno or something? Dammit, even if I'm outside the academy I have no privacy.

(Rin): "And why should we do that?"

Sounds like someones gonna be here soon. Probably for a joint mission or something. Dammit, that's annoying. What's he thinking of sending me out with someone else if I'm meant to hide my flames?

(Mephisto): "It's mainly for your sake and for you to not reveal your identity. You should know of the visual benefits of fusing."

So someones nearly here, huh. I wonder who my teammate would be? Hopefully not someone annoying. It would be funny being on a mission with my teacher or something, maybe even Yukio, without them knowing who I am.

Yeah no, I lied, it would be annoying as hell to hide my cover and to explain everything to them if I get caught.

(Rin): "Haaah, fine. Shall we Kage?"

(Kage): "Yes."

I resigned to my fate as I called out Kage's name, who nodded in response. We held each other's hands as Kage's body dissolved into dark particles before they were absorbed into my body. I felt a different type of Miasma flow through me as I experienced some physical changes. My navy blue hair that barely reaches my shoulders is now dyed jet-black. My pale skin has now become brown and now there's a tattoo on my face that covers the left side of my face and goes over my nose to just below my right eye.

The tattoo reminds me of the protagonist in Seikon No Qwaser which is why I'm really against fusing with Kage. Hopefully, nobody recognises it? That show was a mess. I can't remember what happened in it but it was a huge mess. I know the markings are random and all but why did it have to be this one!?

(Mephisto): "A magnificent transformation, if I do say so myself. It reminds me of- "

(Rin): "Don't finish that sentence."

I glared at the fucker who definitely knew where this tattoo was from and I'm not in the mood for his teasing.

(Mephisto): "Hmm? I was thinking it looked like Jellal in Fairy Tail."

Mephisto replied with a confused tone as he looked at me funny. Okay, now I know this guy is fucking with me. The tattoos look nothing alike! Thanks to fusing with Kage, I can tell when someone lies and this guy's triggering all the bells.

When we fuse, I can see dark shadows coming from someone's eyes when they lie. When we're unfused I can still tell when someones lying through intuition alone. I can see why Kage hates lies now. Must be scary seeing someone lie with this power always on.

At least now we know that her skills are effective over him. He might've already known of her skills and wanted to test her out though. It's annoying that he's the type to say the truth while omitting the important details. It basically nullifies her skills.

(Mephisto): "Now then, I think we have wasted enough time now."

Mephisto stops messing around before snapping his fingers as I feel my clothes change. I'm wearing an all-black exorcist outfit with a black robe and a black neck gaiter that covers my lower face. Great, I feel violated thanks to his dressing ability and now I look like a fucking edgelord.

(Kage): 'I think you look good Tou-san.'

(Rin): 'Thanks, I guess.'

I could only smile wryly from hearing my daughter say that. She's in her astral form right now, something that happens to the demon when they fuse using the demonic union skill. They can choose whether to keep that form or not, which helps for exploring but they still share the same senses as me.

It's interesting since this is what Vepar experiences apparently. The union only shares the senses and powers. It's nothing like a ghost possessing a human, for instance.

And FYI, she's still wearing clothes, your pervs.

(Rin): "So what's up with the clothes?"

I asked as I thought it looked a little different from the usual Exorcist uniform. Is there a need for this many clothes? A normal human would be sweating like crazy with these.

(Mephisto): "You'll find out soon enough~. Oh, they're finally here."

Mephisto said with a smile before the door got knocked on. But without waiting for an answer, they kicked the door open and walked in. Someone's impatient huh.

"Oi, what's the big deal?"

The person who entered is a female with long faded red hair with blonde ends that resemble flames, that's tied up in a ponytail, has pink eyes and full lips. She's wearing black denim shorts, a black leather exorcist jacket that's unbuttoned, revealing her large chest and stomach. She also has a red bikini top as opposed to a shirt underneath and has her signature tattoo seal that goes from her chest to her navel.

Why lips twitched under the gaiter from seeing her. Why's she here?

(Kage): 'Someone you recognise, Otou-san?'

(Rin): 'Yeah, we'll talk about it later.'

Good thing I listened to Mephisto huh, but now I feel a little annoyed that the guy didn't tell me about her joining us. Today's gonna be a rough day. Now I gotta hide my identity from her.

Should be simple enough.

(Mephisto): "Morning, Kirigakure-san, I have a little mission for you. Might as well make use of this time while you're snooping around the campus for Demons."

Shura Kirigakure. An exorcist in the Order and the person that helped the original Rin master his flames. She was also my father's disciple. Looks like she's already searching around Mephisto's turf for anything relating to Satan.

If I remember right, she got orders to investigate the link between Shiro Fujimoto and Mephisto. And If there's anything related to Satan then it's her job to eliminate them.

Basically, I should avoid her as Rin Okumura for a while. I wonder how I could get her to join my group? She's one of my favourite characters in the series after all and she's strong.

(Shura): "Fine, what's the mission? And who's the edgelord?"

Shura said with an annoyed tone before looking at me. I just glared at her and stayed silent. I wasn't in the mood to talk to her and the face tattoo isn't my fault, alright?

(Mephisto): "He is simply one of my subordinates. He will be assisting you on your investigation at a supermarket called 'Niko-Niko-Dou'. There was a disappearance of a teacher and a student, among other phenomena taking place there. Happy findings you two~☆."

And before either of us could ask any questions, Mephisto snapped his fingers again and we found ourselves in an alleyway near the store. That guy was quick to kick us out. What's his goal this time?

(Shura): "Damn that guy, always sending me out before I could finish my sentence."

Shura complained as she pouted out her lips before looking at me from head to two. I can't do the same to her thanks to her not wearing much at the front. I remember she had a playful nature so I should avoid being too close to her for the time being. Hopefully, she doesn't remember my facial features, else she might recognise me in Cram School when she's posing as 'Yamada'.

(Shura): "Well, late introductions but the names Shura Kirigakure. Nice to meet ya."

Shura said after she finished looking at me. Hmm, how should I introduce myself? Fuck, I'm bad with names.

(Rin): "Midnight. Nice to meet you."

I said briefly before walking towards the supermarket. Ugh, why was midnight the first thing that came to mind? Oh well, it'd do for now. It helps

(Shura): "Not much of a talker, huh."

Shura pouted before following me. It's not like I don't want to talk, but I don't know how to interact with her. Should I reveal my flames to her during the mission and get her to join my side, or just wait it out for canon and convince her after I help her out?

I'd like to wait, to be honest. I think it'd be more efficient to get her to join us revealing my flames like in canon.

(Kage): 'I think the name is good, Otou-san.'

(Rin): 'Thanks, Kage.'

At least I got one person to back me up on my naming skills. Even if it's bad. I thought that as we entered the premises and spoke to the manager.

(Shura): "Excuse me, ma'am. We're the Exorcists."

When we got there we quickly found the person by herself. Looks like the store's closed. It has a weird lonely atmosphere to it when there's no one here.. As for the lady herself...

(Shop Owner): "Ah finally. You've arrived."

She's a short and chubby woman with orange and yellow strands of hair that's styled as an afro. She's wearing her work uniform, which is a yellow apron with a blue shirt and skirt underneath and a pair of red glasses and some butterfly accessories. Eh? Isn't she that store owner in the anime? The one Rin worked for a little bit before getting fired after messing up on the first day.

Why are there so many people I didn't expect to see here today? Who's next? A demon king?

(Shura): "Could you tell us briefly of the situation?"

Shura asks while crossing her arms, which emphasised her chest a little. I could see the manager's eyes had a glint of jealousy before she spoke. I can sense something like envy from other people now thanks to absorbing Envy's flames. I haven't mastered them though. I need a test subject to bring out their full potential.

(Shop Owner): "I can, about a month ago weird things have been happening in my store. From the lights suddenly breaking to things that injured a customer of mine. Once a child got buried by a bunch of cans in the display section. Although she came out with only a few scratches, our store's reputation took a hit from that. Please help us."

The lady spoke as I recalled what kind of personality she had. Wasn't she a cheapskate? No wonder this place has bad reviews then.

I wonder if the child that got buried by the cans was the same child that was in the anime? I can't remember her name but I know she had brown hair and visited the monastery a day before my flames awakened. I wonder how she's doing?

(Shura): "Did anything unusual happen before these events took place?"

(Shop Owner): "Hmm, other than someone skipping a job interview with us, nothing out of the ordinary. Wait, could he be the reason for this?"

Eh? Oh shit, I forgot I was supposed to apply for this job before the whole flames and Astaroth thing happened. Well, not like I was gonna stay working here. I kept that quiet to myself as I waited for Shura to wrap things up.

(Shura): "It's alright ma'am, we'll find out soon. We're professionals and we'll take it on from here."

Shura says with a serious tone that you wouldn't imagine if you read the manga. I guess when dealing with normal humans she has her pride as an exorcist huh.

(Shura): "Please wait outside for now. It's safer that way.."

(Shop Owner): "Alright, thank you."

The Owner sighs in relief before she leaves. Looks like we can begin now.

(Shura): "Man, I just wanted to have dinner and have a few drinks. Could this day get any worse?"

Shura says with an exhale as she complains. Oh, looks like she was only serious just to get this over with huh. I didn't say anything as I just looked around briefly. I got a weird feeling about this place. Something just feels a little off about it.

(Shura): "We'll split up to cover more ground for now. Since Mephisto's sent you out on this mission, that means you should be strong on your own. If you get in danger, break this talisman to summon my familiar."

Shura says before giving me a talisman with pentagrams and seals on it. Splitting off already huh. That sounds like a flag.

(Shura): "Alright, good luck out there~. Maybe we could have a pint of beer once this is over. Though you may be a little young."

(Rin): "Thanks."

Shura says that with enthusiasm before displaying a serious face when investigating... The alcoholic section. Oh boy, I'm worried if she'd be drinking instead of working.

Without much I could do, I went through the fruit and vegetable section that's at the front while keeping our guard up. Something about this place is straining both mine and Kage's nerves.

(Rin): "Nothing here."

(Kage): 'I don't like this place.'

(Rin): "Me neither."

Kage's detection skills weren't triggering anything but it was more of an instinct warning us about this place. I don't like it.

(Kage): 'Why are the lights dimmer than usual?'

It was only after Kage's words did I realise they were slowly fading. I thought it was a faulty light bulb at first but that wasn't the case. I turned around to see the entrance and the path we took before, but now the path looks dragged out. I took a few steps back and it didn't change the scenery at all. Looks like we're in some kind of spatial manipulation region.

(Rin): "Seems like they've trapped us. I guess forward is the only way to go."

I walked forward as there wasn't much I could do in this situation. I could probably break this illusion, or whatever it is, with my flames but let's wait for the time being.

I knelt on one knee and made Kage dissolve my hand into my shadow before I used my flames to summon my katana in the shadow. It's a handy trick we worked on since I had a feeling a situation like this would happen. Plus it's convenient to have another storage holder in the group

After getting my preparations ready, I continued walking through the fruit and vegetable aisle. Nothing happened other than the lights getting progressively darker as time went on and a slightly nauseous feeling was starting to affect me. Is it an effect of seeing the end of the aisle but making no progress in reaching the end?

I walked for 33 minutes straight at a moderately fast pace until something finally changed.

(Rin): "Now that's just plain old eerie for my taste."

I said as I just stared at the path in front of me. It just cuts into the darkness. Like all light doesn't exist anymore. I took a few steps back to see if I can see the end of the aisle again but it doesn't look like it exists anymore. Strange.

I turned around and found that the area isn't distorted anymore but was replaced with walls of darkness like the one in front. Man this place sucks. Do I really have to go in it?

I put my katana through it to confirm if it was a wall or something in front of us but it went through without any resistance. Guess they want to get rid of my eyesight and then attack.

(Kage): 'Hmm? I can see fine though.'

Kage says that in my head which surprises me a little. I guess it makes sense since she can control shadows. This will work then.

(Rin): 'Would you mind lending me your eyes?'

(Kage): 'Sure!'

Kage replied with a cheerful tone as my tattoo brightens a little as my eyesight adjusts to the darkness. Immediately afterwards the wall of darkness looks like a dark walled tunnel. It doesn't look like it has an end to it either. Oh boy.

(Rin): 'I never knew you could see in complete darkness. Your eyes are better than mine.'

Even though I can see in the dark to an extent, it's nothing like what Kage can do. I looked behind me to confirm if it was just walled too, but they were tunnels with dead ends. Looks like they want us to go forward.

(Kage): 'I thought it was weird. I guess I am used to it since I came from the darkness. I found out how weird it was when I was playing Minecraft with my Onii-sans.'

Oh? My daughter found out her peculiarity from a game. Must've been a weird concept for her to process. She must've found light and darkness a weird concept then.

Wait, does that mean when she uses her shadow skill she sees it as translucent or something? That's a little intriguing.

(Rin): 'Came from darkness?'

But before I asked that, I repeated her words in confusion. I know I made Kage from making a contract with a bunch of Coal Tar's, but I don't recall them being part of the darkness.

(Kage): 'Yes, I do not know the specifics but I suddenly came to be in a dark place. I had knowledge before I existed for some reason which made me scared of my loneliness. After what felt like a really long time the first person I met was you, Otou-san.'

I didn't know. I knew she was different from my kids but I didn't think it would be due to her being isolated in a strange environment before I came along. Does that mean her species isn't a simple Coal Tar but some kind of variant that reacted to my blood?

That made me curious. What other abilities does my bloodline have? Vepar talked about affinities affecting the union skill too, but I didn't experience any of those problems. Looks like I got more things to explore in the future.

(Rin): 'You've had a rough time…'

But before that, I gave my daughter words of comfort. She's been lonely for a long time, probably much longer than I can imagine considering she's a demon and the effects of time are weird for us. If it wasn't for my ability to just know what time it is, I would've spent hours or days without eating and doing a single activity.

(Kage): 'It is fine, Otou-san. Although it was scary, I ended up seeing light and meeting my family. I guess you could say it was worth the time.'

Kage smiled brightly at me in her astral state as she skipped around. If it wasn't for her body being transparent I would've given her a head pat and hugged her.

(Rin): 'Glad to hear it. I'll make sure to make you something special to eat as a reward.'

I felt like treating her a little.

(Kage): 'Yay! Will Kuro-Oniisan and Midori-Oniisan join us?'

(Rin): 'Of course!'

Looks like she's happy. I wonder what snacks I should make this time? But first, let's ask more questions.

(Rin): "Any other abilities you have that I don't know yet?"

It's not like I've interrogated my kids about their powers before. They may have some passive skills that I just don't know off or non-combat skills. I just assumed Kage was only able to manipulate shadows and nothing else.

(Kage): 'Well, I can see what other Coal Tars are able to see and I can communicate with them. They simply follow my instructions though.'

Oh, is that how they investigated their school? Sounds really convenient. But the sight part is a little worrying.

(Rin): "Sounds good for reconnaissance, but be careful in case you see something not appropriate."

(Kage): 'Yes, I will.'

I'm worried if she sees something that would scare her or something inappropriate. She has a lot of abilities thanks to her element, but the downside of it is that her attacks aren't the strongest out of the kids. She's more of an all-rounder out of them.

We had more casual conversations while keeping our guard up. It feels like I've been here for hours but the clock in my head hasn't ticked one bit. This is some kind of separate space existing outside of our timeline. It wasn't much of an issue for us thanks to our dark vision but I'm worried for Shura a little now. I wonder how she's handling this situation?

(Rin): "And now there are black vein-like roots…"

Seriously, what is this place?

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Rin, the rainbow demon", "Meeting big booba lady", "Meeting anime only people, who else is next?")

Edited by Xenoblade

Discord is https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV

We don't bite, promise!

Finally something less slice of life and we get to see the big booba lady!

S_jaycreators' thoughts