
The start of my store!

I woke up with back pain , well no suprise since I slept on the floor . I slept in the corner behind the counter .

What was im going to do today again?? hmmm.. Oh yeah i need to do more fixing and cleaning .-.

I open'd the door and walked out , WAIT!! what the F*** .

Someone have already fixed the store's outside! oooh it most be the Little man!! :D

God thank him!

Oh the sign says `scubus` wait isn't that like a sex demon thingi? , wait why do i know this? hmm so many questions.. I think i will give it a little chance..

´Scutus` sooo the best name i can come up with right now! and no im not kidding.

Time to check out those books!

I opend my invetory and took out the ores and material book . It was grey with a shiny silver text, I opend the book and the first page also had a rune but it was shining white grey . I could not even see the rune because of the light. I turned page, WAIT! It said i need to find the materials and ores to see the info about them! what!! OMG. I checked the plant book too it was the same , also had a rune and I need to find the plants to see info about them..

Ok.. so i better get ready for a material and plant gathering journey!

Im actually excited man , my first time exploring this world except the city!!

I remembered that i have a armor set and a knife in the backroom!!I ran to the backroom and quickly opend the chests and took out the armor. It was quite dusty , I took off the dust and it was a brown leather armor. On the bottom of the chest there was some leather gloves and boots. I put the armor on it actually fit quite well. I took out the knife from the other chest, It struck me with a feeling it was a nice and warm feeling. Verry plesant feeling , I looked at the knife and saw the green gem shining. Then it stopped , and the feeling was gone. "Weeeird" i said out loud , well i should get going. I took the key and walked out and locked the door, Well see you later i said too my self with a smile. Now i just need to find my way out of this city .-.

After a loooong walk i finally found my way out yaaay.. I saw the same guard that let me in before , I walked up to him and said "Hi again man! Nice to see you! haha" He turned around and said "Oh its you young man! What are you doing here? Oo I see you got armor!Don't tell me you are going out for monster hunt!?" "Haha noo im going out for resurce's! Im a merchant remember?" "oo yeah you said that last time! Well good luck!" "Haha you too man!" I walked out of the city on light brown dirt road, The only thing i saw was green hills and a road , maaan this will take a loong time .

After a around a hour walk i finally saw some trees , i Heard the birds singing and i smelled fire. Wait what! I looked around and saw smoke riseing from the forest. Hmm maybe its a campfire from a camp? Aaah what ever.

I followed the road to the forest and began walking off road, i heard a strange noice behind some bushes "grree" i sneaked to the bushes and took away some branches to make a small gap in the bush . It was some goblings in level 5 they had jewels and gold rings on them. It lookt like they where argueing . One of the goblings took out a knife and waved it in front of the other gobling. I looked around and found 3 dead bodies. They looked like humans, they where probably rich . I heard a loud stomp and a big gobling or and orc? came out, it had armor on. The goblings got nervous and didnt dare to say something. The big one was level 14, probably the boss. He gave them a sign with his hand and walked away, the goblings followed him. I waited a few seconds before walking out from the bush. I saw a shiny thing on the ground , I walked to it and picked it up, it was a gold coin. I opend the inventory and put it in, I checked the dead bodies and found nothing. The goblings probably already looted them.

Then my system popped up and it said minions captured 0/2 need two level 10 minions to upgrade , Whaaat i can capture minions :O

Thats pretty cool , It also says the minions i can capture is gobling , orc , undead, elf , human.

I wounder what i should do with those elf and human minions if you know what i mean.. ehm.. However i should maybe go after those goblings then, but im only level 1 plus im a merchant. I should probably farm some low level monsters like wolfes. I walked deeper into the forest and found the orc and goblings from before dead on the ground!I quickly hid behind a tree, I waited some seconds and looked around i saw no other monster there. I walked to the dead bodies slowly,

their bodies weren't looted yeet niice, but I didn't see any bite marks or scrathes 'nothing'.I just saw blood on their bodies, I ignored it and reached for a jewl on a goblings arm . The gobling woke up! "what the f*ck!" i screamed like a little girl and fell to the ground, He or she i don't f*cking know turned around and saw me on the ground and quickly took up a knife from the ground. I already had my knife up , the gobling rushed against me with his knife ready for a strike. When he was 1 meter or so away from me i closed my Eyes and aimed for the knife and striked with all my Power.