
My Hero Academia: The customizer

A young man suddenly gets pulled in a void space, and after being there for a while meets a screen who gives him the chance to reincarnate into the last fictional world that he saw before coming there.

overloaded_maxima · アニメ·コミックス
165 Chs

Encounter at the restaurant

After going on for quite a few rounds both Rumi and Shun laid down on the couch taking deep breaths with Shun lying on Rumi's back.

"Shun....to the bedroom." said Rumi hearing which Shun used his customize create and teleported to the bedroom and fell on top of the bed.

Landing in the soft bed Rumi rolled to the side making Shun appear beside her.

She stared at him for a while before she wrapped her hands around him and pulled him towards herself.

"... Aren't you fawning too much on me?" asked Shun.

"You hate it or what? Just enjoy it." said Rumi as she held him tighter buried his face in her chest.

Shin didn't say anything and just hugged her back.

"Hey, no touching my tail." Said Rumi as she felt Shun playing with her tail.

Shin stared at her as she stared back at him with a slight glare. After having the staring contest for a while Shun moved his hand off her tail.

"Hmph.....don't touch it right now...do it at some other time." said Rumi as she let go of Shun and took a sheet present on the bed and covered both of them.

"And don't forget that you need to clean the living room and bed room later, I don't want any smell." said Rumi.

"...Your inner rabbit will kick in because of the smell huh. Alright." said Shun making Rumi look at him with challenging gaze and say, "Huh, sure that would be the case, don't do anything if you think you have the spine to satisfy me everytime you come here."

"Don't underestimate Rumi, you will not be able to move if I got serious, you were panting heavily even when it wasn't the real thing, you know..... not to mention I am not taking chances of letting an excited rabbit do the hero duty, don't want her to mess up because of that and getting played around by someone else." said Shun.

But immediately after that Rumi straddled him and said, "Don't think that I am that easy, bastard. That only happened today because it was with you. For your info, I have this quirk for a long time and I even had my hormonal teenage years as well. I am perfectly able to control my emotions by kicking ass and all."

Shun who heard that widend his eyes in surprise and thought, '....Is that her way of saying that she loves me and is very loyal with me.'

But dropped his thoughts and said, "...Because of which you were banned from fighting and was suspended from your school, right?"

"Hah, they were idiots. To boast about themselves about how strong and manly they were and then running away crying after getting their asses kicked. Fu*king Wimps." said Rumi.

She then looked at Shun and said, "That is one of the reasons I like you, someone who is able to fight head-on against me. So don't become a wimp after becoming a hero, alright?"

"...Well let's see what happens. Afterall I am only attending a hero school so that I can get my license as early as possible. Though if you like that about me I won't change that." said Shun with a smile.

Rumi smirked as well and said, "You better not or be prepared to get dumped by me." and leaned forward to give him a kiss before she laid down again.

After both of them rested for a while Shun and Rumi decided to clean the house to get rid of the smell, which was easy as Shun just need to deal with it using his customize create. They then decided to take a bath to get rid of the sticky feeling and it was then that Shun realised why there was a washing back with the boobs event in most of the h*ntai, it was hella amazing for him.

After they were done washing up both of them decided to go out for lunch, of course by hiding Mirko's appearance so as to not get disturbed during their date.

Though on their way Mirko got a sudden call that she was needed somewhere much to their annoyance.

"Fu*king pieces of shit. Can't those villains just hold their horses for one day and relax at their homes." said Mirko.

"Sometimes I feel like it would be fine if I teleported some of the villains at the bottom of the ocean." said Shun with slight anger in his tone making Rumi look at him and say, "You went too dark their...can you really do it?"

Shun just nodded his head and said, "Call me once you are free, we will go then, I will pick you up as well." said Shun as he looked towards Rumi.

"...Fine then, see you later." said Mirko as she went to a nearby alley and changed into her hero costume which she was wearing beneath her clothes. She then looked towards Shun who teleported her back to her house where she equipped the other gear like her metal boots and all and then rushed towards the site.

Coming back to Shun, who just teleported her girlfriend away gave an annoyed sigh and thought, 'Looks like I am free for a while.....but I still need to eat something, I didn't even have breakfast today.'

He then continued his walk while looking around for a while.

'Hmm.... looks like this place has an offer on deals since it opened recently. Let's check this out.' thought Shun as he got inside.

As he opened the door the bell above the door made a sound informing about his entrance.

Shun immediately checked the surroundings to confirm if there was any danger.

Sensing there was nothing like that he looked towards the waitress that was coming towards him with a smile on her face.

"Good afternoon dear customer, a seat for you?" asked the waitress.

Shun smiled as well and said, "Yes, please."

The waitress nodded and then led him towards the only vacant table in the store.

'Either they are pretty good, or all the people in here had a similar idea like me.' thought Shun as he looked around the tightly packed store.

After taking his seat the waitress placed a glass of water and the menu in front of him and walked away.

After placing giving his order Shun took out his phone to check for the villain activity and if someone with troublesome quirk was there or not.

Though it has been a long time he still keeps a check on the situation to make sure if his father was sighted somewhere or not. He was glad that he didn't make an appearance after that incident band was even wishing for him to be dead. But the fact that he knew how durable and persistent his father was stopped him from having those thoughts.

Placing his phone down once he saw the waitress coming towards him. He looked up and saw that instead of his order the waitress was coming back with a complex expression on her face.

'Oi don't tell me you don't have what I ordered.' thought Shun.

"Dear customer, would it be fine if another person joins you at this table? As you can see that we are jam packed. It's just one customer, so I hope that you won't mind."

"Whatever, doesn't bother me anyway.....but if it turned out to be a troublesome person then remember that I won't be giving service tax and the tip." said Shun with a smile making the girl take a step back with her lips twitching.

"I-It would be fine, it is a regular customer. I know that she won't be a bother. Thank you for understanding." said the waitress bas she bowed and then went away to call the other person.

'...So special treatment for the regular, huh.' thought Shun as he looked in the direction where the girl went and saw her coming back with another girl with blonde hair and blue eyes.

'Well she is beautiful...' thought Shun and used his appraisal on her. '...and dangerous seeing what her quirk is and how her movements are.' thought Shun as he looked at the transparent screen in front of him.



