
Chapter 142

I nodded and winced at the pain as he injected the medicine in me but in that instant I felt a cool wave take over my body as the burning stopped.

"I talked to Uncle Dan, okay? We're going to escape tonight." he said as he pulled me up and sat me on his lap on the floor "Now remember what I told you to do if I get held back right?"

"Go to the place you told me about and wait in the cave." I said in a small voice as I buried my face in his chest "But you will be with me right?"

"Of course I will, little lamb" he said as tilted my chin to make me look at him "That's just a precaution, I will try my best to take you there but if I get held back. Go to the cave and wait for me, if I don't come in a two weeks, it means you have to go on without me, okay? Don't argue." he said when I opened my mouth to talk "Now all the stuff you would need to go on without me is in your backpack"