
My Life in Blue Exorcist

[The first 7 or so Chapters are for those who haven't watched/read Blue Exorcist. They're skippable if you want however some things may not make sense if you do so, so take this advice with a pinch of salt.] Synopsis: Before he knew it, he was already there. There was no meeting with God nor was he killed by Truck-kun. He just randomly arrived into the world with no warning and took over the body of Rin Okumura, the Son of Satan and protagonist of Blue Exorcist. After being hit with unknown memories and almost losing his personality, he decides to fight against the events of the future and make the most of this life compared to his previous one. Though he ignorantly thought events of Canon will only take place, he'll soon find out that everything is not what it seems. Canon will crumble, new events will take place, new Characters with interesting backgrounds will appear, romance even though he didn't think he could love or receive love, mysteries and mythologies, friendships with those he never knew he could be friends with, and finally the reason why he took over Rin Okumura's body. [So this is the Author, just a little warning, the first 10 or so chapters are bad imo as I made them to distract me from irl stuff. Expect cringiness level: weeb. The quality of chapters improves around chapter 18 where I start straying away from Canon. Yes, a bad idea if I want viewers but I didn't care at the time nor do I really care now but I just don't want people leaving to say they dropped the novel because it has a lot of similarities to Canon. it gets boring to read the same stuff over and over again. Of course, I will edit the cringey chapters once I deal with Uni work. This fanfic is my second priority unfortunately since uni is a must for me. Credits go to the original creators of Blue Exorcist. I don't own Blue Exorcist nor do I own the cover, however, I do own my various OC's in the series. Constructive criticism and ideas are much appreciated as they help me get better. Hope you guys enjoy the read.] I'll be publishing on others sites too. Royal road, fanfiction.net, and Wattpad Discord: https://discord.gg/ybaJQdR2ZV P.a.t.r.e.o.n: https://www.patreon.com/S_jay

S_jay · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


(Vepar): "Wow, I still can't believe you made all this food."

Vepar said that as she looked at the food all over the table. It was enough to fill 3 whole families, but it was just the norm within this dorm.

Once we had the breathing techniques and aura control techniques locked down, it was getting close to the time the girls wake up and I was getting hungry so I made breakfast. Since Tsuno and Vepar were here I made extra too.

(Rin): "Hehe, cooking's my strong suit after fighting. Hope it pleases your appetite."

I said that with a grin as I sat down to eat. Vepar was eating her share of food from Tsuno's plate. Looks like she can still eat by herself without needing to fuse with Tsuno.

(Tsuno): "I like it. It's homely."

Tsuno complimented me as she made a contentful expression. Looks like she likes my cooking. My ego got a boost from that.

(Rin): "I can make a lot more too. I'm just a phone call away if you want some good food."

It's part of the chef's pride to see someone appreciate their food after all. Plus, it's surprisingly not much effort to make another pot. For me at least.

(Akane): "Morning Rin, Tsume, children."

(Naneko): "Morning Rin... And kittens…"

And as we were enjoying our food, Akane came downstairs along with a sleepy Naneko who's clinging onto her. For some reason, I had an image of Naneko using Akane as a body pillow while sleeping. It looked adorable.

(Kage/Midori/Kuro): "Good morning, kaa-sans."

The kids greeted the two girls as I caught a glimpse of Vepar suddenly hiding in Tsuno's pocket. Hmm? Is she shy or does she want to hide her identity? Maybe a mix of both.

(Vepar): 'This one forgets that your children love eloping you with the others. Fufu, it's very innocent of them.'

Vepar suddenly swapped out to telepathy as she said that. She's at an angle only I can see thanks to Tsuno blocking the two girls' line of sight.

Guess she doesn't want anyone else to know of her. It's like my flames but instead, she has to cover up her entire existence. Sounds stressful. And lonely.

(Rin): 'It's the only downside to their cuteness.'

I responded while trying not to make a wry smile. Seriously, they're cute but desperate for a mother figure.

(Vepar): 'You better not have thoughts of dragging M'lady into this.'

Vepar suddenly switched up as she attacked me with words. Oi, when did I start dragging Tsuno into this mess the kids made?

(Rin): 'Oi, I'm not tryna start anything. At least not for the time being.'

I don't know how to start a relationship so you have nothing to worry about. If anything, Tsuno's the one that's caused a problem with the whole kissing on the cheek incident.

(Vepar): 'Hmm? For the time being? So you're the responsible type to not be quick to create a relationship? I still won't allow it.'

Vepar said that while looking astounded. Oi, why does it feel like she's got the wrong impression of me? I'm just not quick to be in one.

(Rin): 'Do I look like I know how to start a relationship? Also, why are you hiding?'

Seriously, I'm clueless in a relationship, but I'm not dense. Or maybe not as dense as the average protagonist.

(Vepar): 'Hmpf, there is no reason to reveal myself to those who won't help us. Unless they're part of your so-called organisation?'

Hmm, maybe she feels like she shouldn't get too many people involved with herself and the 72 pillars? Seems a bit lonely but it makes sense.

Also, she's sharper than I gave her credit for. Let's keep her guessing though. Don't want to reveal it to her too early after all.

(Rin): 'Hmm, who knows. Though you do seem like the shy type. Are you too nervous to talk to people other than Tsuno?'

It's too bad I'm saying this while eating my food and listening to the girls and kids play around. I'd like to make a smug expression but if I suddenly did that then they'd probably question what I'm doing.

(Vepar): 'This one is not shy! It is only but a bother to associate oneself with others!'

Vepar said that while sounding a little shy and aggressive. Yup, she doesn't like being honest. Let's tease her a little.

(Rin): 'Oh? But you got along with me quite well. I thought of you as a pleasant talking buddy.'

Even though it was after getting attacked by her did I know she was a good person, but who cares about the minor details. Hopefully, they learned from their mistakes with that though.

(Vepar): 'Well, you're just an exception, alright?'

Vepar said that as I thought I saw her face then a little red. Eh, who's this cute little creature? Her being shy like that makes me want to poke on her cheeks again.

(Rin): 'Awww, I got a warm spot in your heart.'

I said as I turned my face to make a little smirk. I couldn't hide it that time but no one noticed it.

(Tsuno): 'No more talking. More eating.'

And just as I was about to tease her further, Tsuno interrupted us as she raised her bowl at me for another serving. Hmm, so their thoughts are connected or something like that. Looks like talking to only one of them is impossible unless, maybe, if they try to not let the other notice?

(Rin): 'I'm eating already. Sheesh.'

I said as I gave her another huge serving. Honestly, it looks like a little rice mountain.

(Akane): "Oh yeah, Tsume, let's have a talk later."

Akane said once she was done feeding Midori a little and wanted some more food. It's part of their daily routine to feed the kids so I didn't find it as unusual as before.

(Tsuno): "Mmn, Mmn."

Tsuno responded without talking, not caring about the mess she was making on her face. There's rice on her face again. She's got bad table manners.

(Rin): "Oi, I've said before that's bad manners."

I said that as I picked up the one near her mouth with my finger. It's a force of habit from how my kids eat.

(Tsuno): "Mine."

Just as I was about to flick the rice away, the gluttonous creature in front of me stopped me as she tried eating it again… while my fingertip was in her mouth. Her face turned bright red from realising what she did as everyone else became silent. It's warm and slimy, and I could feel the texture of her tongue. What is this situation?

I can hear the smiles of my kids. Dammit.

This is going a little far with your lack of distance awareness! I didn't react though as I waited for her to let go. She's not gonna bite me, is she?

(Sora): "Yahoo~. I'm ba-what?"

And just as Tsuno was about to let go of my finger, Sora arrived. Just before the scene, she looked like she was refreshed after taking a hot bath, but after witnessing this, I could feel bloodlust coming from her as her wet hair stood up crazily. Oi, I didn't even start this scene.

(Rin): "She had food on her cheeks and didn't want me to throw it away so she tried biting me. It surprised even me."

I tried explaining nonchalantly to the girl that gets easily jealous as I got up to wash my hand. She should fix that problem of hers. It's not attractive and is annoying.

(Sora): "Is that all you have to say for yourself?"

Sora says as she crosses her arms together, which emphasis on her chest. Why does she give off a teacher vibe now? I swear, I didn't do anything dude.

(Rin): "That was all that happened, honest. If you want some breakfast, go bring a bowl."

I said without bothering her any further and went on with my food. I don't like taking the blame for someone else's actions, but I can't really blame Tsuno since it's part of her problem. I wonder if Sora fell for her for the way Tsuno's always close to others?

(Sora): "Hmm, fine."

Sora eventually calmed down as she got herself a bowl. Her hair looks less demonic now. I wonder why she's like that whenever Tsuno's involved? It reminds me of a yandere.

Well, it's not going to deter me from interacting with Tsuno at least.

(Akane): "Wasn't expecting that Tsume. I underestimated you."

Akane said that with a low tone to avoid Sora hearing before giving her a thumbs up. Tsuno just nodded in response as her food was still her main priority.

(Naneko): "Yeah, I underestimated how bad her distance awareness is."

Naneko said that while feeding Kuro the last piece of her omelette.

Just to clarify, Kuro's fine with most of the foods cats shouldn't eat alright. Don't call animal welfare on me, alright?

(Akane): "Yeah, something like that."

Akane said with a little smirk that lasted for a moment. When I looked at her, she noticed that I saw so she gave me a little wink. Why do I feel like Akane's scheming something again? I'll have to be careful just in case.

After having a somewhat normal breakfast with everyone, Akane and Tsuno went out to talk, and Naneko went with the kids to the other side of the cafeteria to play on the consoles. Kasamugi's been spoiling them rotten with games lately...

But that left me alone with the sports specialist called Sora. It was awkward with just the two of us after what happened a few minutes ago, so I tried talking to her about it.

(Rin): "You really need to control yourself, dude."

I said that as I took a sip of water. I get that you can like someone and all, but being possessive is the worst way of expressing it. It makes them feel damaged and conflicted if anything.

(Sora): "Says the guy who has his grubby little paws all over her."

Sora responded to me with a dirty look. Alright, that's not my fault, honestly. Look, Tsuno's doing the same with Akane there. She's giving her a hug for crying out loud.

(Rin): "It wasn't my intention. She had food on her face and it was a force of habit to get rid of it. I usually clean my kid's face after all. She was the one that didn't want to part ways with the rice, alright?"

Seriously, it was just a force of habit that developed weirdly thanks to her. But other than that, I do the same thing for Akane and Naneko too.

All I just wanted was people not to make a mess so I wouldn't have to clean the table.

(Sora): 'I'm… trying alright. It's part of my old habits… I guess..."

Sora said that with a quiet tone as she looked down. Hmm, old habits? Don't tell me Tsuno wasn't the first crush!

Though jokes aside, I'm curious what her backstory was that led to that.

(Rin): "No worries. Good luck with it. But remember, Tsuno's life isn't yours. It's hers."

I didn't try prying into it since it didn't seem like the right time. We've barely known each other for a few weeks after all.

(Sora): "Sounds like you have experience with this kind of stuff."

Sora said with a sad smile as she looked at me. Hmm, maybe I sounded a little too aggressive. I couldn't help it since it was something I experienced in the past after all.

(Rin): "Who knows if I have or if I know someone who's been through that kind of stuff. In any case, try toning it down else someone will get hurt."

(Sora): "Yeah I'll try…"

I said my piece as the two of us sat on the sofa in silence. I was just watching the kids play on the tv while Sora went on her phone. I should really get a new phone for myself.

(Sora): "Oh they're back. Looks like we're gonna head back now."

After about 2 minutes, Akane and Tsuno came back. The two of them looked excited for some reason as my gut told me to be careful.

Are they planning something? I don't usually get this feeling unless it's in a fight. They were too far away for my hearing too.

(Rin): "See ya."

(Sora): "Catch you later~."

(Tsuno): "Bye, Rin."

(Vepar): "Farewell, Rin. It should take you and your children a week at the earliest or a month at the latest to learn the skill. Good luck.."

The girls said their goodbyes as Vepar sneaks in a prediction of how long it will take to learn the skill. Hmm, looks like I'm gonna have to blow your mind tomorrow.

(Rin): "See ya guys tomorrow."

(Akane): "Have a good day."

We said our final goodbyes before they left. I wonder what kind of face Vepar would make if we suddenly learned the Union skill after a day?

(Rin): "What did you guys talk about?"

But before that, I asked Akane a question once they left. She's carrying a grin. My instincts are telling me not to be careless.

(Akane): "Girls secret. You'll find out about it someday."

Hmm, girl's secret huh. Now I'm curious, but it looks like she won't say even if I try prying into it. Now I gotta watch my back for any pranks she makes huh.

(Rin): "Alright, let's gather everyone and go to the pocket dimension. Me and the kids are gonna try to learn a new skill."

(Akane): "Ooo, what kind of skill?"

Just when I said that Akane, the lead battle maniac, had sparkles in her eyes from the word skill. She really loves training huh.

(Rin): "You'll find out soon enough."

(Akane): "Now I'm interested. Come on, tell me, tell me."

I didn't want to spoil it just yet but she was too impatient from my words. She hugged my arm as a way to make me give in but it had no effect on me. I wonder if that's because of Tsuno?

(Rin): "Just wait for a little bit."

(Akane): "Mmm..."

I said that as I gave her a head pat, which surprised her enough to let go of me. I'll let her learn the skill later, but right now the kids and I will be focusing on it for the time being.

After waiting for everyone to finish their games, we finally headed to the pocket dimension through the silver flamed portal of mine. I felt a minor toll on me as usual from using the skill, but it wasn't enough to keep me from feeling excited.

(Midori): "Are we gonna continue from this morning?"

Midori was excited by this news as he was jumping around and doing front flips again. This crazy kid.

(Rin): "Yup, we're gonna be at it until we can finally pull it off."

Let's see if it would take a week or a month for us to learn it. I have a feeling it would be quicker for us.

(Naneko): "Hmm? What have you and the kittens done?"

Naneko asks as she tilts her head, making her messy black hair look messier. I kinda want to comb it but I know that it's useless against her.

(Kuro): "Hehe, you'll find out. It's awesome."

Kuro said that as he started running around, catching up to Midori who's still front flipping.

(Naneko): "Why're you keeping us in the dark?"

Naneko said as she looked at me with a curious face. It's just fun to keep them guessing.

(Akane): "Yeah, what's the big deal?"

Akane joined her side as she barged into me a little. Alright, I guess this is enough.

(Rin): "Alright, I will. I managed to get my hands on a possession technique for my kids."

(Akane/Naneko): "A possession technique?"

I didn't tell them any specifics but that alone would be enough to make them interested. If the kids can't fuse with me, they should be able to fuse with the girls. Kuro is a cat demon, so he should be able to fuse with Naneko unless her inner demon interferes.

As for kage, her shadow element is within the classifications of Rot. So she should be able to fuse with Akane. I don't have much to back that hypothesis, other than a gut feeling. Usually, blood techniques are within the element of rot, but Akane's different since we don't know what kind of demon she is.

As for Midori, he's of the earth element, so I'm not sure if they can fuse with him but we'll try. If it can't work, I have other ideas.

(Naneko): "What are you gonna do with that? Have them possess you?"

Naneko was quick to think of why we'd need a possession technique when we already have a physical body and it's not like we're ghosts or anything.

(Rin): "Sorta, you'll find out soon."

I made a grin as Naneko just rolled her eyes at me.

(Akane): "How did you get your hands on one?"

(Rin): "I can't tell you guys just yet. They'll join us one day though."

I can't tell her that it was Tsuno who gave it to me after seeing Vepar hide like that. Though it's most likely they made some inferences about it.

(Akane): "Female?"

She had a serious expression when she said that. Guess it's because of her phobia.

(Rin): "You'll find out one day."

I didn't give a clear answer though as it might give away that Tsuno was the one that taught us. They'd probably suspect her, but it's not like having them notice it would affect us much.

(Naneko): "By the way, where's Yanagi-san?"

Naneko asks as she looked like she had something on her mind. Why does she look oddly motivated?

(Rin): "Oh he's joining us later. He wanted some fresh air."

He said he wanted to have a few days off. He's been busy with taming a new arthropod that he needs time to recover. Honestly, I would too if I had his powers. It would mentally drain me every time I use it.

(Akane): "She's been practising to beat her fear of bugs. She wants to test out her training."

Akane said that as she got close to me again.

(Rin): "Ah, I see then. Good luck with that."

Fighting off her phobias huh. Looks like she's making improvements for herself huh. It's harder than it sounds after all.

(Naneko): "Yeah, thanks. It's gonna be one hell of a match for me though."

Naneko said that as she slouched her shoulders again and made a sigh. Looks like she's still not ready but is willing to try it. I'm proud of her.

(Rin): "Alright, let's not get left in their dust. We've got the breathing techniques and the aura techniques down. Now onto the actual fusion part."

I said that as I gathered my children. The next step is to merge our aura's.

(Akane): "Oooo, a fusion? Are you guys practising a fusion dance?"

Akane seemed excited when we mentioned about a fusion. Oh yeah, we've been watching Dragon Ball lately. That could be the reason.

(Rin): "Nah, but something similar. You'll find out someday."

(Akane): "Boo…"

I replied to her while sticking my tongue out and in response, she pulled down her right lower eyelid and stuck her tongue out. I never thought I'd see something like that. This was revenge for the 'girls secret' with Tsuno.

(Naneko): "I'll go practise over there then. I wanna practise some manoeuvring techniques."

Naneko saw us playing around again and suggested moving elsewhere. She's usually a solo trainer, who likes using the mini-parkour area I made. It's not something impressive, just a bunch of large rocks that I cut into cuboids before impaling them into the ground.

I suck at craftsmanship or making anything fancy but the course goes up to a few meters up at least. It works for us who don't take much fall damage. I think I did a good job, to be honest.

(Akane): "Same here. Enjoy your 'secret training'."

Akane said that half sarcastically as I just rolled my eyes. I let them do their own thing as I looked at my kids. I have a slight change of plans now thanks to what Vepar said earlier.

(Rin): "I think it'd be better for you kids to fuse with yourselves first."

(Kuro/Kage/Midori): "Why's that?"

(Rin): "Cause you'll be needing it for yourselves more than I do. Just in case a demon comes out of nowhere, like at your school or when you guys go out to play. I can't just baby you guys forever after all so this would make me feel relieved."

We can always learn how to make them fuse with me later, but I'm more worried about when they're at school or somewhere far away and I can't be there to help. This would at least give them enough time to defend themselves.

I can wait to learn the skills later at least. I'm not in too much of a rush.

(Midori): "Sounds good. I see why father wanted to learn the skill so badly"

(Kuro): "Yeah, that sounds like him. Let's not let him down."

The two kids said with sparkling eyes as they sort of misunderstood my original intentions. Oh well, no point breaking that image I guess. Let's just roll with it.

(Kage): "Could I join Kaa-sama with training?"

Kage tugged my shirt as she said that. That's weird.

(Rin): "Sure, why's that?"

That's not like her. She's usually always down for something like a powerup. She had sparkling eyes about it just moments ago too.

(Kage): "I feel like Kuro onii-san and Midori onii-san will be able to fuse easily. They have known each other for a long time after all. And fusing with three demons would be harder than fusing with two, that is what I believe at least."

Kage said without much hesitation as I started thinking. True, they do have a good relationship and are open to each other about stuff. But that shouldn't be enough for her to not want to train first. Maybe, she's just not comfortable with fusing just yet.

(Rin): "Sounds reasonable. Three demons merging so soon would probably cause problems. Alright, let's do that."

I didn't hear Vepar say anything about multiple unions at the same time so that might not be possible, at least not for newbies like us.

(Kage): "Yes."

Kage said those words as I was left supervising the two kids. She immediately went to Naneko, before joining the girls in their parkour training. Looks like she wants to focus on her agility for a little bit.

(Midori): "Come on, let's start. Let's start."

(Kuro): "I'm starting man."

Midori practically dragged Kuro to an area a little further from the girls as they sat facing each other on the red dusty floor. They made a meditation pose as they used the breathing technique to help control their miasma.

(Kuro/Midori): "Fuuu, haaa, fuuu."

The two made elongated exhales and inhales as they began stabilising their auras and to create synergy between them. They've already got the rhythm down, but now it's on to the hard part.

The two of them took one final exhale before slowly exposing each other with their miasma. A black miasma with strands of yellow was released from Kuro and likewise, brown miasma with mixes of silver was released from Midori. They both had different colour miasma that was based on the element of their demon form. They released their miasma to slowly adjust to each other's levels before they tried merging them.

Since they're demons, we have to do things the long way as opposed to how a demon fuses with a human. Vepar mentioned that it was much harder to perform between demons due to miasma conflict. It's why it's not commonly used, but it's still possible. Just significantly harder to do.

For the human side of things they just have to expose their heart to the demon and accept the demon's contract. It's easier said than done though as the human can die from having their heart exposed to too much miasma.

Afterwards, the demon needs to mark a part of the humans' aura with their miasma, then make a miasma seal onto the human that would be the source of all their powers. The miasma seal on the heart is a special type that makes use of a demon's heart as well.

We've not been taught much of a demon's heart, but it's essentially what the demon uses for a "Final power-up" moment. Somewhat like a final form, you can say, but it has a ton of risks. Doing so lets you get stronger by sacrificing most of your defence. It is a heart after all.

For a demon to demon fusion, it's the same but the hurdles are much harder to do due to each other's miasma getting in the way. Especially, if you're making it a two-way fusion.


And with a loud noise, the miasma's of my children didn't merge as they collided with each other. Looks like they failed.

(Kuro): "Dammit, it failed."

(Midori): "Let's try again. It'll work next time!"

Kuro swore as he dusted off the dirt on his clothes and Midori didn't care as he tried again. They both released their miasma again in hopes of fusing but after another 5 minutes, their control suddenly destabilised and the same outcome kept happening whenever it seemed like it was gonna work.

(Kuro/Midori): "Again!"

But luckily the past failures didn't bother them as they continued. Looks like it was tougher than I expected. The two of them spent most of the day learning how to fuse their miasma's but they didn't make much progress. Though thanks to their persistence, they've upped the timer to 7 minutes as opposed to 5 minutes.

I see why it would take us a week or a month to finish this now.

(Rin): "Come on, it's time to sleep."

I called out to the two as the sky became pitch black again. I already used my flames to light the area up but that's still not enough to brighten this place up unless I go all out.

(Midori): "Wait, I feel like we're nearly there."

Contrary to what I want, Midori, who looked tired and had bags under his eyes, refused as he released his miasma to try again. Unfortunately, Kuro wasn't of the same mindset.

(Kuro): "Let's call it a day. We've been at it for hours now."

(Midori): "Haah, alright."

It was only with Kuro's words did Midori finally relaxed. They've been at it for 10 hours with a few breaks here and there. A good night's sleep will do good for them if they wanna try it again tomorrow.

(Rin): "Take it easy there. We still have a few more days to finish this."

I said that as I gave the two head pats each before walking to the sleeping area I made. There's no need to rush. That's why we're in the pocket dimension after all.

-Midori's Pov-

I eventually got off from the training as we all slept. I can't sleep right now though. I'm usually out like a bell but right now my thoughts are getting in the way.

I want to get stronger.

That's why I got hella excited when I learned about the fusion skill. So far my abilities let me have tougher skin and partially transform into my hobgoblin self. I can take a punch, but that's not enough. I don't want to be left behind. Father has Nii-san and Kage after all. They're all a lot stronger or useful than I am.

I hate myself.

(Rin): "Yo, are you still awake? Trouble sleeping?"

As I was going through a spiral of self-hate, my father called out to me as I opened my eyes to see his face. How did he know I was still awake?

(Midori): "Huh? How could you tell?"

I asked as I sat up. I thought I was doing a good job pretending to sleep. That kinda sucks.

(Rin): "Haha, let's go for a walk for a bit."

Father says that with a smile as he makes a small blue flame to light up the path in front of us. Does he want to talk about something?

(Rin): "You know when you sleep you usually move around a ton. Once I found you upside down with your feet to Kuro's face. You're a deep sleeper too."

(Midori): "Wait, I sleep that badly?"

How come no one's told me about it? Does Kuro-nii know? Oh god, that's embarrassing.

(Rin): "Yup. You're usually an easy sleeper. You got something on your mind?"

Father asked me as he had a little grin on his face as mine was getting red from finding out my bad sleeping habits. He always looks calm or carefree, but I can tell from his eyes whenever he's serious or not. This was one of those moments.

(Midori): "It's nothing… I just want to be stronger."

I felt awkward talking about it. It's my complex after all. I was raised in a society where the strongest get to live. Now I'm the weakest and I have nothing to my name anymore.

(Rin): "Hmm, is that so."

Father says that as I felt nervous about how he'd react. There was an awkward silence between us as I could feel my heart pounding. My thoughts were also going crazy. He's… gonna abandon me, isn't he?

(Rin): "That's alright, but don't rush it too much."

But unlike what I was expecting, I received another head pat. What?

(Rin): "If you think of it as a long-distance race, then there's no need to go all out from the beginning, is there? You gotta pace yourself properly "

He had such a nonchalant tone when he said that, but for some reason, his hand was reassuring. A race, huh. Have I been rushing things too much?

(Midori): "Like slow and steady wins the race?"

I asked as I looked him in the eyes. His intense blue eyes had a gentle gaze.

(Rin): "No, not that slow. But slow and steady enough that you avoid burning out and hurting yourself. You just need to find that pace somehow."

He said that as he made a mess of my hair again. I like his head pats and all, but when he messes with my hair too much it gets bothersome.

(Midori): "I see."

So I just have to make steady progress and not hurt myself in the process. Eventually, I might be able to contend with Kage and Kuro-nii. Though they're not gonna sit around while I improve. So I gotta steady up the intensity of my training, starting off easy then add more to it as time goes on.

I get it now!

(Rin): "By the way, you don't have to worry about getting strong that much."

Just as I was about to pump myself up from his words, father said something else that made me question if he can read minds. I shouldn't get that strong? Didn't you make a contract with me in hopes that I can be useful to you?

(Midori): "Hmm?"

I didn't understand it that much… Isn't strength… the whole reason for this?

(Rin): "Like, I just want everyone to be strong enough to protect themselves and their family. Even if you're not the strongest, there's strength in other ways. Like using your head, you know?

Father said that while lightly tapping my forehead. Hmm, think smarter huh.

It's true that I don't have Kuro-nii's sharp claws or speed, and I don't have an elemental ability like Kage, who's also an all-rounder. My speciality is defence and offence, but I still lose to those two even with that.

(Midori): "Yeah… I get that…"

Even if I use my brains, my abilities make me more specialised as a tank or a barbarian.

I guess I shouldn't let my abilities define me. Alright then, I'll think of better ways to beat those two.

(Rin): "Just keep your chin up. Remember, you're my child. You can fail as much as you want, I won't get disappointed nor will I hate you. "

Father said that as he messed up my hair again, but this time I didn't care about it.

(Midori): "Un! Will do!"

I won't give up. If I fall I'll just climb back up.

It's reassuring that my father won't hate me for failing.


-Kuro's Pov, after Midori went to walk with Rin-

So the two of them have left, huh. Looks like I was right. Midori looked desperate to learn that union skill. It's been bugging me the whole day, but I didn't know how to bring it up to him.

(Kuro): "I just hope he doesn't burn himself out from overworking."

I said to myself as I stared at the empty black sky. I've noticed that he tends to cover everything he feels with a smile. Both anger and sadness, he tends to hide them but there are times when they crack. Like at school once.

I heard from him he was raised in a goblin settlement where they had the principle of survival of the fittest. Those kinds of settlements are the norm for low ranking demons. Midori was able to survive in that harsh place, where food was scarce. He doesn't even know who his biological parents were due to how often their race would get exorcised.

He somehow survived all that and became a hobgoblin king. But even after being the leader of his race, he was powerless against our father. He originally made a contract with father out of fear. So you can imagine what kind of misunderstanding he could have when Rin decided to treat us like his children. It's more of an 'Oh, you want me to do this? Alright.' kind of intention.

(Kuro): "I just hope my cute little bro will see us as an actual family one day. It's fun with him around. He doesn't have to be strong."

I mumbled to myself as I recalled the things we've been through together. The games we played and the spars we've had. I can't imagine what it's like living in a goblin settlement, but being raised at a shrine was lonely for me. I spent 200 hundred years there and did not know anything about the outside world. It was lonely and there were mean kids there. That's why I like this family. Everyone's kind. They all have their interests and goals.

And like our father, I want to preserve this happiness. Though I do admit we do take things far with how we ask for mothers.

I can't help that, to be honest. Every child wants a mother figure after all.

I had thoughts like these as my father and Midori came back. He looks a little better now. Let's pretend to sleep.

-Day 2, Rin's pov-

Today's the second day of trying out the union skill. Kuro and Midori were at it with the practice but when we think it's just about to go to the next phase, everything gets chaotic and they both fail.

Though this time Midori didn't get too disheartened. Naneko told me earlier she was worried about him but now it doesn't seem like a problem.

They were at least able to get close to fusing their miasma.

-Day 3, Kage's Pov-

On the third day, Kuro onii-chan and Midori onii-chan began having their miasma spread out more easily. They were able to make their miasma touch and mark each other. They had their demon hearts exposed too as they pulsated oddly but it seemed like creating a miasma seal was more difficult than it sounded.

They spent most of the day in that state and only stopped once it hit nightfall. I took notes of these as I tried fusing with Otou-san. Hopefully, I can get stronger with this too.

-Day 4, Midori's Pov-

On the 4th day of trying this, we made major progress! I was finally able to make a seal onto Nii-san's demon heart!

But I didn't let that get to me as the next part was just as important. We maintained our breathing techniques and the aura techniques we learned from Natsuno Nee-san as I felt my body feel lighter.

This was the astral particle stage. When the demon gives part of their heart to the host, they are able to let themselves dissolve into particles that the host can absorb. The feeling of being in this stage is like achieving some kind of universal understanding or something. Like a rush of inspiration. It's weird.

The next stage was for Nii-san to slowly interweave his miasma with the particles. In doing so he absorbs me and I go to the area I marked onto him, which was on his upper arm. It was a slow process that needed a lot of focus. I could see my father, mothers and sister were worried when they saw this as they tried making as few noises as possible.

After what felt like 20 minutes, Kuro-nii was finally able to absorb the particles. Success! I wanted to shout it out but Kuro wasn't reacting, probably from trying to stabilise his aura. I can feel a different source of miasma in Nii-san's body, most likely his miasma.

(Kuro): "Whooo, haaa…"

Once Nii-san finally stabilised the connection, he breathed out as he collapsed to the ground. He did it!

(Midori): 'It worked!'

(Kuro): "Too loud!"

(Midori): "Haha, sorry sorry."

Oops, I'm still not used to this. I guess I should quieten down a little.

(Rin): "Looks like it worked. Nice going, you two."

Father said that with a smile as he head patted us. I could feel the sensation through Nii-san. It was weird but comfortable.

(Midori): 'How do we look?'

(Kuro): "Midori's asking how we look."

Ah, I forgot I won't be able to talk to the other when we're like this. Oh well, I wonder how we look?

(Rin): "Sure, look here."

Father took a picture of us before showing us. We had a mixed hair colour, with our left side green and the right side black with some highlight of yellow, along with my green eyes to the right and Nii-sans yellow-green eyes.

Hmm, looks like our tails haven't fused. Only Nii-san's tail is there. And as for the hairstyle, it's Nii-san bed hair that makes it look like cat ears.

This is interesting. I wonder how it'd look if it was the other way around.

(Akane): "Good job. You two smashed it."

(Naneko): "Look at you two kittens. You've done something amazing."

(Kage): "Congratulations onii-sans."

Akane kaa-san gave us a head pat as everyone else congratulated us. This is the best.

(Kuro): 'Man, I love this family.'

(Midori): 'Same here nii-san

We laughed as we agreed with each other. I won't be left behind.

(A/N: Alternative Titles: "Tsuno's surprise attack", "Fusion successful", "Demon kids worries")

Edited by Xenoblade

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The mindset of a child is more complex than you think. Likewise for a demon child.

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S_jaycreators' thoughts