
Chapter 141

As soon as Uncle Dan had left. Brett ran down to the basement and got in the cell. "Hi, I'm Brett" he said to the little girl who cowered away from him "Oh don't be scared, I won't hurt you. Uncle Dan told me all about you."

The girl remained away and Brett was getting frustrated. He wanted to be her friend but he didn' know how to. "Hey, want me to sing you a lullaby? My mom used to do that for me when i used to be scared." when she didn't answer he continued "Okay, I'll sing you the same song she sang to me, okay?"

He took a deep breath and remembered what his mom used to sing to him

"Smile my little angel

You're safe my little lamb

The stars are shining bright

I'm here, holding your hand.

You're safe, my precious

You'll never be afraid

I'll watch over you

I'll keep you safe

When life makes you cry

and You're feeling down

Just close your eyes

Smile away that frown