
My kudere husband

Having been hurt by her childhood best friend, she did not dare to fall in love with other people. She thought, love is for the idiots. Little did she know, she was an idiot. She was always taught that family must and always do come first and being born in the Stone family, it was necessary to put her life on the line when it comes to protecting the so called 'sacred' family. But when things turned out differently, she did not know what to do, whether to stand with her own blood or to stand with what was right by nature. And when she thought that her marriage was going fine as she and her fiancé was going along, her past came back, hunting her. Dark secrets were spilled and the untold truths were now told. Buried treasures were opened. Betrayal and cruelty dominated more in her life and the once innocent and humane girl turned to something new

Jeliane143 · General
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64 Chs

Kitchen chaos

She ran to open the gate and her heart leaped when she saw him all fine looking. She waited for him to park the car on the garage as she stood behind the gate. She heaved a deep sigh knowing that nothing bad happened to him, without knowing that something bad did really happen.

He walked towards her and she immediately engulfed him. They walk side by side together as she asked questions about him.

"Why are you so late? What did you do?" she asked in a soft voice, not trying to act like a mad wife.

He looked at her and sighed. He was still not going to tell her at this moment. "I'll tell everything when we have our alone time, okay? I promise you that. Let's just say that I'm trying to protect someone from danger,"

She felt heart broken, without any reason. Maybe because he said that he's protecting someone and that someone might not be her. She was jumping into conclusions.

" right, we're just in a forced marriage, "she thought to herself. She looked up and forcefully smiled. When she thought that he didn't notice, he did.

He secretly held her waist and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She was having an internal battle with herself. Half of her told her that he's just playing and he loves someone else while the other half of her told her that it was her and she should enjoy the moment. She didn't know what to follow.

"did you have dinner?" he asked while opening the door. She shook her head and walked towards the kitchen. She turned to him when she realized something.

"go and wash yourself, I'll be helping them," he nodded and went straight to his room.

She tried to brush the stinging pain from a while ago and tried to smile. "who wants to wash first? You can use the first guestroom's bathroom,"

Ashley mouthed 'me'. She immediately replaced Ashley who was cooking chicken curry. She looked at Justin and Christian who was cooking other foods too and she wondered how many dishes they were making. Just then, she remembered, her friends were big eaters.

She looked at Justin and asked, "what are you cooking?" He pointed at Victoria and then answered, "my own- no actually, this was Victoria's idea. Homemade meat dumpling,"

Another protein source food, she sighed. "What are you cooking Chris?"

He winked at her knowing that she would like the food. "Filipino pancit Bihon," She instantly squealed, almost splashing the chicken curry.

"wait—so you used all of the stock of meat?! That's good for a week, you big eater,"

"you will thank us later, don't worry. And, Dylan's preparing for the desserts, you'll be delighted. Just think of this as a fancy dinner," she nodded, surprised with the reasonable excuse of Justin.

"I love eating Filipino pancit Bihon but we're also eating rice. Duh, too much carbs," she whined, but also trying to eat the bihon.

Christian groaned, "it's still hot, you idiot." He smacked her head playfully, pushing the food away from her.

"Victoria! Stop it," Justin whined, trying to pry the flour on his arm. He mistook Dylan for Victoria.

The quiet girl crunched her face while answering, "It wasn't me! It was Dylan. He's the only one using flour,"

Justin turned to Dylan and was about to scold him when Victoria blew flour on his hair.

"okay guys, we're not some kids playing—" Christian wasn't able to finish his sentence as Liana blew flour on his face.

He was like a boiling kettle and instead of scolding them, he played with them. He was actually having fun acting like a kid.

"eeyy, stop blowing flour, it's all over my pastries," Dylan slammed the towel on the table as he looked at Liana's almost done chicken curry.

Justin scoffed and remarked, "you started it!"

Dylan darkened his eyes and looked at Victoria before blowing the flour on her face. "my sister started it,"

"is it done?" he asked, looking at Liana who was actually focused on taking the flour out of her head, not realizing that she needed a bath.

Ashley was about to open the door when she heard them shouting. She rolled her eyes and opened before scoffing.

"What the hell—" she didn't finish her sentence when Victoria blowing the flour on her face.

I'm so sad, I finished watching 'The Originals' and I'm crying. I just miss Klaus so much.

Tbh, it was fun while writing this chapter since me and my friends actually did this.

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