
Eat, Before I Make You

I woke up from my slumber and tiredly rub my puffy eyes. I made my way towards the bathroom to wash up. After a nice warm bath to relax my body, I went back to my room to get dressed. As I was putting on an oversized sweater, my stomach growled so loudly and I realized that I had not eaten anything today.

Great Hani! You've never neglected food before. How could you not have eaten anything at all today?

I sighed to myself as I was pulling up my pants. The door swung open on me and I stare at Hyung who was standing at the other end of the door with eyes wide opened. I looked down and realized that I had not pulled my pants up all the way yet.

"HYUNG!!" I screamed as I fumble with my pants and tried to pull it up as fast as I could. Good thing for my oversized sweater. It was long enough that hopefully, Hyung didn't see anything. He turned around quickly and I realized he had a tray of food in his hand.

"W-what are you doing here Hyung? I thought you went on a date with Mi-Young?" I stuttered to him. I could feel my face burning up fast. This is the second time that Hyung has walked in on me.

"Sorry, Hani. I thought you were still asleep. I was just going to leave the food here."

"Where's Mi-Young?"

"She said that she wanted to go home so she left a little while ago. Um, can I turn around now?"

"Uh, yeah Hyung," I shyly answered back. I couldn't stand the tension. I wanted him to leave as soon as possible. He turned around and walked towards me with the tray of food.

"Here, are you feeling better now?"

"Yeah. I feel a bit better after sleeping."

I took the tray from him and hoped for him to leave, but he didn't move an inch. He just stood and watched as I made my way towards my bed. I set the tray down on the night table and I got into bed. My eyes met with Hyung's and I instantly looked away. I grabbed the bowl of rice porridge that Hyung had cooked and took a spoonful of the food and ate it. I was too nervous that I had forgotten to cool down the rice porridge before eating, so yes it was hot. I immediately opened my mouth to take the spoonful back out.

"Ah! Too hot."

Hyung rushed to my side and sat down right next to me.

"Yah! Of course, it's hot! Why would you just eat without cooling it down first?"

He swiftly took the bowl away from me and started to blow on the porridge that was on the spoon to cool it down. He took a small bite to check to see if it had cooled down. I stared back and blushed hard as I watched. The food had been in my mouth and he just took a bite!

Is this considered an indirect kiss?

My cheeks were burning and my heart crazily pumped as he brought the spoonful towards my mouth. The same spoonful that he just took a bite out off. I looked at his plumped lips instead of the spoon and I wanted to pull him in and just kiss those beautiful lips.

"Ahhhhhhh," he called out to me with his mouth opened wide while trying to feed me which brought me back to reality.

"H-Hyung, I have hands. I can feed myself," I said as I tried to take the bowl back from Hyung, but he pulled away.

"My dongsang is sick. Let me feed you. You might just burn your mouth again," he smiled back at me. His sweet smile caused my heart to race even more than it already was. I couldn't stand it. I needed him to leave. I can't be in the same room as Hyung anymore. I was growing more weaker by the second and I was afraid I was going to do something I will regret. He held the spoon up to my mouth again, but I refused to open my mouth.

"Hani-ah, eat before I make you."

I hid underneath the cover of my blanket.

"I'm not hungry. I'll eat it later. You can go now Hyung."

"I'm not leaving until you finish the food."

I went deeper underneath the blanket. I heard Hyung sighing before hearing him put the bowl back down on the tray. He got up from the bed, but only to pull the blanket away from me. I hastily sat up and pouted at him.


"I said eat," he grabbed the bowl and tried to feed me again. I gave in and took the bite. My face still red as I thought of how we both just ate from the same spoon. Maybe it was because I was so hungry too, but it was the best rice porridge that I had ever eaten. My stomach cried for more food after that first bite. Hyung quietly giggled as he sat back down on my bed closer than before to continue to feed me. I was too hungry to fight back with Hyung so I just let him feed me. I ate the entire bowl within minutes.

"Good girl," he said as soon as I took the last bite. He set the bowl back down on the tray and he ruffles my hair while killing me softly with his eye smile.

"You can go now. I finished eating," I said while grabbing the blanket and covered myself to hide from him once again. My whole face and body were burning. It was too much for me.

He needs to leave now before I can't take it anymore.

"Let me know if you need anything Hani. I'll get it for you so just rest until you feel better, okay?"

"Ne Hyung."

He took the tray of food and left the glass of water that he brought up with the food. Once I heard the door close, I slowly peeked to make sure he was really gone, and he

was. I breathe in relief and sat back up. I took the glass of water and drunk it with the medicine that was also left behind by Hyung.

How do I stop myself from loving you when you are like this to me Hyung?

My lips trembled as I felt tears making their way down my face. I didn't think I would still have tears left since all I have been doing lately was cry, but I was so wrong.

I don't want to love you Hyung. I don't want to hurt Mi-Young.

I laid back down in bed as I silently wept. My phone suddenly rang. I wiped my tears and got up to grab my phone. It was a number I didn't recognize. Not wanting to answer it thinking it was spam, I tossed my phone aside and laid back down on my bed. My phone rang again. I didn't get up this time but grabbed my phone to check and see who was calling me this time. It was the same number.

Aish, who the hell is calling me right now? It better not be spam.


"Annyeong Hani..."

My eyes widen as soon as I heard the familiar raspy voice. I promptly sat up in bed. I could tell he was smirking at the other end of the line. My heart instantly dropped and wished that it had been spam, but it wasn't.


To Be Continued...