
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · 一般的
64 Chs

Liana was Bored

For the entire time, she was just sitting on the couch, watching her friends have fun. She just observed her friends watching movies, playing games, being sweet, crying and screaming at the horror scenes.

She was worried for Jun. She prayed for his safety and every 5 minutes, she would look at he rphone and look at the time. She groaned when she noticed that it was already 8 in the evening. She looked back at her friends who was deep in the movie.

"guys, aren't you hungry for dinner?" she asked them, attempting to get their attention.

Dylan noticed her putting her hands on her waist and he shook Victoria who was wiping her tears.

"can't you see I'm crying for Rosie?" she whined, crying out loud again. They were watching Love Rosie and she was so immersed and her heart couldn't take the pain that Rosie felt when she knew that Alex was getting married.

Dylan was actually scared when she raised her voice." relax, I'm just about to tell you about Liana,"

Liana chuckled at Dylan and asked them again. This time, Victoria paused the movie and let the others cry peacefully.

"I'll let you have a moment of peace to mourn Rosie's feelings for Alex," she jokingly said, realizing that her friends were literally crying.

She jumped on the couch and asked them again, "but seriously, aren't you hungry for dinner?"

Ashley snapped her head at the thought of food. "Love Rosie is great but food is greater," she suddenly said, walking up to the kitchen.

Liana laughed at her statement before closing her phone. She had just recorded them crying. She was going to tease all of them.

"Vic, it's almost 9, we should eat," slowly, Victoria stood up and followed Ashley.

Liana looked at Dylan for help and he immediately understood. "okay okay, I'm cooking dinner," she jumped and thanked him before pushing him to the kitchen.

When she thought that everyone was in the kitchen, she realized something, the Johnson brothers were missing. She turn back to the living room and saw both sleeping peacefully on the carpet.

She sighed and crouched before slightly shaking them. She sighed knowing that they won't wake up.

"Christian, there's fire," she whispered frantically. She laughed her ass off when Christian and Justin instantly woke up and looked around, panicking.

Justin looked at her who was on the floor, laughing. "Liana, what the hell?"

She tried to get up but she couldn't. She couldn't help but to laugh at Christian who was rubbing his temple and squinting his eyes.

"I-I'm so-s-sorry, I-" she laughed again and this time, Justin playfully kicked her butt.

When she regained herself and succeeded in refraining herself from laughing, she told them to go to the kitchen and help the others to cook and prepare.

When they finally did, she sat down on the couch and looked at the time. It was already 9. She frowned and saw that there was no notification from him. Not even a single text. She was about to leave her phone when it rang.

She smiled when she saw the caller ID and instantly answered it. Her heart fluttered by hearing his soft voice. Lately, he's been so soft and sweet around her in the house.

"I'm almost there, 10 minutes or so. Should I get you something?" he asked.

"Yes. I need you to get yourself here as soon as possible. It's already 9 in the evening Jun Arden Grey!" he was startled when she used his full name. He was supposed to be intimidated at her since she's mad but somehow, hearing her say his full name melted his heart.

" okay ma'am, " he jokingly answered.

She scoffed and calmed herself down," I'm not hanging up this call until I see your car in front of the gate. How are you?" how she quickly changed her angry tone to a worried tone made Jun's blood rush on his cheeks. He was as good as a highschool girl blushing about something her crush said.

" I'm fine, don't worry. Nothing bad happened, " he had to play an act that he would later regret. He was not going to tell her over the phone. No, he got other plans.

She didn't believe him. She still didn't have a strong bond with him and she didn't know if he's being honest or he's lying. She made sure that she would try to make the first move. After all, they're going to be husband and wife in just 2 weeks.

"How about you? Did you have fun with them? They're going to sleep there right? Justin texted me before they arrived there," she nodded, although he couldn't see it.

That explained why Christian carried Ashley's grey canvas tote bag with shoulder straps. Dylan carried his LV black keepall bandouliére bag and Justin brought his Prada backpack. Honestly, she was annoyed that they were using expensive bags just for them to put their extra clothes. She was sad that they didn't use the canvas bags she specifically designed for them.

She was about to answer his questions right after she knew what to say when he said, "I'm at the gate," and with that she ended the call and hurried outside.

I'm honestly sleepy and I might update at night again. My subject for today since it's already almost 1 am here, is English. And I gotta finish the whole Unit IV and guess what? I need to study 3 lessons in one day and answer test papers, how fun is that? *note the sarcasm*

Happy reading everyone ?


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