
My Last Night

"Don't bother" A voice said. He looked up to discover a starved girl bound with the same rope. Although it was dark, he could see her bruised eyes and bloody wrists. "I already tried." Best ranking on Wattpad: 5/138 stories

Aimee_Rothwell · 都市
6 Chs

Irreversible Mistakes

I stayed on the streets that night with my makeshift bandage on my arm. But little did I know, that would be my biggest mistake.


I lay, almost lifeless, on the side of the road with nothing but a dirty jacket and the deep blue sky for cover. After being lay on the hard concrete for a few hours, my rational thought had faded and in its place, a deep and painful buzzing throughout my mind. My ears blocked out sound until all I could hear was my heartbeat and the small pats of footsteps that swarmed me. It suddenly got dark, shadows hovered over me. I lifted my head to see what the commotion was and was greeted by the sight of the silhouette I had seen standing outside of my house for the past few weeks.

The man knelt beside me, placing a cloth over my mouth. It tasted salty and had a smell which I can't quite describe. I felt my heart beat faster, so fast that I could hear it through my ears. I felt as though I was having an out of body experience, I wanted to cry out, but I was too far gone to do any of that. My vision was distorted, I fought to keep my eyes open but my vision only made me more and more disorientated until I eventually blacked out.

My mind repeated the earlier scene with my mother. I remembered how she slashed me with the knife I had initially brought for protection. I was thinking about how a mother could possibly do such a thing to her own flesh and blood, I could never do that to my child.

Everything that happened because of my mother flashed through my mind. Ranging from all of the simple slaps to the knife incident and the time she threw a vase at my head (which luckily narrowly missed). I stayed on the streets that night too. I suddenly came to the realisation that I had only began seeing the same man who attacked me the day after the first time I stayed on the streets but I had come to the realisation a little too late.

I feel my eyes slowly began to flutter open still with dazed vision. I couldn't see where I was due to the overwhelming darkness but the smell told me that I wasn't somewhere good. I felt my eyes adjusting to the lack of light and I could slightly take in my surroundings.

I was in a room, it looked like your typical cabin. With logs for walls, endlessly surrounded by wood. I caught site of a window, but due to the nightfall, it was only a very limited light source. I reached my hand towards what seemed to be a wooden bookshelf next to me.

As I stretched to the side, my arms were forced back by some kind of restraint. Panic and adrenaline began to course through my body as I pulled and pulled against them in hope that they might loosen.

"Don't bother" A distant voice said.

I looked up to discover a starved girl bound by the same rope. Through the darkness I could see her bruised eyes and bloody wrists.

"I already tried."

I really lost hope now, there was no way that I could possibly get out of here...