
A ordinary day in my life

My name is Riku , im a middleschool student . I mostly play video games with my friends when i come home from school, i guess you can call me a gamer. My class mates barely talk to me , thats super nice because well "ehm" im social awkward. I mean i'm not that awkward around my gaming friends, ( the only guys i speak to eheh) .

It was a loooong boring day in school like any other day. I went home with my two bestfriends Eiji and Akio to play some Wow ( world of warcraft a mmo rpg ) Im playing as a mage , Eiji as a priest and Akio as a warrior . We make a pretty good team , we were up all night farming xp and gold . I think it was around 11pm when i got pretty tired . I told Eiji and Akio that i'll go get some coffee . I went and got me some coffee, i had already taken a cup of coffee like half a hour ago, so it was some left . When i came back we started farming again , i think we went up around 35 - 40 levels and around 200 gold and at least 450k copper and silver coins .

Suddenly i was on a hill, the grass was bright green and the air was nice medium warm .

I thought to my self that i probably had fallen asleep on the keyboard while playing with Eiji and Akio.

I did the trick to wake me up , slit my wri.. eh i mean pinch my self on the arm . It's kinda weird when i pinch my self in a dream i wake up , i've tried it like a million times it works every time . But it was diffrent i felt the pinch , i went crazy like a mental breakdown .

I skiped that part but like i was running around screaming and stuff . And here i am standing exhausted . I heard a low shuddering voice saying "are you okey?" I turned around and notcied that i was standing beside a city entrence ,and there was like 20 people staring at me with weird and questioning expressions on their faces .i answerd "eh yeah" I notcied something above their head's it was a green and a blue bar . Above the bars there where a white sentence that said

Name: Julia

Class: Villager-Npc

Level: 1

OMG its like a f*#!ing rpg!! Then i felt something from my chest going outwards , like a erection ah you know ..ehm .. yeah. Then a screen popped up saying

Name : Riku

Level : 1

Class : Merchant

If you want to see stats swipe left

If you want to see your inventory swipe right

If you want to see skills swipe down

What.. the.... F**#!!

WHY! couldn't i get a better class then a f**#ing shi**y merchant , Like a mage , warrior , priest or some sh!* like that! :( . Then i swiped right to see my inventory . All i had was four books , and some money.


A book for beginners

A plant book

A ores and material book

A wepond book

Money : 10 gold , 100 silver , 0 copper

Hmm at least i have some money . A book for beginners , i think thats like the turtorial ?

I clicked on the book and the screen disapered . 'swoosh' and a red book appeared in the air landing in my hands . It was a golden text saying "Beginners book" .

Sorry if there was some "errors" in my english grammar . I read and edited it kinda fast , i was in a hurry today ;-;

SuckyDUckycreators' thoughts