
My Hero Academia: Spark of hope

Imagine if, during Izuku Midoriya's darkest moments, someone else had uttered the words he so desperately needed to hear. What if he possessed a quirk but required a spark to awaken its potential? Get ready for a wild ride, because things are about to take a thrilling turn.

SirBolsterous · アニメ·コミックス
14 Chs

Intro Sensorjack

In the days following the battle simulation, Izuku found himself immersed in training sessions alongside Kyoka and Denki once their daily curriculum concluded. As a cohesive trio, they dedicated time to brainstorming and refining ideas to enhance their quirks, collaborating closely with Izuku. Despite Denki's usual aloof and jesting demeanor, a newfound rivalry had sparked between him and the green-haired teenager. Amid their training sessions, Denki shed his light-hearted facade, revealing a sincere desire to grow stronger. Fueled by their newfound resolve the three teenagers went at it like hounds released from hell.

As a result of their extensive workouts and animated discussions, Denki and Izuku decided to visit the Support department together before the weekend started. They needed to be ready for the looming heroics class next week, which according to rumours would have them wear their hero suits.

The green and blonde-haired duo casually strolled through the now-deserted, spacious school halls, heading towards the support department. The quiet ambiance was occasionally interrupted by passing teachers. "Whaaw I still can't believe the journalist were able to sneak in today and everyone lost their marbles too when the alerts went off" Denki held arms behind his head nonchalantly.

"Well, luckily Ida-san was able to calm everyone down. I'm glad he was chosen to be our Class representative i don't know what I would have done in his shoes." Izuku nodded.

"Che- I still think you would have fit the role better if it wasn't that white-haired rat-looking-" the blonde-haired teenager fumed as Izuku tried to calm him down and eventually, they arrived at a massive metallic door marked 'Development Studio.' Intriguingly, the letters 'l' and 'o' in the nameplate were replaced by a wrench and gear, adding a playful touch to the entrance. The atmosphere felt welcoming until the green-haired teenager extended his hand to knock, at which point a burst of feminine laughter erupted from within.

"Look at my baby; she is perfect.," an excited high-pitched voice giggled.

"Seriously, can you not call your eccentric concoctions babies? One of these days someone will misunderstand-" the deeper voice responded with an uncaring tone before raising itself higher. "What on earth is that?"

The dazed teenagers silently contemplated their next move. "Should we try again later?" Izuku turned to the blonde-haired boy Exchanging glances, with the blond who simply shrugged in response. Deciding to proceed, Izuku knocked on the door and rested his hand on the handle, preparing to slide it open.

"Ah, excuse us?" Denki inquired, peering into the room beyond. The scene unfolded, revealing a vast workshop adorned with worktables, tools, and scattered machinery parts. There are at least five different tables scattered around the room but positioned at the center of the room is a table that unlike others looks like it was crafted with sleek lines and a modern design, seamlessly merging functionality with elegance. The surface, undoubtedly high-tech to Izuku's untrained eyes, is smooth and polished, housing an array of sensors beneath its surface. 

In the left corner, a girl with salmon-pink hair sported goggles over her eyes while diligently tinkering with a vest-like armor. Her lips curved into a beaming smile as she hammered away, and her carefully dreadlocked hair floated freely. The focused gaze in her green-yellow eyes remained unwavering, never breaking away from the task at hand. Drops of sweat trickled down her features, disappearing under her black tank top.

"Syouta-kun, it's a super durable vest capable of protecting the wearer and featuring big jetpacks hidden in the back compartment," she explained enthusiastically, halting her tinkering to grab a control device. With a button press, two large thrusters ejected from the back of the armor.

"See, both of those attributes are adequate on their own, so I can't, for the life of me, comprehend why you decided to—" the boy began, but the girl, still engrossed in her work, pressed another button on the control device, triggering a big burst of fire before the jetpack propelled itself around the workshop, colliding and deflecting from different surfaces before hurtling toward the black-haired boy with menacing speed. "combine—!" he exclaimed as the armor collided with the wall above his head, barely missing his head, and then deflecting towards Denki and Izuku, both of whom swiftly dived on the floor, covering their heads.

"Shut it down. Shut it down!" Syouta exclaimed his eyes widening as the armor careened chaotically around the workshop. Shortly, the thrusters began fading out, and gravity reclaimed the metal invention, a resounding thump echoing through the room.

On the opposite side, the girl scratched the back of her head thoughtfully while playfully showing her tongue. "Our baby is almost there; I just have to adjust the thrust output to match the mass," she beamed. "Why do I even bother," the black-haired teenager muttered with a slightly annoyed tone in his voice before turning to face the now-pale Denki and Izuku, who glanced at each other before looking back at the boy.

"Forgive me for that rather appalling display. I am Syouta Soumei," he greeted nonchalantly, slipping his hands into his hoodie. However, amid his introduction, the pinkette interjected, positioning herself between them. "Mei Hatsumi, nice to meetcha!" she beamed, promptly the boy pushed her away with a weary gaze. "Now, how may we assist you?"

"Denki Jiro" the blonde-haired teenager saluted casually. "We're looking to consult on some ideas," the blonde-haired teenager began. "Izuku came up with a genius idea of funneling the electricity I generate with my quirk into the suit or some cool tools that can be used in engagements with villains like a staff," the blonde-haired boy gushed, playfully putting his arm around the green-haired boy who began explaining some of their ideas. 

The biggest idea Izuku had come up with was the possibility of somehow limiting how much voltages Denki outputs when activating his quirk. From what he had seen in the training hall and simulation the blonde-haired teenager's quirk is all or nothing which means it needs to be released in a controlled manner. Izuku expressed an idea to circulate the electricity to his outfit to enhance his form and allow him to focus a limited amount of volts on the staff to enhance his strikes rather than fry everything nearby.

The black-haired boy's eyes widened slightly, evidence of his interest as his demeanor shifted from aloofness to a serious gaze. "Curious, what did you say your name was?" Syouta inquired, adjusting his glasses and locking gazes with the green-haired boy.

"Izuku Midoriya," the green-haired teenager responded nervously.

"Well, Midoriya you are certainly smart and your ideas are within the realms of—" the boy began before Hatsumi positioned herself between him and the duo, now gushing with a tint of red in her cheeks as she locked gazes with the blonde. "I have the most perfect baby for you!" she beamed, pulling a metallic staff from the mountain of gadgets next to her desk.

"Take a looksie! This baby is an extendable staff made out of Electranium," she explained, tossing the staff over to Denki, who inspected it with a curious look. 

"The Electwhat now?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Electranium is a rare metal that has two distinct attributes: High conductivity and unstable reaction to electricity in a way that current science can't explain." soumei took his glasses off before exhaling deeply. "In theory, you can use your quirk to power up the staff with it being able to withstand your full power," the black-haired boy explained with a slightly unbelieving look on his face.

"What kind of reaction are we talking about?" Izuku began probing.

"It's easier to show than to explain Jiro-san why don't you try flipping on the switch." the black-haired boy beckoned.

"How do I..?"

"A button on the handle"

"Right thanks"

As the blonde-haired teenager's finger pressed the button down, the handle suddenly extended itself from both ends of the handle as layers upon layers wall of metal spewed. When the staff reached its apex length the layers then smoothed and elicited a locking tick as if the metals had begun melding themselves together. Following the mechanical transformation of the staff Denki felt a yellow spark go off before the staff lit itself up, the metal surface now taking the blue glow before sparks began going off from it, as it illuminated the room, bathing it in its warmth.

"Woah!" Denki exclaimed. He gave the staff a couple of swings, feeling its weight in his palms. The metal rod ripped the air apart as he brought it down in a vertical motion before spinning it behind his back. After which he shifted his stance by gripping the end of the weapon holding it steadily above his head as he let the time sit still and his eyelids close. Inhaling and exhaling slowly he brought the staff to deliver a thrust and then a sweep to finish his performance. As he lifted his eyelids, a smile crept on the blonde.

"It feels perfect not too heavy, but not light either." he grinned.

"I must say, that is quite the adequate framework. Hatsumi" Syouta probed the pink-haired girl as he pressed a couple of buttons on his keyboard before walking to the sleek-looking table, A moment later it emanated a soft ambient glow as the hologram of a blueprint materialized itself showing the staff in all its three dimension glory. It had an immeasurable amount of details and layers displayed and as the black-haired boy motioned his hand on the holographic staff it began to dissolve itself revealing carefully constructed layers beneath layers as if they were being scrolled through.

"I knew you would see the potential of my babies someday!" Pinkette saluted as she jogged to the middle of the room. It triggered an amused smile from the black-haired boy who after a short glance at the girl turned his attention to the projection.

"We need to modify the existing design to make it extend itself automatically when electricity flows into it" The black-haired boy rotated the hologram, pressing his palm on a couple of the parts as they got highlighted by a red outline. "Component A1, B3, and B4 need to be adjusted before- Hey! Stop drooling!" Soumei exclaimed at the pink-haired girl who was now in her world as she inspected the hologram.

"Hehe Syouta-kun. It will be the most perfect baby we have created together," the girl grinned back, leaving the duo now observing the support students entirely pale as they looked at each other trying to confirm what they had just heard. The black-haired teenager raised his gaze from his screen now turning around with eyebrows raised.

"Oh brother.. This is exactly why I told you not to call them babies, Hatsumi," the black-haired boy rubbed his temple as he closed his eyes deeply in thought. "Anyways we'll run a couple of proof-of-concept designs by you before settling okay? " the boy inquired the blonde before he responded with a nod. 

"Ah, I wanted to inquire about modifying my current suit; it feels a little too tight in some areas," Izuku laughed nervously, earning curious looks from the support department duo. Without hesitation, the pink-haired girl sprang into action, wielding a measuring tape as she began to examine the flustered green-haired teenager.

"Hatsumi-chan, what are you—Eep!" Izuku raised his hands slowly, feeling a poke in his chest and abdominal area. The girl fearlessly touched him all over his upper body, her eyes maintaining a focused intensity as if observing Izuku as a specimen to be dissected.

"She is taking measurements so we can reassess your current design before sending a proposal for a new set of changes," the black-haired boy explained in an aloof manner.

Nodding the green-haired teenager proceeded to explain his ideas and requests for the suit. While he had no issues fighting in it Izuku felt like it needed some adjustments. Specifically, the fabric itself created a lot of friction when he moved at his highest speeds which in turn limited his speed at unnoticeable amounts. However, in a real scenario, that extra speed could be a deciding factor between the life and death of an innocent soul in his mind.

"I would like to suggest an idea I've been toying with," he said as he reached the final stretch of his explanation. 

Finishing his explanation the black-haired boy nodded with a slightly impressed glint in his eyes "We will contact you when we have something as Hatsumi likes to put it. 'Cooked up'" he said as the duo stared at him confusedly in silence. "Our department has basic access to your details such as measurements, and quirk specifications. Normally we would have to request security clearance from our teacher if we needed more in-depth data but honestly, I prefer to keep things moving along. So how about I press a button on my keyboard and call it a day." the boy said exhaling air deeply in a bored manner.

"And of course, you are always welcome to visit us when you require more modifications." he finished before the duo stepped out of the workshop with a grin plastered on both of them. 


The pair, having just left the workshop, strolled side by side down the halls. The blonde-haired boy whistled merrily, his lips curled up, eyes wide open, and hands casually tucked into his jean pockets. It was evident to Izuku that Denki was in a particularly good mood, surpassing even his usual cheerful demeanor.

As they ambled along, time slipped away, and soon they found themselves standing in front of the 1-A Classroom. Peering through the door's gap, Izuku caught sight of Kyoka silently perched on the window frame, her gaze fixed outside. Her eyes held a softness and a gentle smile played on her lips—an image that continued to overlay with his memories of her, it left the green-haired teenager speechless as a slightly red tint appeared on his features eliciting a smile from him in response.

"Do ya like my sister or what?" Denki waved a hand in front of the green-haired teenager's eyes, attempting to grab his attention.

"W-w–what? I- It's not like—" Izuku whispered with a fluster as he erratically swiped his arms around.

"Listen, the way ya look at her makes it a tad too obvious," Denki explained, a soft exhale leaving him as he placed his hand on the green-haired boy's shoulder. "Just know that if you make her sad, I'll have to perform my brotherly duty of eradicating you out of existence." Denki grinned playfully as his eyes locked with Izuku's, who in response wore a serious look as his eyes glanced at the floor. 

"I owe her everything, Denki-san. I don't know if what I feel for her is something like that but..." Izuku paused, his gaze returning to the purple-haired girl. She sang along with the tune of the music, the headphones framing her ears. Her lips still curled up in a smile that seemed to permeate the entire classroom as the sun began to dip below the horizon. "I just want to see her happy. Always if I can help it." Izuku responded, his features softening as he stared at his palm before clenching his fingers into a firm fist.

"Promise me," Denki said in a solemn undertone in his voice. In response, he extended his hand, not conforming to the usual handshake but rather adopting a posture reminiscent of an arm wrestling match.

"Promise," Izuku affirmed, sealing the commitment with a determined grip as their arms pointed upwards. Without hesitation, both of them moved seamlessly into a hug, a silent yet powerful affirmation of their bond. However, the heartfelt moment was abruptly interrupted by the unmistakable sound of Kyoka's snort.

"What are ya two knuckleheads doing?" Kyoka's teasing voice reached them as she appeared in front of the door, headphones around her neck. A mischievous glint in her eyes accompanied her words, prompting the teenage duo to quickly turn their heads, caught in a sudden bout of nervousness.

"This right here is what we call the clasp of brotherhood. We have sworn to uphold a sacred oath of bro code if ever breached will doom us to hell." The blonde-haired teenager grinned. Kyoka looked between the two boys with an amused smirk etching itself on her lips.

"Sometimes I really can't understand you guys," she said as the trio turned to walk down the halls together. Immediately, Denki flashed an agreeing smile before bursting in front of the purple-haired girl. "Oh by the way, my dearest nee-chan, you won't believe what a little bird sang to me today!"

"S-Stop!" Izuku pleaded, reaching to put his hand on the blonde-haired boy's mouth as the girl turned to glance at the duo, a mischievous grin on her face.

"Huh, I would've thought a bird would likely take a crap on yer head than sing anything for ya," she snorted, now stretching her arms above her head.

"Oi Oi. Birds like me a lot, thank you very much. I mean, how could they resist this charm?" the blonde boasted, letting his hair slide through his fingers with a flourish. A moment later, all three erupted into laughter, the sound echoing in the halls. Izuku's face lit up with an unbridled exuberance. His eyes sparkled, and a wide, genuine smile stretched across his face. The weight of the world seemed to lift off his shoulders, replaced by a sense of pure joy and freedom that radiated from his being. For the first time in a while, Izuku felt truly alive.


Izuku now stood in front of the door of his apartment, he felt the metallic keys in his pockets before pulling them out and opening the door. "I'm Home." he beamed as he stepped in a wide smile locked into his features he could hear a gentle voice calling. "Welcome home sweetie how was your day?" Inko called out before appearing in front of the now elated hero-to-be who stood tall, his shoulders relaxed as he inhaled and exhaled calmly.

"Good. No better than good, I had a great day," he said with a soft tone as he stepped into the living room, his eyes scanning the room before taking a seat on the sofa. "Mom I was wondering, how did you and Dad fall in love?" Izuku probed with a curious look.

His mother, Inko, smiled at the memory, her eyes lighting up with a warmth that transcended time. "I can't say for certain but I remember how it began. It all started in my high school years when my friends invited me to participate in the New Year festival. I don't like admitting it, but I was a rowdy girl back then and nearly tore the arm off a upperclassman who was trying to hit on me during our evening." 

"I see, so did Dad step in?" Izuku questioned with an excited smile.

"The man hitting on me was your father," Inko responded with a soft smile.

"WHAT!?" Izuku exclaimed now rising to his feet. 

"Naturally, I showed him in the nearest bin and continued with my day. I thought that would be the first and last time I would see him but oh how wrong I was. The very same evening a villain began creating destruction and in the middle of evacuating I saw your father holding the villain off alone with a serious look on him can you believe it?." she exhaled air while a tint of red appeared on her features.

"Though I did not realize it at the time, it was at that moment something within me had changed."

Inko leaned back, her eyes drifting into the past. "And from then on I began to see him for what he was at his core. Remember, sweetie, there are no hows or whys when it comes to love. It just happens and before you know it it can be torn away." a melancholic look etched on Inko's features as she inhaled air in slowly.

"I see..." Izuku murmured, grappling with the impossibility of encapsulating the essence of such moments. The room gradually settled into a tranquil silence, the weight of the story lingering in the air. However, a sudden realization struck him.

"Mom, if you were in the same high school and he became a hero, doesn't that mean...?" His eyes widened, and his mother nodded.

" I had to give up on that path and eventually, I had the privilege to witness your father becoming the man I saw in him that day," she concluded.

As Izuku let the story sit in, he couldn't help but picture his parents in their younger days, navigating the vibrant chaos of a festival, and the moment when his father's resolve had sparked something profound in his mother's heart. It was a love story painted with spontaneity and unexpected turns, making it all the more beautiful.

Satisfied, Izuku rose from the couch and traversed into his room. Shortly after, he collapsed onto his bed, fixating his gaze on the ceiling. A subtle smile played on his lips as Denki's words about Kyoka echoed in his mind. Did he genuinely share similar sentiments? For Izuku, unaccustomed to any affection beyond that of his mother, it presented a puzzling enigma. Was this a mere childlike crush, a sense of gratitude, or could it be something more— something real?

In that moment, one undeniable truth reverberated within him: Kyoka was the catalyst for unlocking his quirk, the spark that fueled his relentless pursuit of becoming a hero. The words she spoke on that day resounded, intensifying the rhythm of his heartbeat as it echoed through his ribcage. He reached his arm towards the ceiling staring at his hand before firmly clenching it.

Before Izuku could dwell on his newfound feelings, he sensed his phone vibrating in his pants, the unmistakable All Might-themed alert tone chiming in. Retrieving the phone, he glanced at the screen displaying 'Kyoka Jiro' as the caller. In an instant, Izuku's eyes widened, and he hastily answered the call.

"H-Hey, Jiro-chan," Izuku greeted nervously, his mind a chaotic whirlwind as he struggled to collect himself.

"Yo, Broccoli-kun, are ya free tomorrow afternoon?" Kyoka probed with a soft teasing tone.

"Y- Y- Y-yeah? Why?" Izuku clutched his phone tightly, his throat parched and his lips crumbling.

"Hey, are you okay? Did I call at a bad time? If so, I can—" her voice pitched higher, a worried tone evident.

"No! I am-" Izuku bit his tongue as he attempted to hurriedly interject. "Okay.."

"'Kay? Anywho, Ashido-chan invited me and Denki to join her and Kirishima-san for a round of Karaoke tomorrow. By Kami-sama's mercy, I do not want to suffer through that debacle alone. So save me, please?" she inquired, her tone a mix of smirk and playfulness, eliciting an honest chuckle from the green-haired boy, who now felt himself relaxing.

"I'd be happy to join you," Izuku chuckled lightly, a soft agreeing hum echoing in response. "But I'm a horrible singer. Wouldn't it make the entire thing worse? I would sure hate it if Denki and others went deaf because of me," Izuku questioned. Shortly after, a burst of giggles erupted from the other side of the line.

"Cool it, green beans. I doubt you can top the nightmare performance that is Denki," she laughed loudly. "Still, I'm glad you're coming, you know?" Kyoka's voice suddenly softened, a hint of relief lingering in her tone.

"Anyways, I'll see you tomorrow at 2 PM, okay?" she said.

"Okay, bye then, Kyoka-chan," the green-haired teenager replied, his words not fully registering.

"B-Bye," a quivering, high-pitched tone echoed from the other side of the line before it abruptly cut off. Seconds passed, and then another, before realization hit Izuku like a hammer. His features slightly paled as he groaned in embellished anguish.

"I am an idiot," Izuku whispered, staring at the ceiling, immersed in self-caused misery. Closing his eyelids, he tried to forget what happened before hearing another ringtone coming from his phone. This time, Denki had sent him a message through TalkApp. "I take it you are the reason my dear nee-chan won't stop poking me in the ribs. Know that revenge shall be had in this household," the message read, adorned with dozens of devil emoticons at the end. Izuku chuckled to himself as he read his friend's message. Shortly, he began typing into his phone and then sent a reply.

A buzzing sound reverberated almost instantly as a message notification displayed on his phone. "Oi! You better take responsibility for this," Denki's message elicited hearty laughter from him. Recalling their earlier conversation, Izuku had to admit he wasn't entirely honest. He had chosen to keep his childhood friendship with his sister a secret from both of them. Not deliberately, of course; if they remembered and asked about it, he wouldn't deny it, but he wouldn't go out of his way to tell them either. Now, in the wake of questioning his feelings towards the purple-haired girl, he wasn't sure anymore.

Setting his phone down, he began reflecting on everything that had transpired until now. Time seemed to move forward at a dizzying pace. Entering U.A. and Kacchan's death had already been a significant change, but now he had come to terms with the revelation of One for All and what it meant to carry such a heavy weight. "No matter how I look at it, that's too much power for one person to hold. What if I can't control it?" Izuku's eyes widened as he stood up, sitting on the bed with his gaze fixated on the ground. The more he pondered the question, the less he wanted to accept the responsibility and as he rubbed his temple for a moment, a realization hit him. Did it need to be him? What if he found someone else to carry the torch instead? Surely there had to be someone else out there who carried the ideals that the pillar of hope stood for.


A Week earlier, In Kamino Ward, Yokohama

A dozen shady figures occupied the dimly lit bar, perched on stools. At the end of the row sat a striking white-haired man, casually tapping the counter. A hooded figure, clad in a white trench coat with a bow, focused on his glass of whiskey. Kurogiri, a hooded man with a white trench coat, looked up from drying a shot glass with graceful movements.

"I trust that your travels did not drain you too much, Apollo," Kurogiri quipped. The hooded figure took a sip of his drink, responding, "Get to the point. I hate wasting time, especially my own," his annoyance evident as he shifted on the stool.

A thud echoed as the white-haired man gracefully set down his glass, sliding documents across the counter to the hooded figure. "We are initiating the first phase in nine days. Within that folder, you will find the main target of your job," he added, scratching his neck lightly as the figure grabbed the documents and began inspecting the contents.

"Anyone we should be wary of?" the figure shifted between pages.

"Only the teachers; the students do not pose a real threat, outside a couple of exceptions," Shigaraki remarked, sipping his drink. "Given the potency of our operators, I have no reason to believe any meaningful resistance to be present."

"Considering all variables, this job should not have any hindering factors," the hooded man assessed. He closed the folder, folded it neatly, and slipped it into the side pocket of his coat. Rising from the stool, he walked to the entrance and as the door opened, the figure swiftly disappeared into the night.

The individuals seated at the counter, excluding Shigaraki, wore visible expressions of concern etched on their faces. Eventually, a well-built man in a black suit and a half-grey mask pulled the mask up slightly, revealing his mouth, and took a substantial gulp of his drink.

"Boss, are you sure it is wise to employ mercenaries to join our operation?" he inquired.

"Twice, it is paramount that we employ his skillset within our ranks to keep their staff busy, and besides my master guaranteed their reputation," the white-haired man explained. He then turned to lock gazes with the yellow glow emanating from the figure of purple mist behind the counter.

"Kurogiri, is our newly acquired asset ready to be deployed by the deadline?" Shigaraki questioned.

"Yes, Shigaraki-sama. I am sure you will be most pleased with the results," Kurogiri affirme