
My Hero Academia: Spark of hope

Imagine if, during Izuku Midoriya's darkest moments, someone else had uttered the words he so desperately needed to hear. What if he possessed a quirk but required a spark to awaken its potential? Get ready for a wild ride, because things are about to take a thrilling turn.

SirBolsterous · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Reaching out

As Izuku awoke, a peculiar metallic scent invaded his senses, permeating the air around him. Disoriented, he instinctively tried to make sense of his surroundings. To his surprise, he discovered that his vision was shrouded in darkness, obscured by a tightly tied cloth that enveloped his eyes. Panic set in as he grappled with the situation. He tried to move his arms but encountered resistance. They, too, were confined, tightly bound to a surface that felt solid and cold. Resembling a chair, it offered no comfort, only a cold and uninviting restraint.

A distant echo of footsteps gradually pierced the air, drawing nearer with each passing moment. The cadence differed markedly from the grace of the mysterious white-haired girl; instead, these steps resonated with an ominous weight, signaling a more menacing and deliberate approach. The rhythm continued to intensify until, abruptly, the steps ceased, leaving an unsettling stillness in their wake. The abrupt halt seized Izuku's attention, prompting a heightened state of alertness.

"You are quite an impressive specimen, young man. Once quirk-dampening poison was eliminated from your system completely, your organs and wounds recovered at a remarkable speed," a cold voice mused, drawing the attention green-haired teenager, who tilted his head to try and listen for the source of the ominous presence.

"Where am I?" he probed before a menacingly chilling laughter erupted. "Smart. Trying to fish for information are we?" the cold voice spoke with a screeching tone. "Now enlighten me, what is your link to All Might?" Izuku remained silent, his pupils quivering and dilating with his racing thoughts. Our intel suggests a close teacher-student relationship. A point of interest surely, but I wonder what the blonde oaf was after with you? As far as my network allowed me to research, you have no relations with him. With half of your DNA connected to–" The figure tapped something that resembled a touchscreen display, and a chilling excitement escaped him.

"Oguro..." He hushed, casting an eerie atmosphere over the scene.

Izuku's eyes widened in disbelief. 'Huh? Who is that?' he struggled to make sense of the information. The name Oguro didn't ring any bells for him. He initially thought it might be a trick, a ploy designed to lower his guard. However, deep within him, a seed of doubt sprouted. His mother had rarely spoken of her parents. She had only ever mentioned that his great-grandfather belonged to the first generation of quirk users, possessing a unique speed quirk that had seemingly vanished and never reappeared until he had been conceived. Something like that is impossible, the quirk has to mutate down the line.

"Are you not aware of your bloodline boy?" the voice teetered on the brink of cackling. Seeing as no response returned thanks to in part Izuku reeling from what he had just heard the cold tone continued its speech. "In light of discoveries, I have an offer to make," he proposed with an echoing screech. A silence ensued in response, the green-haired teenager visibly confused and distraught. "My employer would rather have you broken beyond recognition and sent back as a message to All Might. However, I beg to differ. Such crude and barbaric measures only dampen your real potential, which I intend to nurture." he went silent for a moment before chilling smoke slowly moved out of the hole where his mouth would be. "You can either choose to keep your sanity and work for me or become a tool in my employer's machinations."

Izuku remained silent while attempting to chew through the encroaching fear by staying firm in his demeanor. Moments later he heard a clicking sound and then a piece of classical music began filling the space creating a rich echo chamber within. Then, the fabric around his eyes was torn away, restoring his vision. Before him stood a towering figure, covered in black scales from the neck down, with a face featuring a striking mix of white and black, and intense silver-white eyes. Adorned in a black suit with a matching tie, his movements were fluid and graceful, starkly contrasting his menacing appearance. As the green-haired boy gazed into the figure's eyes, his lips trembled slightly, and he felt a lump form in the back of his throat.

The towering scaly figure grips him by the head before delivering two powerful punches to his jaw and cheek.

"It'll be such a shame to break a bright young boy such as yourself," The figure responded, his eyes began to glow, and then piercing white turned glowing red, as it locked onto emerald irises. 

In one moment they brimmed with life, and in the next, they hazed, seemingly trying to trace invisible patterns in the air as if they were unraveling the threads of a new presence. His gaze fixated on a space where nothing tangible existed, yet the intensity of his stare suggested otherwise. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his trembling lips tried to articulate the indescribable. It was as if a nightmare from his deepest fears had materialized before him.

"M-Mom?" he called out, his voice quivering as he struggled in his chair, attempting to break free. However, the figure with scales simply observed him, an ominous smile forming on his face. He removed his suit jacket and slowly loosened his tie. A look of sheer terror overtook the green-haired young man's face as he comprehended the impending situation. However, his expression began to shift and contort.

In the end, he let out a scream. "No! Stop!" Izuku begged as he started thrashing in his chair, tears flowing down his cheeks. His grip on the chair's armrest tightened as he struggled to make a sound. However, his screams momentarily ceased, as if something had silenced him, while each explosive attempt to free himself was met with the sensation of a cold, feminine hand seemingly emerging from behind, gripping his neck and preventing him from moving.

Despite his desperate attempts to avert his gaze or shut his eyes tight, his body refused to respond to his commands. Gradually, his senses numbed, and his heart pounded relentlessly, reaching a point where the intensity became unbearable. In a desperate release, the silence was replaced by Izuku's guttural howl that was accentuated by his streaming tears—anger, anguish, and despair—all crashing on him simultaneously. 

As the pace of his rhythmic breathing quickened and merged with his involuntary flinches, a gentle hand delicately caressed Izuku's cheek. Within this soothing touch, a soft, familiar voice whispered a haunting question into his ear: "Do you want to continue resisting, or surrender?" Izuku gasped quietly, his teeth clenched, and his eyes strained unnaturally. Yet, amid his pain, a familiar feminine voice resonated within him, filled with defiance, "You can't. I won't let you!"


A single sob broke the silence as a green-haired boy gazed at a drawing in his notebook. It depicted him wearing an All Might hero suit, his eyes filled with dreams now shattered. He knelt in the heart of a deserted playground, with an empty swing swaying gently before him and a dome-shaped climbing structure standing unused nearby. Frantically, he tried to wipe away his tears with the palms of his hands, but it was a futile effort. Why would it help? His deepest desire had always been to possess a quirk, to become a hero like his idol All Might. But the harsh reality had just crashed down on him: he would never have a quirk.

As Izuku's tears fell, a shadow loomed over him. Lifting his head, he saw Kyoka standing there, observing him with concern. She was dressed casually in a t-shirt and knee-length hiking shorts, a charmingly tomboyish look, completed by a cap that concealed her typically short hair. "Izu-kun, why are you crying? What happened?" she asked, her brow furrowed in worry.

"I-I—" Izuku stammered, his voice breaking, "The doctor said I don't have a quirk, and I never will." His words were punctuated by fresh tears streaming down his cheeks. "I wanted to be like All Might, but now I think I have to give up—"

Before he could finish, Kyoka suddenly gave him a tackle, her head firmly planted into his guts. "You can't! I won't let you!" she declared, her eyes shining with determination and a grin spreading across her face.

Caught off guard, Izuku's sad expression transformed into laughter, and the weight of his despair momentarily lifted. Kyoka playfully continued to wrestle with him, their laughter filling the playground. "Okay! Okay! I get it, Kiki!" Izuku managed to say between being held in a headlock and his chuckles.

After regaining their composure, Kyoka flashed a mischievous smile at Izuku and playfully tapped his shoulder. "You're it!" she exclaimed, darting away in a swift sprint. What followed were hours of exhilarating chase, with Izuku in pursuit of the elusive Kyoka. She deftly dodged him at every turn, their laughter ringing through the playground and across the lush green fields beyond. To Izuku, the minutes melted into hours, their joyous energy carried on the gentle breeze that danced around them.

Suddenly, Kyoka halted, spinning around to face him. Izuku, puzzled by the abrupt change, slowed to a stop. "What's wrong? Why did you stop suddenly?" he asked, sensing a shift in the atmosphere. Kyoka's expression had transformed; her lips quivered ever so slightly.

"Izu-kun... In a few days, I'll be moving far away with my dad, mom, and bro," Kyoka's words fell heavily, piercing the light-hearted atmosphere. Izuku felt a sinking sensation in his stomach as the reality of her words sank in. He was on the verge of protesting against the cruel twist of fate, but the sight of tears finally breaking through Kyoka's grin halted him. At that moment, his troubles seemed to fade.

"We'll see each other again right?" she whispered.

With a wide, reassuring grin, Izuku replied, "We will, Kiki. We will."



A soft gust of wind breezes by, and the luscious green grass and the occasional flowers nestle in the green terrain, dancing in a slow rhythm. A couple of trees stand on the side of the open area that is decorated by a majestic marble fountain with a few avian animals basking in its rejuvenating water. The visage is completed by the yellow leaves falling off the branches of trees, as the orange glow of the sun gently grazes a tree leaned on by a purple-haired girl who has her gaze lost in the distance. 

Kyoka's thoughts drifted back to the days spent with Izuku, the green-haired youth. Those simpler, more innocent times filled her with bittersweet nostalgia. She pondered whether the freckled youth was somewhere waiting for help, hoping that someone would come to his rescue. The one thing she knew for sure was that Izuku, wherever he was, would be using every ounce of his strength to survive. Determined, she resolved to pursue what seemed like the ever-distant figure of Izuku.

However, her contemplation was abruptly cut short by the appearance of a black-haired boy. He was sitting on a bench, completely engrossed in his laptop. His fingers danced rapidly across the keyboard, a picture of focus, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. Clad in his characteristic black hoodie, he seemed like a fixture of this everyday scene. Next to him, Uraraka was seated in her school uniform, her index fingers tapping together in a rhythm of apparent nervousness.

The soft clacks and clicks of the laptop keys punctuated the still, silent air. Before long, footsteps approached. It was Denki, his frown somewhat heavy, moving towards a small opening in the middle of the group.

"Sorry, to call ya guys abruptly over here, but I have something to ask of you," Denki's gaze flickered to Soumei. "You know about the incident at the U.S.J, right?"

"Yeah, who hasn't heard?" Soumei's voice had a hesitant edge.

Denki's fists clenched. "I need to find Izuku and to do that I need your help"

Uraraka bit her lip. "But even the U.A. and cops couldn't find him. And we... we don't have licenses."

Denki's frustration. "So, we just give up? Just like that?"

Uraraka hesitated. "It's not that simple, Denki. He could be anywhere, or…." She trailed off, unable to voice the darker possibilities.

Kyoka stepped forward. "No, he's right. We need to act now, or we'll lose any chance of finding him."

Denki blinked, taken aback. "Kyoka?"

"Ya heard me," the purple-haired youth remarked

Soumei's eyes narrowed. "Going rogue means big risks. We'll be acting without a license, without any real backing. You get that, right?"

Denki looked determined. "That's where you come in, Soumei. We need your tech know-how to stay under the radar. Can you do it?"

Soumei pushed up his glasses. "It's not about whether I can. It's about whether it's worth risking everything. Our careers, our futures..."

Kyoka cut in, her voice firm. "We'll be vigilantes, outlaws. But if we don't do this, who will?"

Denki locked eyes with Soumei. "Please, we need to know if he's still out there. We owe him that much."

After a tense moment, Soumei sighed. "Fine, I'm in. But first, we need gear. Stealth suits, voice changers, the works."

Kyoka nodded. "And a hideout. We can't use our homes."

Soumei started typing. "There's an abandoned warehouse in the industrial district. Owned by the Yaoyorozu family."

Kyoka hesitated. "Momo... she's been through a lot. I don't want to drag her into this."

Soumei glanced up. "We could always use the sewers if you're worried about ethics."

Denki frowned. "We don't have time for that. Soumei, what's our next move?"

As everyone peered over Soumei's shoulder, he smirked. "Breaking into the U.A. database was child's play. Now, let's plan. One, we get Yaoyorozu on board. Two, we gear you guys to the teeth. Three, we search for leads about Midoriya's whereabouts and locate him. Four, we mount up rescue operation."

Everyone nodded and promptly Kyoka 

Kyoka turned to Uraraka. "We'll talk to Momo. You guys start on the leads."

Denki pumped his fist. "You got it. Let's do this."


The next morning, Kyoka and Uraraka sent a message to Yaoyorozu, requesting a private conversation before their classes. She promptly invited them to her house, providing the address, where they could meet before heading to the U.A campus. The female duo found themselves standing before the magnificent gates of the Yaoyorozu mansion, feeling overwhelmed by its grandeur. Uraraka couldn't help but stare in awe at the imposing structure.

"A-are we sure this is it?" an auburn-haired girl stammered at the sheer size and elegance of the mansion in front of them. Shrugging, the purple-haired girl stepped forward pressing the call button before a device began ringing. "This is Yaoyorozu Residence. How may I be of service to you?" a masculine voice called from the other side of the line.

"My name is Kyoka Jiro and I'm here with Ochako Uraraka to see our classmate Momo Yaoyorozu-san," Kyoka said.

"Ah, how delightful! Yaoyorozu-sama has been waiting for you. Please enter through the gate. I will be greeting you, ladies, at the courtyard shortly," the voice responded with an air of formality, resonating through a speaker as the gate gracefully opened on its own accord. The duo, Uraraka, and Kyoka, entered the enchanting domain, the former expressing wide-eyed awe at the surroundings, while the latter merely raised an eyebrow, before reverting to a cold and blank demeanor. The stony path before them led the way, guiding them through a landscape adorned with ethereal charm. As they strolled, a majestic fountain came into view, and standing before it was a man in his late 50s, impeccably dressed in a butler's uniform. 

"Greetings, Jiro-sama. Uraraka-sama, you may call me Shuke or Butler-san if you are feeling generous," the man winked, causing the auburn-haired girl to almost spit, while Kyoka remained unchanged, her eyes still unmoved. "I will be leading esteemed guests to the mistress."

The elderly man offered a respectful bow before leading them into the mansion. Kyoka's thoughts whirled tumultuously, a nagging sensation in her gut intensifying. This moment was critical; their entire mission to find Izuku hinged on what happened next. A sense of apprehension mingled with nerves washed over the purple-haired youth. She glanced sideways, noticing Uraraka mirroring her emotions, yet there was a hint of in the auburn-haired girl's expression that Kyoka had never witnessed before.

Eventually, the duo would be led through the corridors of the hulking mansions and then reach the library section where the black-haired girl in question was intently reading something while standing in front of a large window frame with intricate patterns on it. As they stepped a little closer, her gaze shifted from the pages of the book to the duo.

"Ah, Jiro-san. Uraraka-san. I hope you did not get overwhelmed by–" she gestured to everything around them while setting the book on the shelf. "This is the first time I've had classmates visit, so it's new for me too," she remarked with a touch of embarrassment while rising to her feet.

"No worries, Shuke-san was quite helpful," Uraraka chuckled lightly, while Yaoyorozu placed a hand on her forehead. "Yes, he's eccentric but effective. Almost feels like the goofy uncle, doesn't he?" She joined in the laughter.

"I aim to satisfy," the elderly butler straightened his posture.

"We need to discuss something crucial, concerning Izuku," Kyoka interjected sharply, charging the atmosphere as her eyes honed in with intense focus. Her gaze locked onto the widened, deep onyx irises of the black-haired girl.

Catching the intent quickly, Momo turned to address the elderly man. "Shuke, please excuse us, and would you kindly deactivate the audio surveillance in this room as well?" the elderly man bowed before leaving the library.

Once the elderly man had exited the room, Kyoka and Uraraka launched into their explanation of their plans to locate Izuku, detailing their intention to employ her family-owned warehouse without leaving any possibilities unexplored. The black-haired girl's expression underwent a profound transformation; she remained speechless throughout the explanation. When the duo reached the end of their discussion, her demeanor had shifted entirely. She stood with her arms crossed, her eyes now piercing through the girls.

"Do you realize what you're asking of me?" she paced back and forth, casting anxious glances at the silent pair. "If we get caught it won't affect just me, but by proxy my parents too. The damages would be immeasurable."Momo's frown deepened." Why are you even doing this? Midoriya-san should be long gone by now, you know that. Unless—" She paused, her palm slowly covering her mouth, as realization dawned. At that moment, Kyoka tilted her head subtly, deliberately avoiding Momo's gaze.

"Of course…! You care for him deeply, don't you? And I mean more than just a simple friendship," Momo's words hung in the air. Kyoka's eyes flickered involuntarily under Momo's insightful gaze. 

Kyoka hesitated, her words faltering when Momo unexpectedly delved into her relationship with Izuku. Although Kyoka shared a deep connection with Izuku that surpassed any she had with other boys, aside from her family, she couldn't definitively label her feelings as romantic. There was an undeniable void within her, a missing fragment that was essential to her world. Without it, the colors seemed less vibrant, and the food tasted bland.

In a fleeting moment of realization, her composed facade faltered, a subtle blush tinting her cheeks, and her eyes shimmering with longing. Kyoka took a deep, steadying breath, pressing her lips together as she wrestled to contain the rush of emotions, accompanied by loud palpitations against her ribcage.

"I do, and I'll do whatever it takes to find him," she declared.

"So you want to pull everyone into your crusade to do what? Risk your life and face a dozen highly-lethal villains all in hopes of finding one potentially deceased person? Do you even hear yourself?" Momo rubbed the bridge of her nose in disbelief.

"I'm not asking anyone to risk their lives; each of us chooses to do so of our own free will," Kyoka began, her voice wavering slightly. "And because–" She paused, struggling for a moment. "When Izuku stood up for all of us, he was scared to death. I could see it, she could see it. "She pointed to Uraraka "and so did everyone else. So why did he keep smiling like an idiot… Why did he feel the need to go so far?" Overcome by frustration, Kyoka clenched her teeth, her outburst causing the raven-haired youth nearby to shudder involuntarily. "I can't just ignore that and pretend everything"

Her frown deepened in contemplation before she turned to Ochako, who had been observing the exchange in silence. "And your thoughts, Uraraka-san? What is your stake on this?" she probed, her voice tinged with a subtle edge of challenge. Ochako returned her gaze, a momentary flicker of hesitation soon dissolving. Her lips formed a faint smile as her warm eyes briefly lost focus.

"I can't let them do this alone and besides," Uraraka spoke with a heartfelt intensity. "How can I not help Izuku after everything we've gone through?" Kyoka absorbed the depth of Uraraka's words, nodding her head in agreement.

Witnessing their resolute expressions, Momo paused, eyes closing as she weighed her options. "Okay," she finally conceded, arms crossing while a hint of a smile played on her lips. "I'll need to make some arrangements, but our family's warehouse should work. We can disguise it as a new development site for support tools, using it for secure storage," she mused, her tone thoughtful.

"Thanks. Really." Relief washed over Kyoka and Uraraka, visibly relaxing their tense postures. A brief, but meaningful silence enveloped them. "We'll reconvene once it's ready. Remember, use a codeword for the meeting," Kyoka instructed.

"And that would be?" Momo inquired, eyebrows arching in curiosity.

"Green beans," Kyoka replied, her lips pressing together in a firm line.