
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

In the dark

(Rin): "It reeks."

I complained as I held my nose. Those veins-like roots on the floor smelt like a large amount of condensed blood. Even blocking my nose with my miasma isn't enough. I had to stabilise my breathing by taking deep breaths so I don't throw up.

Dammit, this is affecting me more than I'd thought. It's that bad...

(Kage): 'I am glad that you are there instead of me, Otou-san.'

Kage says to me as she also pinched her nose, even though it doesn't do much for her since we share the same senses. As long as I don't vomit, she wouldn't experience the pain either so I put more effort into not throwing up.

This is the bad thing about having a strong sense of smell. The average bad smell becomes a lethal weapon and I'm not used to the smell of blood yet even though I've fought Akane multiple times. Now that I think about it, her black blood doesn't smell. Weird, I guess that's another mystery of hers huh.

Heh, the vein's somehow reminded me of her. I guess I miss her a little.

(Kage): 'I do not believe Kaa-san was here.'

Kage had the same thought of me as I pictured the crazy little succubus and what she did to me earlier. Dammit, I won't be able to forget about it for a while. What can I do to get revenge on her?

(Rin): "Same, let's keep on following these roots."

I quickly put that matter to the back of my head as I looked at where the roots were going. They didn't look natural at all and were pulsating creepily, as if they were blood vessels of some kind. That's why it reminded me of her.

Could we be inside of a demon or something or are these roots a type of tube to power something? And how do they relate to the missing child and the teacher?

(Rin): "Let's try something first."

I said as I stabbed the roots with my normal katana as a large amount of a black substance squirted out and the stench increased tenfold.

(Kage): 'Otou-san! What are you doing!? It is smelly!"

Kage yelled at me as she covered her nose with both her hands as small droplets of tears started appearing. I felt a little bad for doing this but trust me, I'm not doing this because I like it.

(Rin): "Open up shadow."

(Kage): 'I will! I will! Quickly!'

Kage jumped around and tried grabbing my shirt when she said that but it just went through thanks to her astral form. I just smiled at that scene as I just put the weird root into her shadow before storing it with my flames.

I wanna study it a little after this is all done. Though, if this place is an illusion then that means it might disappear after we leave this place.

(Rin): "Now that that's done, let's leave the stinky place."

(Kage): "Yes, move on please, Otou-san."

With those words, we moved forward again. My gut kept telling me to be weary which was stressing me out more than usual since nothing was happening even after walking for a while. Strange, usually they help me out a ton. Maybe my senses are being disorientated from the smell?


It was only after walking for nearly an hour that something different finally happened, but it was far from welcoming.

(Rin): "Ugh, what even is this?"

I said as I looked at the white tiles below me covered in the black substance from before, but it was covering the entire flooring and was a few centimetres deep. It's slimy and difficult to walk in too. I used my scabbard to scoop a little of the substance before cautiously smelling it.

(Rin): "Yep, that's blood."

I said that with a sour face as I put my scabbard away from my face. Damn, that smell hit me like a punch.

(Kage): 'Otou-san… I hate you sometimes…'

I heard Kage's quiet voice as I turned to see her covering her nose with tears in her eyes again. Oh shit, I did that out of curiosity and forgot about our link for a second.

(Rin): "Haha, sorry Kage. I'll make sure to give you extra snacks next week."

I smiled wryly at my daughter who has to put up with me for this mission. I better treat her to her favourites after this is over.

(Kage): 'Otou-san better remember that.'

Kage said with a cute 'Hmph' as she crossed her arms and turned away from me. I turned back to the floor after seeing that as I began thinking of some theories. Some of them were related to Akane due to their similarities. It reminds me of her black blood in a way. Maybe it's something to do with her species of demon?

It could be linked to her parents too. But why would they be here and what's their purpose? This was just a simple investigation mission.

(Rin): "Kage, mind investigating it for me? I can't use my flames yet."

I asked Kage to use her shadow ability to investigate it for me, which resulted in her turning to me and giving me a little glare.

(Kage): 'Can I get bbq chicken as payment?'

Oh, I thought she wasn't gonna help at all. That's good.

(Rin): "Sure."

Looks like that solves what to make for her dinner. Maybe I should make other chicken meals for her too.

(Kage): 'Kage appraisal.'

Kage said her unique skill phrase as a bit of her shadow extends and picks up a few millilitres of the substance before surrounding it entirely. This is another skill that Kage and I have been working on. It's a technique to analyse something using our elements by studying the fluctuation of miasma.

Ordinary objects don't possess miasma but they can have traces of miasma if they come in contact with it. Sometimes a build-up of miasma in an object could make a cursed object, which like the name says, gives curses to people, or it becomes a suitable vessel for the demon to possess.

When we used the skill on Akane's blood we found out it was full of miasma. As for my children's blood, they had some traces of miasma but it only showed properly when they used their abilities.

(Kage): 'This substance… Might be the combination of many demons and animals… There are too many fluctuations of miasma.'

Kage said those words as she gave me a disgusted yet confused look. Hmm, we haven't experimented on animals or that many demons so we can't say for certain what it could be. I have an idea of what it could be, but I don't want to jinx myself by saying it out loud.

(RIn): "Good job. Let's continue forward."

(Kage): "Un!"

We carried on walking through the slimy black substance as they made walking a little difficult and bothered me. I'm glad these clothes aren't mine. Else Naneko, the person in charge of laundry, would've complained to me.

On another note, I wonder how Shura's handling this on her side? I wonder if she's in the same trap as me. She better not be drunk dead in the alcohol section by the time I'm out of this. I had random thoughts like these as I carried on walking in the dark.


After walking for another 45 minutes, I was starting to lose my calm in this place. The total time we've been here is 2 hours and 14 minutes. I feel like I'm going crazy.

"Caw! Caw!"

And to match my mental state, suddenly I'm hearing the screams of dying crows? What the hell is happening now? Regardless, I prepared myself in a battle stance as I readied for any possible attacks.

But nothing happened even after a minute. Great, so who's the one making the fucking bird noises? It's not mating season, is it?

(Kage): 'I do not sense any animals nearby and there would be no reason for them to be in a supermarket in the first place."

Kage spoke those words as I looked at her, who seemed stressed out by our situation too. There's only so much we can talk about after all.

(Rin): "Hmm, sounds like they're trying to affect us mentally."

(Kage): "I agree."

Once I calmed down a little, I thought to myself. Taking away our sight, obstructing our smell with blood to make us feel nauseated, interfering with our walking with the veins that you could easily buckle over if blind, along with the black substance that smells like blood and can easily slip over, and finally, we have loud noises to get rid of the last strand of sanity you'd have left as if it wasn't enough.

Whoever these guys are, they're proficient in torturing and breaking someone's sanity, huh. My nerves were strained from constantly looking around for if something was going to happen. I wonder what's gonna happen next? They're affecting 4 of the 5 senses, but I doubt they'd do something to obstruct taste. That would just be petty, wouldn't it?

(Kage): 'If Midori nii-san was here he would probably make a flag about now.'

Kage, please don't even joke about flags right now.


And after another 42 minutes of walking with my senses obstructed, along with my child and I going crazy, there was finally a change in the dark tunnels.

A fucking cross path!

(Rin): "I really wanna fucking kill the demon that made this trap."

Seriously, if it wasn't for the fact this place has a time delay on it, I would've broken out of it with my flames from how bored I feel. Hearing the same shit over and over is killing me, man.

And now it's a goddamn cross path. I can already see the troll having the wrong path be 10 miles long before it just has a dead end.

(Kage): 'Oooo, a maze! We played that in school today. It was fun finding others without using my abilities.'

Kage said with an excited tone as I felt a little better seeing her bright personality. She's forgotten we're in a demon's territory again, huh.

(Rin): 'Well, I'm glad you enjoy it. This means we're gonna be delayed though.'

Luckily the clock in my head hasn't ticked much. Although we've been here for close to three hours, It's only been 10 minutes in the real world. Well, let's put my hand to a wall and just head forward.

Let's decide on what path to take. The usual plan would be to put your hand on one side of the wall and follow that same path until you reach the exit or can't continue any further, but I feel like that would be the demon's plan.

"Who's there?"

Just as I was thinking carefully of which path to take, I felt a sword tip on my back as I heard a familiar albeit tired voice behind me. Hmm, looks like she's safe.

(RIn): "Relax, it's me, Midnight. I'm the person Mephisto sent with you for this job, remember?"

I said with my arms in the air just in case to show I'm unarmed. It doesn't look like she's in the mood for jokes right now. Can't she recognise me? Oh wait, it's still pitch black for her. But how can she tell where I am?

(Shura): "How can I be sure that you're him? You're not the talkative type, remember?"

Shura said that with a somewhat threatening tone as the sword tip was close to cutting my skin. She's on edge, huh. Makes sense considering the torture they've been dishing out to us.

(RIn): "I'm the edgelord, remember? You barged into Mephisto's office before getting sent here after he said his part. He didn't even give you a chance to discuss anything. You also complained that you wanted to have dinner and have some drinks. We split off and headed to different aisles and now we're here. So how's your day been?"

I said as much as I could remember in hopes she wouldn't start fighting. If we do, I have a feeling that it would be part of the plan of whoever made this place.

Plus it means I might have to reveal my flames if she's fighting seriously. I don't know much about her abilities even when I read the manga.

(Shura): "Ugh, that's so. How're ya holding up?"

Looks like I was able to reason with her as she lowered her sword. I sighed in relief before turning around and found her with bags under her eyes and her hair looking a little messy. Yikes, she looks like she's been doing 5 all-nighters in a row.

(Rin): "I'm fine, just a little nauseous and tired."

(Shura): "Lucky you, I'm at my wit's end. I want a nap, a shower, good food and beer to forget about this place."

Shura complained to me while pouting again. I think a little rest is a good idea. My nerves feel strained from all I've been through today.

(Rin): "Now that we regrouped, let's take a break. You look exhausted too."

I said that as I looked around a place for us to sit, but there's still that weird black substance. Though it's not that much from before.

Hmm, the corner looks good.

(Shura): "Hmm, you can see me?"

Shura squinted her eyes as she said that. Looks like even if she's tired, she's still sharp as a knife.

(Rin): "This darkness isn't enough to get rid of my sight. I am called midnight, after all."

I joked around a little, hoping to brighten up the mood in this dark world. I had Kage turn off her vision earlier to see what Shura saw and it was beyond nerve-wracking to be in that condition. I'm surprised Shura's still able to communicate even after going through all that.

(Shura): "Alright alright."

Shura replied with a tired tone as she scratched her eyes a little. Let's help her out a little. I took off my large jacket that went down to my thighs before putting it on the floor near the wall.

(Rin): "Here, take a seat."

I sat down and patted the area near me to show her where to sit. Luckily this area doesn't have a large amount of the slimy black substance, but there's still enough that you don't want to sit on.

(Shura): "Hmm? Oh, you put your jacket down there. Thanks."

Shura smiles at me before wordlessly sitting a little further away from me, obviously trying to put distance between us. Well, I can understand that. She's in a dark place with a stranger after all. Luckily I'm not that kind of scumbag, but actions are more powerful than words here.

(Rin): "No problem. I've been walking for hours and my legs need to rest."

I said as I leaned on the wall. Well, to be honest, I don't feel a thing after all that walking, but my mind is definitely taking a blow from this. I should be better after a nap though.

(Shura): "You're quite reliable huh."

(RIn): "Thanks."

Shura says before unsealing her demon sword back into the tattoo on her torso. Seriously, what is that tattoo and what's the theory behind it? I remember she can store other stuff too, like beer cans, of course. Looks like she can trust me a little for her to sheathe her sword now.

(Kage): 'Otou-san keeps staring at her chest. That's no good. You should take responsibility.'

While I was studying her seal and tried memorising it, my daughter made a dangerous comment which scared me a little. Kage...

(Rin): 'Oi, I was just looking at her tattoo.'

I tried justifying myself but Kage still didn't let up. It's for research purposes only, I swear!

(Kage): 'Okaa-sama warned me to be careful of someone staring at someone's chest.'

Kage made a disappointed face when she said that. One that Naneko usually makes whenever Akane and I mess around. Ugh, she's slowly copying her habits now.

(Rin): 'She makes a good point, but don't get my intentions twisted!'

Good job on her for teaching her that, but I wasn't staring at just her tits! Wait, that makes me sound like I was looking at other places. This is unfair.

(Kage): 'Then will you take responsibility?'

(Rin): 'I swear if it's what I think-'

(Kage): 'Yes, make her a Kaa-san.'

Kage made a cheeky smile when she said that as my cheeks twitched. I'm starting to get a little annoyed.

(Rin): 'You and your brothers need to get your head sorted out one day. She's wearing a swimsuit bikini top, of course, it would gather eyes! Are you telling every man in Tokyo to marry her or something then!?'

I lost my cool for a second thanks to her teasing, which I regretted when I heard her voice.

(Kage): 'I-I, sorry…'

She looked down when I said as I felt a little guilty. Strange, I've never shouted at the kids before like that. Could that be part of the effects of staying here for so long?.

(Rin): 'I'm sorry I shouted. Just keep this kaa-san mission you kids have reasonable alright. I'm already doing my best.'

I said that as I tried head patting her, but forgot that she doesn't have a body, so my hand went through her. Dammit, I forgot she's in her astral state.

(Kage): 'It's alright, Otou-san. I will try toning it down.'

Kage said that while looking down as she sat down in between me and Shura. I feel bad for shouting at her but I wasn't lying about the kids' behaviour. Like, it's ridiculous from an outsider's perspective.

I mean, Shura and I have a 10 year age gap. I doubt Shura would even be interested in me, who's still a bit immature. Plus, others would look at her as some kind of pervert if they found out.

(Shura): "Chu…"

Just when I was thinking of what to do about Kage, I heard a nearly inaudible snore coming from Shura.

(Rin): "Huh, she fell asleep."

I looked over and found her sleeping soundly. Looks like she's more exhausted than I thought, but isn't she too careless? She's defenceless with a stranger.

(Kage): 'Don't sneak any more looks, Otou-san."

(Rin): 'I know, I know.'

Kage warned me but this time I didn't lash out. It was reasonable after all, she isn't wearing much. Does she not get cold? Seeing her sleeping soundly like that, I took off my black shirt before placing it over her torso. I was left with my black vest that has a neck gaiter attached to it but I was fine.

I didn't worry about feeling cold since I'm used to it, and unlike me, she might get ill from being too exposed. It's a perk of being a demon. I can only get ill from a demon related illness.

(Kage): 'Good job, Otou-san.'

Kage congratulated me for not looking at Shura, which made me feel exhausted somehow.

(Rin): 'Whatever, I'm taking a nap too.'

I said before closing my eyes. Since time isn't moving much in this place, I don't have to worry about staying a day or two here, but the sooner the better for all our mental health.

(Kage): 'Me too, good night.'


When I woke up, everything was still covered in darkness. Looks like it wasn't a dream.

The darkness is kinda familiar in a way.

(Rin): "Still the same place huh."

I yawned as I rubbed my eyes only to see darkness. Looks like the skill was deactivated while we were sleeping. Luckily the union skill was still active, else it would've been a little awkward to find a way to fuse back without causing a little scene.

(Shura): "Mornin', you had a nice sleep?"

While I was thinking of the union skill, Shura greeted me in the morning. I activated the skill again and found her looking at me with a much better expression than before. That's good.

(Rin): "I feel better, just a little hungry."

Looks like I slept for a couple of hours. I guess I was more mentally tired than I thought.

(Shura): "Thought so. I only have water. Here."

Shura said before handing me a half-empty water bottle. Looks like this is all she has huh. This reminds me of the anime ova when she summoned beer from her tattoo.

She might have some on her but it looks like she's refraining from having it. Wasn't expecting that to be honest.

(Rin): "Thanks."

I took a sip of the bottle, not caring much about the indirect kiss, as I quenched my parched throat. It's lukewarm, but she was still kind enough to give me some of her rations. Let's pay her back a little.

(Rin): "Gimme a minute."

I said that as I put my hand into my shadow as I used my silver flames to make a connection to the fridge. I made some sandwiches this morning and now they're coming in handy.

(Rin): "Want some? I had a feeling this would've been a long mission."

I said as I handed one over to her. Mephisto suddenly appearing this morning made me have a bad feeling about it so I made them just in case. Looks like it was worth it.

(Shura): "Then I won't hold back. Thanks, kid."

Shura took the food with caution before taking a nibble of it, probably to test if it's safe to eat or not. Once she realised it was safe, her expression brightened up a little.

(Shura): "Tasty."

Yup, it's perfectly edible, not to mention delicious. She didn't even leave behind any crumbs from it. Looks like she was dealing with hunger for a while now.

(Shura): "Man, that was a good sandwich."

And finally, she gave me a compliment, which, as a chef, is like music to my ears. Ego boost received.

(Rin): "Thanks, I made it."

I said that before taking a bite of my own. I didn't put too much into it, it was a simple roast beef sandwich with tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, ketchup and cheese.

(Shura): "Seriously? Damn, you're good, kid."

Shura suddenly gave me a pat on the back when she said. I was biting my sandwich, which nearly made me choke from it. This brutish woman. Does she not know how to make a sandwich?

(Rin): "I've been meaning to ask, I thought you can't see in the dark so how can you see me?"

That hit just now was more than enough proof. I don't recall her having some kind of night vision power, but to be fair the series didn't really explain a lot of the characters powers in detail. All I know about Shura's abilities is that her sword has different forms and abilities as well as having a physique that's stronger than Olympic athletes thanks to her ninja heritage.

(Shura): "Hmm? Oh, I can see heat. Sorta like infrared vision but It's useless in this place since everything's cold, but it was enough to get me moving. I found you with that skill and here we are."

Oh? Did she have an ability like that in the original? To be fair, the manga didn't go that deep into any of the character's potential or powers. Even the paladin's or the demon king's abilities are a mystery to me.

Seems like I should be careful of other things she's hiding.

(Rin): "Sounds convenient."

I wonder if I could develop something like infrared vision? Whenever I use my flames my reaction speed and kinetic vision improve, so it might be possible somehow. It would be convenient against someone using invisibility at least.

(Rin): "I got a few more sandwiches, here."

I said before giving her another sandwich. Let's think about skills another day, right now we still need to escape here.

(Shura): "That part of your skill?"

Shura asks before receiving the sandwich and biting into it.

(Rin): "Yup, I assume it's similar to your sword or that water bottle."

I said as I smiled at her. I wonder how she'll feel if I give off the mysterious knowledgeable vibe. I remember her being the straightforward type so probably not that well.

(Shura): "You got good eyes. Looks like they're similar."

(RIn): "Thanks."

She squinted her eyes when she said that. Looks like I intrigued her. She probably thinks it's part of my heritage or something.

(Shura): "Hey, you a student at the academy?"

(Rin): "What makes you say that?"

That question came out of nowhere. Looks like she might investigate me after this is over, but I have nothing to worry about even if she finds out. If things work out right, she might join us sooner from doing that.

(Shura): "You don't look old enough to be 20. You look similar to a junior of mine too. He goes to the academy."

Junior? Is she talking about Yukio? Would make sense, she'd probably be surprised that I'm his brother.

If I remember right, she knows what I look like thanks to a deal my father made a while back. She might've already realised my identity, now that I think about it. Oh well, it's good as long as I don't show her my flames. She'd just think I'm a special thanks to a demon sword or something.

(Rin): "Is that so, what's your junior like?"

I tried to avoid her questioning me by inquiring about Yukio. I kind of want to know what he's like during work. He's the type to be hopelessly serious about everything he does.

(Shura): "Eh? That four eyes? He's stubborn and a cry baby."

(Rin): "Pfft, is that so."

Looks like she ain't afraid of bad-mouthing him in front of a stranger. Hmm, maybe I'm not just a stranger in her eyes anymore. If it wasn't for the constant darkness over us, I wouldn't mind having a picnic or something with her.

(Shura): "Yeah, he tends to keep things to himself and is uptight. If he keeps at it, his youth's gonna end in the blink of an eye and he'll be an old man before he knows it."

Shura complains about my brother as she looks up to the darkness, probably thinking about the words she just said. Youth ends in a blink of an eye huh

(Rin): "You seem to care about him."

I'd describe her and Yukio's relationship as friends or as a brother and sister relationship. They've known each other for years after all.

(Shura): "Only because he's the son of my teacher."

(Rin): "I see."

Shura says that with a little smile that lasts for a second before closing her eyes. Hmm, I think we've had more than enough time for a break.

(Rin): "Alright, let's get going, I'm starting to get sick of this place."

I suggested that before getting up. She's probably thinking about the words she said earlier, about how time flies before you realise it, and about the curse she has. She only has a few years left after all.

For context, in the manga, it's found out that she and her ancestors have a curse from a high-level Hydra where she'll die once she hits 30. She's already 26 so she only has a few more years left. That Hydra wants her to give birth to a child as soon as possible due to his sick NTR fetish. He apparently loved her as the first bearer of the curse for her appearance, as such each generation looks very similar to the first bearer so that she can remain young forever in his eyes.

I know she gets rid of it later in the manga, but I wanna see if there's another way of destroying it. Well, I'll try asking her once I convince her to join. Otherwise, I just have to kick that demon's ass until he gets rid of the curse willingly.

Looks like I'd get a good torture subject if I did that.

(Shura): "Mmm, I want to sit around a little longer."

Shura pouts like a child again as I just sigh. Seriously, I thought you wanted a drink, you alcoholic. My nose is starting to go numb from the smell here.

(Rin): "Come on, the quicker we get this over with the sooner we leave and the faster you get yourself a cup of beer. The smells are seriously annoying me."

(Shura): "Ooo, beer!"

Shura stood up when she heard my words. Eh, was she always like this? I haven't read the manga in a while so I don't remember her personality that well now. Sorta makes me wish I had the books available on me. That'd be a good cheat at least.

(Shura): "Alright, lead the way~"

After getting up and saying that, Shura suddenly grabbed onto my arm and pointed at the other tunnel neither of us came from. Oi, my arm's in between her tits now.

(Rin): "Do you really need to hold onto me?"

I asked while trying to sound calm. Why are these girls too touchy-touchy? She's barely wearing anything too!

I'm only wearing my vest as well, so I can feel the softness directly. I'm not complaining, just questioning the situation.

(Shura): "Come on, no one's here to see and it would be bad if we separate."

(Rin): "Whatever."

I said without looking at her, trying to ignore the feeling even though it feels comfortable. I guess I should just enjoy it until we escape. But just as I was about to walk forward, Shura decided to mess around again.

(Shura): "Damn, you're more muscular than I thought you are. Why're you hiding them? I bet all the girls would be over you if you show them off a bit."

Shura said that before touching my arm all over. She's starting to tickle me. Since when was she this type of character?

(Rin): "I just don't want to. I like wearing clothes, unlike someone I know."

I complained as I caught her arm that's about to touch my stomach. Jesus, this woman's too vicious. Does she have a muscle fetish or something?

(Shura): "Hey, I still wear clothes, ya hear? It's just that they're too tight and get in the way of fighting."

Shura complained in response as I just rolled my eyes.

(Rin): "It's better than having practically nothing."

I said as I flicked her forehead since she's being too persistent.

(Shura): "Muu, maybe you really are an old man."

Shura said that which bothered me a little. You're a decade over me, alright!?

(Rin): "I don't know, ms exhibitionist."

I replied without caring as I took a step to the other tunnel while using my free hand to touch the wall.

(Shura): "What? I'll let you know that I get hot easily."

Shura said that as her face got closer to mine but I didn't let that bother me.

(Rin): "Whatever you say, the cops will hear your statement at the station."

Though I have to ask, what is this situation? Why do these girls like to tease people so much?

(Shura): "Pfft, you're good at this. My little sister is the same."

Hold up, what? A sister?

(Rin): "Little sister?"

Since when did she get a sister and how? Her family's curse makes them die at 30 and I doubt that the NTR lizard would allow them to get pregnant twice.

(Shura): "We're not related by blood, but we get along well."

(Rin): "Is that so."

So she has an adopted sister. That's something I didn't expect. Now I wanna meet her. I wonder what her personality is like and how they met. It's not in canon at least so the chaotic side in me is interested.

(Shura): "By the way, do you think this would be a date?"

Shura asked that question while leaning over more, making my arm go deeper into her valley and her face was a lot closer. Why's she being so difficult to talk with? Like I said before, teasing should have its own limits.

(Rin): "You're too carefree."

I just looked at her like an idiot and focused on finding a way out. If I show her a flustered expression, she'll think of it as a win.

(Shura): "Hehe, I can tell you're just shy. You're blushing, aren't you? First time holding a girl?"

Dammit, infrared eyes. She can tell I'm a little embarrassed.

(Rin): "Not the first. Just not used to it."

I said that as I tried quickening my pace a little. I'm used to hugs but not direct skin contact. Especially with tits that are separated with just a thin piece of fabric. Hell, I'm getting some skin action here.

(Shura): "Su~~~re, mr popular."

She said with a teasing tone before poking my face.

(Rin): "In any case, how would you classify this as one?"

What kind of anime logic will you spout out to me?

(Shura): "Hmm? Wouldn't you call a young woman and man in a dark scary place a date?"

(Rin): "Yeah, you got some screws loose."

Seriously? If I didn't know her from the manga, I would've thought of her as a romantic idiot.

(Rin): "If anything, it would be a blind date."

Like come on, is that not obvious? What she was describing was a haunted house that couples go through. This is anything but that.

(Shura): "Pfft, true true. So what do you think? Think you could handle me?"

Handle her? I know she's flirty in the manga, but what is this?

(Kage): 'Chance Otou-san!'

And without a second later, Kage, who was quiet this entire time, took a chance to mess around with me.

(Rin): 'Kage, be quiet for a sec.'

(Kage): 'Hehe, alright.'

Exhausted. That word doesn't even describe how I feel properly. Anywho, let's see if I can bridge a gap here.

(Rin): "You are a beauty, but I'll think about it after we deal with that curse of yours."

I gave her a compliment before dropping the bomb on her. How will she react?

(Shura): "What did you say?"

Shura had her grip on my arm tighten as she asked me in a low tone. Looks like I hit her reverse scales huh.

(Rin): "Relax, I got no intentions to get involved any further. All I could tell is that you made a contract with a powerful demon or something. One that might kill after a certain amount of time passes, like say, once you hit your 30's?."

I said with a carefree tone and shrugged. It was kind of a provocation to see how she responds.

(Shura): "I don't know what you're talking about. It's true I made a contract with a demon, but I won't die. I got another 12 years left if what you say is true."

Shura, as I expected, responded with a carefree tone and tried shifting the topic. I remember she always hides her real age, as a way to deceive herself that she won't die in a couple of years. It's sad when you think about it. It's worse than those aunties who fake their age.

(Rin): "You can remain in denial or I could help you out. That's all I'm saying."

I suggested it without bothering with her lie. I can tell since there was a shadow in her eyes just like Mephisto.

(Shura): "Oh? And what makes you say that? And how could I trust you?"

Looks like she's interested in the bait. Time to reel it in slowly.

(Rin): "It doesn't hurt to try, does it? As for the method, well, I can't expose it for the time being. It requires trust between both parties after all."

I have a feeling my flames can burn curses, but I'd need to practise a little before then. I should try hunting down a demon that makes use of curses or something soon. Else doing it randomly might cause her some problems.

I could try fighting the demon that made the curse directly, but that would be a thankless task and we aren't close enough for me to risk it. Maybe in a few months from now.

(Shura): "Is that so…"

Shura looked down as she contemplated what to do. I'm sure she's been through a bunch of exorcists telling her about her condition being difficult to break, but it looks like she's still trying to fight it.

(Rin): "The choice is still yours after all. It's your life, not mine."

I leave those final words before staying silent. There was an awkward stillness between us as the only thing that could be heard was our footsteps. She's still grabbing onto me, but it seems less welcoming now.

(Shura): "Alright, so I just have to raise your friendship stat or something."

After thinking about it for at least 15 minutes, she finally made a decision. Well, good for her, but I won't be able to help her quickly.

(Rin): "Hmm, I guess that's a way. We'll see."

Now I have a relationship with an upper first class exorcist. Looks like I got something to gain during this mission.

(Kage): 'Hmm, Miss Exorcist has some really big boobies. So does Kaa-sama and kaa-san, though kaa-san is the smallest out of the three. Not sure about Natsuno kaa-san though, but I feel like she is a dark horse.'

And while I was thinking of what kind of benefits our group would have with Shura joining, Kage was thinking about tits. Oi, what has Akane taught you?

(Rin): 'Kage, that's bad manners. Don't talk about someone's breasts in front of them or behind their back alright.'

(Kage): 'Sorry Otou-san. I'll keep it to myself from now on.'

She has a little devilish side huh. I'm worried about Kage's future now. I should talk with Akane and Naneko about this so they don't promote it too much. She is technically an 8 year old.

After that talk with Shura, we spent the rest of the walk in silence. Occasionally asking random questions about each other, occasionally commenting on the sounds or smell of the area, while still being vigilant for any attacks. I wonder who's the demon that made this place. If I had them on my side and had them fortify my place, or at least a part of the pocket dimension, then I could feel more secure about my base. I guess I'll see what the demon is like before I make a deal with them. If they're a crazy sadist or something then I'll just end them.


And after another 2 hours of walking, we finally reached the end of the path as there was a strange door. weird.

(Rin): "There's a door."

(Shura): "I can tell."

Shura says with a yawn before walking towards it. Halfway through our walk, she fell asleep again. She reminds me of Naneko, but she's not careless like that. Well, not until she sleeps.

(Shura): "Be on your guard, I'll open the door."

Shura spoke with an unamused face before walking to the door. It was covered in vines and thorns, with no handle to open it either. Luckily Shura didn't care about that as she summoned her demon sword.

(Shura): "Slay the serpent."

And with a loud bang, the door was sliced in half with light pouring in. We've finally escaped. And what we found was…

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Little picnic in the dark", "Kage's got booba in the mind", "The girls like being touchy-touchy, huh")

Edited by the great Demon King of Degenerates, Xenoblade

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We don't bite, promise!

Imagine directing this scene in a live action. LIGHTS, CAMARA'S, ACTIO-. wait, how would lights work for a dark room scene?

Who knows? But leave a comment if you liked the chapter!

S_jaycreators' thoughts