
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · アニメ·コミックス
59 Chs

Double Trouble

(Naneko): "Oh come on! Why does it keep failing?"

Naneko complained as red dust got all over her tracksuit clothes. She just failed a demonic union with Kuro and is pouting why it isn't working even after spending 10 days in the pocket dimension.

(Kuro): "Sorry Kaa-san."

Kuro apologised as he had his head down in a depressed state. After Midori and Kuro were able to join, the two of them tried fusing again and experienced no cooldown effects, just temporary drainage of miasma when they're back to normal but they can still do it two or three more times before they get really tired.

(Naneko): "Don't blame yourself. I'm just getting a little impatient. I'll reflect on that."

(Kuro): "Thanks Kaa-san."

She head patted him while saying that. It's not normal for her to lose her cool, but I guess the continuous failure is starting to take a toll on her. One could commend her patience for lasting 10 consecutive days of failure.


Suddenly a miasma explosion came from behind us as another dust cloud took place. Looks like they've failed too.

(Akane): "Jeez, that explosion was bigger than last time."

And in place was Akane who was coughing like crazy. I patted her back to help her out before giving her a bottle of water.

It seems the girls have bad compatibility even though the kids are alright.

(Midori): "Sorry, I keep getting interference whenever I try making a miasma deal on your demon heart."

(Kuro): "I know right? I keep getting the same thing. It's weird."

The two of them complained about an interference again. Akane and Midori have been trying out the skill for the same amount of time as Naneko and Kuro, but even they're getting failures. It's strange. Why doesn't it work?

(Kage): "Maybe I should try with Okaa-sama?"

Kage suggested as she rested on my shoulder. She's a little tired from fusing with me, which actually worked for some reason. It was a weird experience, but I'm glad it worked. It made me think though. Why was I able to fuse with them even though I have a few inner demons or souls in me.

It had me dumbfounded for a while thinking of a reason. My theory so far is that between demons and a half-demon fusion is a lot harder to do. Probably interference with the inner demon or something along those lines. But unlike them, I was able to learn the technique after spending 3 days on it.

Which either means my inner demons are dormant to the point they don't affect me in the slightest, I'm receiving aid somewhere that lets the fusion happen or it's my bloodline with Satan that's causing it. He was able to resonate with other demons in the manga after all. Even his origins aren't properly explained. He wasn't the Satan that's known in the bible but a different being after all.

(Rin): "Maybe a switch up would be good but not for today. Surprisingly we were able to fuse even though you had the least experience. It might have something to do with their inner demons?"

I don't know what it's like having an inner demon trying to take over yourself but having it interfere with my path to get stronger would get me annoyed, to say the least.

(Naneko): "Most likely. They don't give us a break, do they."

Naneko says that before lying to her back in a snow angel position. She hasn't shown any signs of possession lately, so that's good.

(Midori): "Maybe after going through some life and death situations we'll be able to unlock it?"

(Kuro): "Oi, no making flags dude."

(Midori): "Why? They're fun to make."

(Kage): "Midori nii-san just wants to have a tough fight. Careful of your wishes though."

(Midori): "Oops, looks like I got caught, and yeah, I will."

Midori made a dangerous comment as the other kids reprimanded him for it. He… really loves the concepts of flags thanks to that one anime we watched. I should get him to control his words though.

(Naneko): "You kids have a wild imagination huh."

Naneko says with a half-wry smile as I give one my own. You've not heard even the tip of it.

(Akane): "Man, I suck at using pure miasma…"

Akane sat next to me as she said that. She was making a little pout which made me want to poke on her cheeks but I restrained myself.

(Rin): "How are you able to use your blood skills?"

Her blood manipulation should be a miasma skill. Miasma skill means the demon's abilities. Like my flames or Kage's shadows. They use miasma, our energy source, to activate.

So it's weird for someone with a strong miasma ability to be bad at using pure miasma.

(Akane): "I don't know. It was always out of instinct, to be honest."

Maybe it's an interference with her inner demon? Or maybe it could be her other half that's causing it. She only knows how to use her blood skill even though she's a succubus so that could be part of the reason why she can't fuse.

(Naneko): "I still find that hard to digest."

(Rin): "I can kinda understand."

At first, I was using my flames without being aware of the energy I was using after all. It took a while for me to realise that fact.

(Akane): "Maybe a nap will help me out."

Akane yawned and stretched her arms out before resting her head on my lap. Seriously?

(Rin): "Why my lap?"

I said as I just looked at her. She looks relaxed now.

(Akane): "Cause it's comfy and warm. I'll give you one another day too as repayment."

Akane turned around to face me as she said that. Her fringe wasn't covering her forehead anymore, which left it exposed. It looks cute.

(Rin): "Hmm, sounds like a good bargain."

I didn't have anything against having my lap used but I like the equivalent exchange principle. Now I got myself the famous lap pillow ticket. I thought that as I played with Akane's hair as she turned around again for a better napping posture.

(Kuro): "I'll join you too."

And Kuro joined along as he used my other leg's thigh as a pillow. I've become a human pillow now huh. I didn't mind though as I played with his hair too.

(Midori): "Nii-san really likes napping."

(Kage): "I mean, he does the same during our class lesson."

My kids laughed at Kuro's laziness. Unlike the rest of us though, Naneko suddenly got up as her aura became like a mum's

(Naneko): "That's no good, Kuro. You should stay awake."

Naneko got up and approached us with a somewhat stern look.

(Kuro): "Sorry, I can't help it."

Kuro said meekly with a smile. He obviously isn't reflecting on it.

(Rin): "Just be careful you don't get caught."

I don't think much about it since I used to do the same. Plus he's a cat boy, they need their sleep else they'd get cranky.

(Naneko): "Oi, you're being a bad father. At least reprimand him for it."

Naneko glares at me as she puts her arms together, which emphasises her chest again. She's really becoming a mother, huh?

(Rin): "Says the kaa-sama that's the 'Sleeping beauty of learning'. He got it from his mother after all. One of her many charms."

I said that with a wink which made her go red a little.

(Naneko): "Don't just say things without thinking!"

She said before lightly hitting me in the arm.

(Rin): "Who said I didn't think of it? The Kaa-sama in front of me is caring and charming."

This time I said with a normal smile as Naneko's face got redder. What I said is true though.

(Kage): "Otou-san and Okaa-sama are being lovey-dovey again."

(Midori): "Let's give them some space."

(Kuro): "I wanna nap more, but I agree. Let's go."

The kids saw me messing around with Naneko as acting lovey-dovey and decided to give us some space. Kuro's even given up his naps for it too. Never would've thought I'd see him give something a priority when he's napping.

(Akane): "Looks like they've run off again. Now we got a new occupant for Rin's lap pillow services."

Akane says that as she taps my other leg in an attempt to convince her. She's making a dangerous move doing that while laying her head on my other leg.

(Rin): "I charge a lap pillow in return though."

I say that in hopes to distract myself from this feeling. Also cause I know she wouldn't do it if I said this. I'm starting to feel something down there from all this stimulation and I don't want it to get worse.

(Naneko): "You guys are too carefree."

Naneko says that with a sigh. We are carefree, it's no fun being serious all the time.

(Akane): "Come on, you already had a lap pillow from him before. Looks, it's just waiting for you to lay on it."

Akane said that putting her chin on my thigh, turning her body before kicking her legs in the air playfully. I can nearly see her panties but I don't continue looking.

(Naneko): "Rin looks a little uncomfortable. Maybe another day."

Naneko seems to have understood my distress as she went off to get the kids at the parkour area again.

(Akane): "Mhm, she's a tough cookie to crack. You should put more effort into cracking it."

Akane saw Naneko's leaving back as she turned to me and said that. Her face is way too close to my crotch, it's not even funny.

(RIn): "There's no reason to force someone. Not everyone's a masochist like you after all."

I say that before flicking her forehead.

(Akane): "Keep at it like that and there won't be any momma's for the kids."

She said that before resting the back of her head on my leg again. She really likes moving around for someone who wanted to nap on my leg

(Rin): "Are you serious about that? Isn't it ridiculous?"

I asked genuinely as I thought she was just joking around with the whole kaa-san thing the kids have.

(Akane): "Of course I'm serious, I like you and my children after all. We're like a family."

Akane says that before getting up and hugging me. It happened so suddenly that I didn't know what to say other than make a dumb response.

(Rin): "Huh?!"

Usually, my instincts let me avoid getting hit, but not getting hit on it seems. Also, did I just get confessed to?!

(Akane): "We should get going. It should be past dinner time in the real world."

Before I could say anything though, Akane got up as her face was dyed a little red. She's embarrassed too?

(Rin): "Uh, yeah, it's past eight right now."

Maybe… She does have feelings for me? I don't know how to respond to them though. She immediately went to the kids and Naneko who weren't aware of what happened but I could tell from how Naneko was looking at me she realised how conflicted I was.

(Rin): "Time to get back to the dorm. It's about time for dinner anyway."

(Midori): "Finally, I'm starving."

(Kuro): "I'm in the mood for Miso-zuke salmon."

(Kage): "You're always in the mood for fish. I want some chicken katsu curry."

(Midori): "I want Omurice with a ton of cheese!"

(Rin): "I'll make everyone their favourites for working hard, sounds good?"

(Kuro/Kage/Midori): "Sounds good!"

And with our dinner plans made, I opened up the portal to the girl's room before we walked to the kitchen. Why did I open the portal to the girls' room? It's because-

(Yukio): "First you, now everyone else is late. Did I miss something or is everyone avoiding me nowadays."

-It helps when these kinds of encounters happen. Looks like he's finishing work earlier than usual nowadays.

(Rin): "Hmm, what makes you say that? We just went out to the playground."

I said with a wry smile as I started feeling bad again. Didn't think he'd be back so early.

We should all hang out for a picnic or something. As a way to reconnect as well as to get him used to my kids.

(Midori): "Yeah, yeah, we had fun climbing and running around."

(Kage): "I enjoyed running around."

(Kuro): "I'm the tagging specialist. Even kaa-san was no match."

And to back up my lie, the kids helped out by giving sorta half lies. Even Kage's doing it when she despises lying but it's not a lie, I guess. She's enjoying parkour a little too much.

(Yukio): "I see, well let's get some dinner."

(Rin): "No problem. I'll cook us some grub in a bit."

I said with a smile before heading into the dorm. Nothing much happened afterwards other than the usual. We spent the evening playing on the consoles and watched some anime before heading to bed.


(Rin): "Ugh, why do I have a headache?"

I said to myself as I made my way downstairs for my usual training with Sora. She's been messaging me saying we'd be playing some squash. I can already tell today's gonna be a competitive morning...

(Mephisto): "Good Morning. Rin-kun! Today I have a-guh!"

And when I was thinking the day was gonna get better, fate said otherwise. So I did what every sane demon does when fate fucks them over like this.

(Rin): "Satan's Drop Kick."

I dropped kicked him all the way from the top staircase like a bullet. Something about seeing him here just dropped my mood instantly, you know?

Also, I wasn't expecting the attack to connect, to be honest.

(Mephisto): "H-how could you! You put dust all over my Mephy Pink suit!"

Mephisto complained as he pointed at me before getting up and dusting off his clothes. Seriously dude, try wearing something that doesn't stand out so much. And don't be so annoying in the morning!

(Rin): "Shut up and leave already. I'm not in the mood right now."

I wasn't in a good mood to talk much with him so I wanted him to get out. He probably has a reason why he's here but now's not a good time for my head.

(Mephisto): "Fine, but I need you to come to my office this afternoon. Oh, and bring your daughter. She should be useful with what I require."

Mephisto said before making a weird smile. It was enough to wake me up from drowsiness and look at him questioningly.

(Rin): "You better not be thinking of anything disgusting, you creepy old uncle."

Was I the only one that thought what he said was a little sus? I won't let him be with Kage without someone accompanying her just in case. I can't really trust him.

(Mephisto): "How rude! I'm only a few millennia old."

(Rin): "Uh-huh, sounds like bullshit."

Hmm, what's considered old for a demon? Or is he one of the oldest and is just saying that just to seem young? Whatever it is, he's probably in the 5th digits.

(Mephisto): "Ah, how could you swear in front of your headmaster! What if your impressionable children hear you and pick up on it?!"

Seeing as I didn't go along with his joke, he switched up and somehow brought my kids into this. Well, it's not like they haven't sworn before… I've warned them about swearing in school too so hopefully everything's alright. It would be an awkward conversation if their teachers catch them swearing or something after all.

(Rin): "If they do then they do. I have no problems with them swearing as long as they know the right time and place for it."

I have faith in them. They'd learn to swear eventually, especially in this day and age where online videos have kids swearing in them. They'd most likely only swear when they're angry, but I think swearing would be the least of my problems at that point.

(Mephisto): "Ah, what an irresponsible parent this one is. A parent's job is to guide their children."

Okay, that last phrase triggered me.

(Rin): "Oh? A parent's worth isn't in that one aspect. Just cause I ignore one bad thing doesn't mean I'll ignore everything else. At least I provide them with food and an allowance that they're able to use appropriately. By the way, take your damn money for that stupid bet."

I can't really say my parenting style is the best, I'm just winging it after all. It helps that the kids are obedient but they have their moments where it's difficult to reason with them. Like the harem talk...

Oh yeah, a reminder about the money I just gave. I borrowed 30,000 yen from Mephisto when I first came to the Academy and betted if I could triple that money within a month and I'd give him back his initial deposit. Luckily I was able to make more than 5 times that amount in the short span of 3 weeks.

It was a desperate bet, but I'm glad I managed to make it work. Right now money isn't a problem thanks to my lunch business. I didn't really wanna rely on just Mephisto's allowance after all. From the anime, he'd only give out 2000 yen a month which wouldn't even last us a week.

I didn't even have the kids or the girls to worry about at the time too, so if I didn't make the bet for the initial funds I'd have no clue how to make easy money. It's also what made it easier to pay off Tsuno's dinner tab. Now I just have to worry about Yoshikuni's tab for my katana. Though I have an idea we can do as business partners.

(Mephisto): "Seems like you won your bet, you've made a hefty amount selling your cooking at my school after all. Especially with the Okumura special. You even used Yukio as an advertisement to attract the female student body. Quite the shrewd business mind you have there."

Mephisto says that as he licks his thumb before counting the money. He looks like a professional accountant when he does it, but now those poor 1000 yen notes have become tainted.

As for Yukio, it wasn't intentional that I'd get more sales if I got him to give it a good review. Thanks to that our profits doubled nearly instantly but it did cause a few problems here and there for Yukio and Amethyst to talk with each other. How is Yukio so popular?

I wonder if I wore glasses and fixed up my hair a little I'd get a sprinkle of that popularity. Maybe I should try it out.

(Rin): "Yep, and I had help from the Culture Club too."

If not for them I would've been understaffed. It wasn't an issue for the first week but later we started getting more customers thanks to some people spreading it around their friend groups and on their social media pages, which made me busy as hell. It got to the point I couldn't eat my lunch at all, so Yanno, Naneko and Kasamugi all pitched in to help out. Those guys were the only ones to know how to cook anyway and knew how to speak to people.

Of course, they can't cook as good as me but it was good enough. They even took food as payment even though I told them I'd pay them a share. I guess I should invite them to another dinner or something. Maybe barbeque?

(Mephisto): "Well, that's magnificent. I wish you well with your business and studies. Au Revoir."

And with a snap, Mephisto disappears. Seriously, French? Are you gonna speak Russian next?

I can't wait to get my own house and fortify it against that creepo. It doesn't give me any peace of mind that wherever I go I have to worry about him eavesdropping or watching me.

I should try finding someone to help me with that. I think that as I walk outside of the dorm to train with Sora


After a satisfying workout with Sora, where it ended as a draw, and my class lessons were over, I waited at the front of the school for the kids to arrive before going to the Culture Club where we talked about their day. Mine was the same old normal days of learning random crap and cooking but they seem to have some drama going on at theirs'.

(Midori): "Why do kids like picking on her though? She doesn't talk much yet people call her 'The Grim Reaper' because of her hairstyle. It looks like Neko kaa-san's hairstyle but just neater. I think it looks good."

(Kage): "I'm not sure why either. Until we arrived everyone picked on her. I think her hairstyle is cute."

When we sat down on one of the sofa's they started talking about how one of their classmates was being bullied. For something so childish too, but looks like the kids are dealing with it. That's good.

By the way, Kage's sitting to the right of me, Midori's on my left leg and Kuros sitting on the back cushion of the sofa directly behind me.

(Kuro): "At one point Midori couldn't stand it and went head on with the kids that were trying to pick on her."

(Kage): "One of them wet themselves from him releasing pressure."

(Kuro): "It was funny seeing their tough-guy attitude crumble so quickly. They even tried impressing Kage but they made a fool of themselves."

The two of them say with a casual tone as the perpetrator who caused it had a shy smile and scratched his head. These kids are too carefree.

(Rin): "Jesus, try toning it down with the pressure but good job with helping her out. Try being friends with her too."

I say that as I messed with the kid's hair. It's rare to see Midori get angry, I wonder what those kids in their class did for that to happen? Well, I'm glad he did it for someone else.

I wonder if there would be a ship formed between those two? Let's not jinx it but it would be interesting. I'll make sure to get revenge on him if the ship does form. A little playful revenge that is.

(Midori): "Hehe, we already are. I think the nickname is cool, I just didn't like how they treated her. I want to play games with her tomorrow."

(Rin): "Nice one."

Midori said with his usual cheery smile which made me want to mess up his hair even more. This is how I usually am with my kids, which they both love and hate.

(Midori): "Haha, stop that."

Midori says with a grin as he jumps off my lap to escape. Hmm, I sorta want to chase after him but let's not be too annoying. Or should I?

(Kasamugi): "Sup guys. Seems like you're getting used to your schools."

Just when I was debating whether to play with Midori or not, Kasamugi-senpai opened the door and saw us hanging out. He went out earlier to buy a new volume of one of his favourite light novels so that's why there aren't many people in the clubroom yet.

(Midori): "The lessons are kinda boring but the people are fun!"

Midori says as he turns on the ps4 before jumping forward to do a handstand. I'm not surprised. He reads my textbooks often and asks me a ton of questions about the topic. He should be able to get average marks in a high school course, much less an elementary school course.

(Kage): "Easy for you to say. I kept on getting an eerie feeling about the boys and some of the girls too. A lot of them lie..."

(Kuro): "Well out of the three of us, you're the most popular. They're probably jealous of you or want to impress you. Kids are like that."

Kage complained to Midori with a sigh as Kuro tried to make her feel better by giving her a head pat, which worked. Huuu, so there are kids interested in my daughter, huh… How should I deal with them?

(Naneko): "Jeez. Nice one, Kage!"

(Akane): "Glad to see the three of you are doing well with school."

(Natsuno): "Good job."

Just as I was thinking of what to do with the children that were aiming for my Kage; Akane, Naneko and Tsuno arrived at the clubroom before congratulating her for being popular. That's odd, Sora's usually stuck to Tsuno as if she's hugging her for dear life. The only time she isn't is when she worlds out. I wonder if she's busy with her Exorcist work?

(Akane/Natsuno): "Mnn, mnn."

Just when I was thinking of what was keeping Sora busy, Akane and Tsuno made eye contact with each other and nodded before sitting next to me.

(Rin): "Eh?"

I make a confused noise as Akane sits next to me while snuggling herself onto my arm and Tsuno… She sat on my lap.

Alright, what the hell?

(Rin): "Did you two miss me that much?"

I tried saying that casually to the two girls that were being strangely close to me. Don't… Think about it… Her weight was on my crotch area. She's small and soft. Akane has my left arm between her chest too, which is bigger than it looks. I can smell their shampoo too. They smell good.

Jesus this is stimulating. How's this happen to me twice in the last 20 hours?

(Vepar): 'This is entertaining.'

While I was trying to control myself, I suddenly heard Vepars' teasing voice. Oi, seriously?

(Rin): 'Why are you enjoying this?'

I wanted to shout it out but didn't want to create a commotion. I had a gut feeling telling me that if I do shout out they'll think of me as being flustered or something which would give them an excuse to make fun of me for. I have to stay calm. Breath man.

Shit, their hair smells nice.

(Akane): "I heard from Tsume of your date. We're having one next weekend."

Akane said to me as she moved her face closer to me and breathed into my ears as she answered. These two are doing this on purpose. Is she jealous? She did make that surprise confession last night too, even though she left before I could ask her a question.

I think this answers it though.

(Naneko): "Eh? Date? I thought you two were just hanging out."

Naneko reacted to Akane's words as she glared at me. For some reason being in the situation made me have a cold sweat. Oh god, I'm a little worried now. I'm not in the position to think up any sarcastic comments either.

(Rin): "Wait, hold up a min-"

I tried reasoning with Naneko as she looked like a classic tsundere ready to hit the protagonist. I can't escape here without dragging the two girls with me so I tried reasoning with me but...

(Natsuno): "No, we went on a date."

...Tsuno. You tryna kill me? Can you not sense the miasma coming from Naneko?

(Vepar): 'M'lady secretly enjoys tormenting you, doesn't she?'

She does huh. I'm gonna enjoy tormenting her too after this is done.

(Naneko): "W-wait, dating is b-between lovers. Does that mean you two did…?"

Suddenly Naneko's Miasma cut off as she asked a question to Tsuno with a red face and a flustered expression. Eh? What is happening today? Why's she angr- wait, is she really a tsundere? She's a lot more innocent than I thought about romance.

While I was wondering about that, Akane and Tsuno looked at each other before nodding again then replying to her.

(Natsuno/Akane): "No, not yet."

The two said something that caused an uproar in the clubroom. Even Kasamugi reacted as he choked on his energy drink in shock. The kids… I could feel the grins as my cheeks twitched in response. This gonna be a long day...

(Naneko): "Wait what?"

(Rin): "Honestly you took the words out of my mouth. Can someone tell me what's going on? Feels like I'm still dreaming here."

I said as I looked at Akane who just winked at me and made a cheeky smile. This woman...

(Rin): 'Mind telling me what's going on, Vepar?'

(Vepar): 'Nope, you've laid your hands on M'lady and as such you will have to do it by yourself.'

(Rin): 'Why are you just abandoning me here?!'

(Vepar): 'The show is amusing. Think for yourself now~'

Well fuck, now I won't know unless these two tell me the sudden display of affection. Did Akane somehow learn a succubus charm skill or something? I can't tell.

Welp, if I can't understand it, I'll just turn off my brain and go with the flow. I give up on anime logic.

(Kasamugi): "Looks like someone's popular. You got our little Kuudere and even the man fearer. Great job!"

Kasamugi, after recovering from choking on his drink, gave me a thumbs up and grinned at me. Oi oi, don't just watch this as if it's some kind of harem series. Help a brother out!

(Sae): "Didn't think I'd see a show. Good going Rin. Looks like we're at the climax scene."

Sae from a corner of the room said as he took a sip of his tea. Wait, when was this guy back? Even he's seen this mess?

(Rin): "Hahaha."

I just laughed awkwardly in defeat, not knowing how to respond. I've not been popular with girls before so this is weird to me.

But even so, this is beyond what a normal group of girls would do.

(Rin): "Oi, are you two… Being serious?"

I whispered in Akane's ear as I wanted to know. If it's just them messing around, then this is taking it too far.

(Akane): "Hehe, Akane Attack."

(Rin): "Eh?"

In response to my question, Akane suddenly kissed my cheek which caused background noise to take place. Eh? Wha? My brain couldn't think from not preparing for it. Why'd she kiss me again?

(Akane): "What do you think?"

Akane said to me with a slightly blushed face before licking her lips. For some reason my eyes were trapped to her red lips, causing me to not prepare for another attack to my right.

(Natsuno): "Tsuno attack."

Tsuno turned around to face me before planting a kiss on my right cheek. Her front body was leaning on top of me as she hugged me with her arms wrapped around my neck and more of her body weight was shifted onto my lower half.

I could hear Kasamugi whistle from seeing the position she was in and I think Sae was clapping his hands… From the outside perspective, she's in the cowgirl position... Calm down Rin. Hopefully, she hasn't noticed it...

(Rin): "Wha, get off me alread-"

I tried recovering from the kiss and get her off of me, but then she arrived. Goddammit…

(Sora): "Tsuno! I found you-hwaah!?"

...Sora came charging into the room to hug Tsuno before falling over anime style after seeing my situation. Without much time to react, I just sat there stunned.

Oh boy, this might get bloody. Who else is next, huh? The trio girls!? Yukio!?! Bring Mephisto while you're at it!! Don't forget about the fucking cram school boys!!!!

(Vepar): 'This might get dangerous.'

(Rin): 'I wonder which fucking genius told you that?'

I shouted telepathically to Vepar as I just ready myself for Sora. Her eyes look like something a regular human shouldn't have.

(Sora): "I can't believe you Rin! You got Akane and Naneko and now you've claimed my Tsuno!? Wait, did you do something to her during your little hang out last weekend, you bastard. Tsuno's seat is me!"

Sora hits me with the insults as I feel flustered a little. Would it be better to keep quiet or let her blow off some steam via shouting?

Also, she's Tsuno's personal seat, huh. Does she worship Tsuno or something? Sounds kinky but I won't mention that right now.

(Naneko): "Oi, how did I get caught up in this?"

While I was just listening to Sora's insult, the two girls that were clinging onto me and pretty much everyone else were laughing at the scenario. Only Naneko shouted at Sora demanding an answer for her earlier comment. I have the same question too, how'd she drag Naneko into this.

Oi, why are you two enjoying this? You caused this drama! I felt annoyed seeing the two cuddling me and having a merry time. As such, I pinched Akanes' tail and blew into Tsuno's ears as a little payback.

(Akane/Tsuno/Vepar): "Mnn~"

And what I got out of it was two moans, but luckily no one noticed it as Naneko and Sora are still fighting. I can understand Akane being a masochist, but why did Tsuno react like that? Even Vepar. When I looked at the side of her face, it was light red and her ear looked warm.

Are their ears their weak spot? Looks like they enjoyed it… I feel no matter what I do to them, they can make it into my loss. My lips twitched when I came to that realisation. Goddammit.

I'll admit defeat now, but I'll get payback.

(Sora): "Oh please, don't think I didn't notice you when you-"

(Naneko): "Another word and I'll strangle you, you blue-haired muscle head!"

(Sora): "What did you call me, you crazy-haired bimbo?"

The two started an insult battle as I just blankly watched the situation. What Sora said piqued my curiosity though. What did she find out about Naneko? And in relation to me too. Did I miss something?

(Rin): "Hmm? What are they talking about?"

I asked the two girls near me as one laughed and the other thought of a possible reason. Looks like Tsuno has an idea but doesn't want to tell me, huh. I blew in her ears again as punishment.

(Kage): 'Tou-san it is best not to ask certain questions to women until they are ready.'

(Midori/Kuro): 'Yep, take a hint man/father.'

And instead, I got an answer from my kids who were enjoying the chaos in front of them while munching on a packet of crisps. Seriously? When did they get wise all of a sudden?

(Rin): 'Oi, you guys are kids. What do you understand?'

I joke around even though I know what's right or not. I'm a little surprised that they knew too. I'm just curious what she's been doing that's made her react that aggressively. It's a new side I didn't know she had.

(Akane): "Oh, isn't it when you- Ouch!"

After Akane was done thinking of what it could be, suddenly a Bokken got thrown at her. She couldn't react in time as she was thinking deeply, which caused her to be knocked to the back of the sofa and ended up releasing me.

Eh, did she just get knocked out?

(Rin): "Yep, this club is crazy."

I say that as I look at the wound of Akane's forehead, but it wasn't serious as Akane quickly recovered after a few seconds. Jesus, Naneko, are you trying to kill your childhood friend? A normal human would've died from that.

(Midori): "Much better than school though."

(Kuro): "It's the only place we can relax."

(Kage): "Everyone is so interesting and fun here."

The kids just laughed at the craziness as if they're not involved. I had the urge to head chop them for laughing at my expense but then I remembered about Mephisto needing me at his office.

(Rin): "Oh, it's getting late now. Let's get going, Kage."

(Kuro/Midori/Kage): "Ow!"

I said after head-chopping the trio before trying to get up from being pinned down by the two beauties in front of me. But before that, they decided to play another attack.

(Akane/Tsuno): "Bye bye Rin."

Akane sat on my leg as Tsuno scooted over to my right leg before the two of them gave me a double kiss attack. Why are they so thirsty today? Not that I'm complaining, to be honest, but...

(Sorano): "RIN!"

...Sora's looking at me with bloodlust again. I was just about to ask them why they're acting so strange too.

(Rin): "Oh damn."

I muttered to myself as a bokken was thrown straight at me. I barely dodged it before grabbing the two trouble makers' waists to jump off the sofa to avoid the second one incoming. All that happened in a few seconds, leaving the two in my arms to be a little confused.

Hehe, let's get some revenge on these two.

(Rin): "Bye-bye, dears."

(Tsuno/Akane): "Eh?"

I said that to the two still holding onto me before patting their heads and kissing them on their cheeks as payback before escaping their clutches. Seeing that as a chance, I made a dash for it to avoid a certain yandere acting up.

(Sora): "C'mere Rin!"

Sora shouted out as she started chasing after me. Her speed's not to be messed with and I had no time to think as I looked at my options to escape. The door is closed and it would take at least a second to pull it open. Sora would easily catch up with me at that time.

Meaning there's only one option left.

(RIn): "Catch me if you can!"

I say while sticking out my tongue before jumping out the open window. The windows are the slide them to the side kind. It's kinda dangerous if you think about it, but that's Japan for you.

We were on the third floor so the fall was quite high but not much for a demon like me. Luckily no one's around here at this time, else it would've caused a commotion seeing a student jump out of a window and make a perfect landing.

(Sora): "Don't think you can get away from me, Rin! Get over here!"

Just when I thought I was in the clear, I heard a shout from above as I saw a falling Sora coming straight at me. Oh god is this bitch crazy?

I didn't stick around long as I ran at full power with my limiter. Even though my speed with my limiter is faster than an Olympic runner, Sora wasn't letting up one bit and was even gaining on me.

I swear, am I the fucking demon or are you? What even is this situation?

"Eh? Isn't that the club wrecker? Who's she chasing?"

"Wait, isn't that Okumura's older twin brother?"

"He's fast."

"He's leaving the Club Queen in his dust."

"Maybe I should get him to join the track team?"

"Mate, you failed with confessing to the club wrecker and getting her to join your club. Now you want that guy?"

"What did he do to piss her off?"

"Must be something serious."

I heard noises of some of the nearby students but I couldn't care much as I genuinely started to feel some worry. How's she not tired yet? Wait, is she speeding up again?

(Rin): "Only one thing to do."

Seeing as I couldn't do anything about Sora catching up to me, and I didn't want to go any faster in case I couldn't control my speed or to get any more attention, I had no choice but to run around to the back of the academy and jump off the walls to climb to the top of the school building

(Sora): "Don't think you can get away by just climbing on the roof."

(Rin): "Are you shitting me?! You crazy Demon bitch!"

As I was jumping from wall to wall, Sora was catching up to me, easily following my path. I swear I could feel her breathing down on my neck. I had sweat forming not from the heat, but from being creeped out by how persistent she's being. I swear, I had no idea what was happening today, and even then, it's Tsuno's life, not yours!

We had this talk yesterday for crying out loud!

Well, I didn't try saying that to her when she's in this state so I climbed up faster before I used my silver flames to hide away in the pocket dimension. Fucking hell, I didn't think I had to use that to escape. Otherwise, I felt like I'd need to run for at least 2 hours.

(Rin): "She's one crazy girl."

-Sora's Pov-

Rin went up the roof thinking I wouldn't be able to climb up to him, but he didn't know parkour is my speciality. I easily climbed up to the roof after a few seconds but suddenly I felt a huge amount of miasma before it mysteriously disappeared.

(Sora): "He's gone?"

Eh? Where did that dipshit go off to? I swear he was just here before his presence was cut off? Did he use his miasma skill? Fucking dammit. That guy is more slippery than I thought

I swear I'll make him pay with his- fuck. I just realised what I did.

(Sora): "Dammit… I did it again..."

After having my target disappear from my sight, I finally calmed down and realised I've done it again. Fuck, why did I activate that mode again? I sort of lost it when I saw her kiss him and do that to him. I felt hurt and lost.

Right now I feel worse than before. I'm sick of myself for having those episodes. I can't control myself. I nearly hurt someone close to us.

Heh, I'm the worst, aren't I? One minute I was jealous as a needy wife then I became sorry as a child making a mistake. Why am I like this?

Well, I already know why, but I can't stop asking the question.

"Bzzt… Bzzt…"

Just as I was going through a spiral of bad thoughts, I got a phone call that temporarily broke me out of it. It was a call from my older sister. Shit, she didn't see me nearly lose control of it again, did she?

(Sora): "What's up, sis?"

I said with the best casual tone I could muster as I felt worried. My symptoms are getting worse lately. I thought they were getting better but they weren't.

(Shura): "Hiya Sora, I know I called you about dinner earlier but it looks like I'm going to be running a little late. Sorry about that. That annoying Mephisto wants me to do him a favour since I'm in the area."

Ah, so that's why she's calling around this time. I thought she was gonna scold me or give me another simple mission or something. Looks like her new mission might be a tough one.

Let's keep today's episode a secret to her.

(Sora): "No worries, good luck on your mission."

(Shura): "Haha, thanks. Stay safe and out of trouble. Bye bye~"

(Sora): "Bye~"

I ended the call as I just stared at the sky and reflected on the last 20 minutes. Ugh… Why did I act like that? I need to stop doing that. I could tell Rin hated it too. It's something Akane once called "Yandere mode". Something I'm not proud of but developed unintentionally.

Alright, next time I'll apologise to Rin and then I'll get answers from them. First I'll go to Tsuno and find out what happened between them. I should keep my distance between Rin just in case. I don't want to hurt them but I can't deal with my body if I see those two together.

(Sora): "I wonder when this curse will finally disperse. It's been 7 years huh…"

I say that with a sour mood before jumping off of the building. It was 10 stories high, but to me, it was nothing as I landed on the floor perfectly without any injuries. Heh, people jump off of school to end their life, but that's impossible for me. How ironic is that?

My body is the result of sacrifice after all…

(A/N: Alternative Title: "Crazy day of Rin", "Thirsty girls", "The kids are getting their wish, huh")

Edited by Xenoblade

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Well, this was a long chapter. Mayham has arrived in the world! And more action chapters will happen soon!

S_jaycreators' thoughts