
My heroic journey as a trap 2.0

fucking hell why the hell is my gacha so goddammit Annoying and why the hell do I look like this? fucking astolfo join me in my adventure in my hero academia or you could just leave fucking pussy

foodieToodie · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs

The quirkless boy

13 months before the entrance exam


"Oi Deku get up, we aren't done yet." his cruel voice was digging into my ears, his glaring red eyes looming over me, expressed a deep disgust from just being around me.

I wanted to glare back and yell while beating

his ass so hard, that even the wish-granting dragon Shenron won't even be able to heal him, but unfortunately.

I don't know how I'm going to explain 3rd-degree burns To my mom, so for now, I'll have to just endure it.

"C-Come O-On kacchan, T-There's N-No N-Need to Use your quirk," I stammered pathetically, gulping at the sight of the explosions coming out of his palms.

He paused, and for a second all of my bodily functions froze, a deep dread formed inside my body, halting any sort of movement.



An explosion erupted from where I just stood, looking at the broken table and chair, had I not dodged then...

'Then, that would have been me!'

Quickly getting up from the floor, I take a couple of steps back, getting ready to run if need be, Glancing at kacchan and his goons, (he never calls them by their names) I feel a sense of terror that sends shivers down my spine.

"Oi Deku, do you really think you could do It?" kacchan asks with an eerie but calm tone, he stands up straight, contrary to his usual slouching posture, and pats off any remaining remnants of the chair and desk he just obliterated.

"Y-Yes I'm going to do it, I'm going to be a hero kacchan!" I said, trying to put the meager confidence I have left into the declaration.

Confidence, that I knew he despised.

"you!..." he looked and sounded enraged, his spikey blond hair and red eyes extenuating his feral expression.

He slumped into his normal posture and allowed his explosive sweat to burst out of his palms, an obvious intimidation tactic.

"You!.. You! Think this is a game!? A worthless bastard! like you! Wouldn't even make it through the UA exam! you'll die!" kacchan said, yelling at the top of his lungs.

Before his face, slowly starts to turn into a somewhat kind-looking smile, but for me, I know that's just another way to intimidate me.

"And why would they even pick a worthless loser like you? when they can have me," his previously kind smile, turns into a mixture of confidence and savagery.

"I-I know that you're amazing kacchan, " he smiles confidently, enjoying having his ego stroked, "b-but I'm still going to do it, whether you like it or not kacchan!" his confident smile is gone, replaced with a hateful look.

"tch! ... Quirkless people like you should know you're place!" He scowled, "and since you don't know where you belong, I'll help you like the good hero that I am,"

A multitude of alarm bells was going off inside my head, and they were proven right when kaachan lunged forward, his palms already emitting a bright yellow light.


Evading the incoming explosion by throwing myself onto the side, I quickly scramble onto my feet.

Looking for any possible exits, I find that there are none, kacchans goons are both standing near both of our classroom doors.

'mom... I'm sorry for what I'm about to say'

"shit!" I mutter under my breath, making sure kacchan didn't hear it since escaping isn't an option then... I-I'll just have to fight, come on izuku! You can do this!

Getting ready, I grab a nearby chair, and with a roar, I move-


And as quickly as the resolve came, in under 2 seconds it was destroyed.

Laying on my back I felt breathless, my head also smacked down onto the hard floor below, so maybe that's why I'm seeing black spots.

'My chest... It burns,' looking down onto my chest, I could still vividly feel the impact of the explosion.

"See now Deku? You're as worthless as they come, your quirkless existence would taint the reputation of UA, so stay down where you belong!" he says, almost growling from what I believe to be hatred.

While it was getting hard to understand what he was saying, I could still vaguely understand the meaning.

And that was the last thing I heard, before blacking out.


Waking up I immediately groan in pain, my chest while feeling better still hurts like hell, cranking my neck so the windows are in my view, see that the sky is dyed in a deep orange, with wisps of red, the sun is obviously going down.

The sun is going down...

The sun is going down.

The sun is going-

"MOM!" I shriek in a panic, feeling my left pocket, I grab my phone only to groan, the panic even growing bigger.

[23 missed calls]

[Mom: Izuku, dear, when are you coming home?]

[Mom: Izuku, are you at the library at this time?]

[Mom: Izuku, honey, are you alright?]

[Mom: your katsu is getting cold.]

Looking at the mountain of texts, I immediately get up, ignoring the discomfort and pain surrounding my chest and head area,

And run out of the classroom, my destination? The front gate.

'the front gates probably closed at this time'

With that thought, I turn around, my new destination? The medium-sized fence at the back of the school, it's very easy to climb over, so sometimes when I'm hiding from kacchan.

I would stay inside the school since whenever he can't find me he tends to wait for me at the front gate, so I found the fence to be well useful to escape without him knowing.


"that'll be 2500 yen," the bored voice of the cashier brought me back to reality, instead of dwelling in the land of thoughts.

Giving the bored man his money, I walk outside looking for a bathroom to change my uniform, since I didn't want to keep walking around with a giant hole in my uniform.

Plus, how would I explain that to my mom, she may be soft-hearted but she isn't stupid, she would most likely figure out who did it, since well it's pretty evident she knows kacchan, and his anger issues well so yeah.

Now, I should go and get some books from the library.


"Mom I'm home" I yell out, closing the door behind me I could vaguely hear a cute yelp coming from the kitchen, before the sound of a person running was heard.

"IZUKU! " that was the last thing I heard, before I was enveloped by my mom's warm and soothing hug, she continued for another 7 seconds before she finally let me go.

"Izuku are you sure you're alright, did someone try to hurt you, did you do drugs, maybe out with girls!!!?" my mom panicky, asked question after question before I had heard enough.

"Okay, mom calm down, breath, calm..." listening to my instructions she finally calmed down, of course, tears were still streaming from her eyes, making me feel a huge amount of guilt for making her worry.

"Okay good, mom I was just at the library, and I kinda lost track of the time," I say sheepishly, bringing my hand up to scratch my messy dark green hair.

"I-Is, that really *sniff* all?" she inquires, her nose still runny, and her eyes still looked watery.

"yes, of course, that's all mom, " I replied while giving her my award-winning smile, which will obviously make her believe it.

"See, I brought a really good book home," I say, grabbing the random book, I quickly chose from the library.

Showing it to her for some reason made her face a bright red, kinda like an apple.

"*ahem* W-Well y-you are a young man now, so it makes sense why you would be interested in uhh those things," she says, embarrassment oozing out of her pores for some reason.

Deciding that my mom was just acting weird, I put the book back in the bag, before walking into my ro-

"WAIT, IZUKU!" my mom yelled from across the room.


"just, uhh, remember to use tissues, take a shower when you're done, and use protection," she says in a surprisingly serious tone, I have no idea what she meant, but I just want to go to bed so I'll just agree for now.

"uh, yeah, sure," I say, before closing the door shut and jumping into my soft bed.

"I wonder why mom was so embarrassed, it's just a book," grabbing the book, its cover, reads, [Kama Sutra: The Book of Sex Positions].

Freezing up, I think about the mom's advice, no no no no no no no noooooo.

And for the first time in my life, I felt a genuine anger towards kacchan.


