
My Hero Academia Reborn: World 63

Damien died, to no one's surprise, as he was already lucky enough to suffer through two years of an disease that kills in one. However, instead of the ever consuming darkness he expects to find, he instead is met with a being. No, scratch that, met with THE being that just happens to oversee all the known worlds. Gracefully granted a massive fortune by Death, and able to keep his memories, Damien will reincarnate into the My Hero Academia world. Although, leave it to his luck to make things weirder, seeing as all the beloved characters have been gender swapped because of reasons beyond him. Either way, Damien is looking to do some honest good, to save more lives and avoid even more suffering. Problem is, his Quirk and starting point leave much to be desired, but unless Death once again calls his name; Damien will not stop. [!Warning! This is a harem!] -I do not own anything but my OC, not even the cover.-

RedWarren · アニメ·コミックス
11 Chs


Cherry blossoms bloomed, falling with the gentle breeze of winter that began to warm as the sun rose over the horizon. For once, it was not obscured by clouds, now able to let its long rays spread across the sky's great blue expanse without issue.

With it, Musutafu started to stir with a familiar routine. 

Lights flicked on with groans, Underground Heroes slinked away as shadows diminished, taxis honked in an almost practiced rhythm, students smiled or frowned as they walked to class, trains screamed as they carried bleary eyed workers, and Daylight Heroes found themselves leisurely perched on rooftops sipping coffee.

Izumi paid attention to the last part as she walked toward UA, green eyes lingering on a Hero in almost medieval-like armor who raised a hand to suppress a yawn as he crouched atop a lamppost and scanned the cross section below him.

That was going to be her future, and she almost did not believe it, no matter how much All Might told her otherwise. 

She had cried more in the last few months than her entire life, to no one's surprise, and her Father did as well. The big softy had done his best to hide his emotions, but when Izumi came screaming and running out of the room after opening her letter from UA, any barriers were thoroughly crushed as they embraced each other and cheered.

The two had shared a heartfelt moment, then Izumi's Father began to panic, especially when he discovered his daughter apparently had a Quirk.

She could only mentally facepalm at her own stupidity for not mentioning it earlier, but it was too late to try and mend it now, so to dissuade any roaming eyes she was officially a 'late bloomer' to anyone who cared to ask.

Everyone but Kacchan.

To her, Izumi was a cheater, a liar, a pebble, and a worthless nobody.

Although, ever since the exam, Kacchan had grown quiet; quieter than she ever should have.

Izumi quickly threw thoughts of the explosion girl out of her head, eyes now set upon the four glistening towers of glass, 'UA' spelled in bold gold letters hung above the open gates, and swathes of students headed inside with uniforms she now wore as well.

Izumi smiled, holding up a hand and clenching it into a fist, "Believe in yourself, you got this."







Blood red eyes stared with complex emotions, their gaze stuck on the uniform laid out on a bed, the color combination so famous everyone would know what she was capable of once she wore it.

However, Katsumi Bakugou contemplated burning the thing with her Quirk, but with more inner turmoil clashing inside her, she snatched the stupid thing and headed toward the bathroom; not caring if anyone was still asleep as she slammed the door shut.

Katsumi only scoffed when she heard her Father banging on the wall and yelling her full name, but she was currently not in the mood to yell back and instead ignored the Old Geezer. 

She looked in the mirror. There, she saw herself wearing only her underwear, a mismatched set of an orange bra along with black men's boxers. Katsumi focused on her face, trying to understand what exactly she had been feeling these past two months.

Just as she planned—no, just as she was supposed to—, she had made it into UA with flying colors. The fact alone should have made her happy, should have made her proud, should have made her smile.

  Instead, the accomplishment was marred by two things.

Second place, she had only gotten second place, and Katsumi almost shortened her teeth with how much she ground them as she sat there looking at her computer screen for practically hours on end.

Kai Yaoyorozu, with a picture of the same shitty black hair and purple eyes that she had met at the exam, stupidly good looking yet at the same time dull to a tee.

She begrudgingly owed him a favor, and with the lack of asking for her number, she had no idea what the asshole wanted. If it was a sexual one, a well placed explosion to the face would send him to an early grave, but if it was anything else, she honestly didn't know.

Not knowing hurt her, she always knew after all hell, she was ranked number one in Aldera Junior high for a reason.

However, there was another thing she failed to understand after Shitty Hair, which was the useless bitch she hated more than anyone else. Deku had somehow made it into UA as well, and the fucking hero course no less, and how exactly she managed to do that escaping Katsumi's mind.

A sexual exchange with some higher up was her best bet, Deku would probably be good at sucking some old guy off, it was all she was good for anyways.

Other than making her angry of course.

The thoughts made her set off small explosions in her hand, and with more force than she initially thought, did she finally rip her gaze away from the mirror, settling once again UA's uniform.

"I'll get my fucking answers, I'll show Shitty Hair who exactly should stand at the top, mark my words."







A single sunray trickled in from a crack in the blinds, landing perfectly on closed eyes and causing them to slowly pry open with annoyance. 

Kaya exhaled, wanting to turn away from the sunlight but stopping once she felt a familiar weight on her right wing. Turning only her head, she saw the sleeping form of Kai, Her Kai. 

His breathing was soft, his face peaceful, and one of his hands slightly stroked Kaya's longer feathers.

She shuddered, the fact she could see and feel through her feathers ingraining every inch of his calloused fingers into her head, and her rationality fought hard to stop her from flipping over and taking what was rightfully hers; what she had wanted for so long.

However, she knew Kai wouldn't have liked that, and she also knew he would have looked at her without any masks or deceit and asked her that same question without faltering.

"Would you pick me or the HPSC?"

Even two months later, she had yet to find an answer, but hopefully she could soon because waiting four years would be too tortuous to endure. She would find a way, that was her style anyways, acting lazy and whimsical while always observing and calculating.

One day she would have him all, just Kai and her, no other people to try and intrude in their little world.

She stretched out her hand, her fingertips tracing his sharp jawline back and forth before finally resting on his chin.








Kai tilted his head back as he stared up at a large door marked with a bold '1-A' on it.

"It is rather excessive." The words were spoken from Momoto who stood next to him, also craning his neck back to see just how tall it was.

Kai shot his little brother a side glance in response, smiling mentally as he saw the once nervous wreck he had met four years ago standing with his back straight—though still shorter than him by a good three inches— and holding himself with more confidence than his canon counterpart. 

However, it was all thrown out the window when Momoto's shoulders suddenly slouched inwards and his hands rubbed his forearms as if trying to warm up from the cold, "Do you think our classmates will like us?"

Kai sighed, realizing he really needed to stop complimenting people in his head because they always seemed to do the opposite right after, and he swore it was some type of anime logic happening again.

"We will be fine, just walk in, smile, meet the gaze of anyone who looks at you for a brief moment, and then go find your designated seat." Kai said, rolling his shoulders and suppressing a wince from the sharp jolt of pain he felt.

He discovered he always woke up with a dead arm or stiff shoulders after cuddling with Kaya, the feathers of her wings soft and nice to the touch, but it escaped him sometimes about how they could also cut through steel. 

Sleeping on them was both a blessing and a curse.

Momoto nodded firmly while stroking his chin, "Yes, you're right. I ran the simulations in my head plenty of times, I got this."

Kai could only roll his eyes at his overreaction, "It's just classmates, not like-"

He suddenly stopped talking, eyebrows furrowing as he heard an odd rhythm of noise coming from behind him. Momoto seemed to notice as well, both of them turning in unison to see a relatively empty hallway with only a few fellow students from other departments.

Kai blinked slowly, the sound so close it might as well be at his feet, and with that last thought he glanced downwards.

All of his answers were standing right before him.

A short girl, with purple balls for hair with three on each side as if in pigtails, had a face currently flushed as she looked up at them.

The sound they had previously heard had been heavy breathing.

Kai felt fear for the first time, and his militant instincts almost kicked in as he contemplated punting the female version of Mineta as hard and as far as possible. Rationality won the internal war however— though it was a close one—so instead he gave a short bow in hopes of not making this entire encounter awkward.

"Hello, it is nice to meet you. My name is Kai Yaoyorozu." He spoke as formally as possible.

Fem Mineta just stared, her hands coming up while her fingers wiggled as if fondling something, muttering under her breath as a thin river of saliva ran down her chin.

"My harem-" she breathed in sharply. "Will finally begin."

Momoto took a step back from the small girl's weird actions, his right hand instinctively reaching into his pocket as if to pull out a weapon.

"Uh-u- um." Momoto was struggling to speak, no simulations able to predict what was currently happening.

Kai exhaled as he watched a female Mineta mumble in tongues while his little brother tried his best to introduce himself to the creature before them.

He facepalmed next, grabbing his brother by the collar, opening the large door, and dragging the nervous wreck inside and away from Mineta. The action was a mistake on his part, since he knew that the characters inside said classroom would be familiar yet totally different, so the shell shock of seeing more than half the classroom full with those same characters made Kai stop dead in his tracks.

The first thing he noticed was a girl, one with long red and white hair currently sitting at the back of the classroom.

She was beautiful, a quiet air of perfection radiating off her as she casually flipped the pages to a palm sized book, and Kai recognized it as a collection of poetry. 

Her UA uniform fit her well, almost too well, as if a second skin meant to be there the entire time.

She hadn't looked up at his entrance either, seemingly completely content with the words in her book and them alone.

She was the female Todoroki, and Kai should not have stared for as long as he did, but the fact she was without her burn scar didn't give him much of a choice.

He had to physically pry his gaze away, noticing most of the class still looking at him in confusion, and only then did he realize he still held Momoto by the collar, the boy standing on his tiptoes as Kai carried him almost like a trash bag.

Momoto, in all his glory, simply waved nervously at everyone, and Mineta had also entered the room at some point and was now staring star eyed at the pink haired male version of Mina.

In the next few agonizingly long seconds of silence, Kai realized he had messed up whatever first impression he was hoping to make, especially as a few of his fellow classmates continued to stare at him in bewilderment.

He set his brother on the ground with minimal effort, whispering a curt "Sorry", and then inhaling to center himself before ignoring everyone's gaze on him and making his way toward the desks to find his seat. 

Each of them had names labeled on them with a propped up notecard, and Kai found his designated place in the second row from the back, one seat diagonal to the female Todoroki who was situated a row behind him. 

To his right, sat Tenka Iida, regal as ever as she turned to him and recognition clearly showed.

"Ahh, Yaoyorozu-kun, it is nice to see a familiar face." she spoke only loud enough for him to hear.

"Likewise." He said in return, glancing to his left to see someone who didn't look much different to their canon male counterpart.

And, as if noticing his casual glance despite having both eyes closed, she popped open a single eyelid and titled her bird shaped head toward him. "Fumikage Tokoyami, most call me Toko or Fumi, you may decide for yourself which one you would prefer. I have no qualms with either."

Kai nodded slowly, "Right, Kai Yaoyorozu, most call me Kai since my last name is a mouthful, or Kairozu. Either one works as well."

Fumi smiled for the briefest moment, "Kairozu, sounds cool."

Kai was glad the interactions with his neighbors were relatively normal. However, he deadpanned as a hand made of black shadows materialized from the bird girl's collar and gave a thumbs up to its owner. The mysterious vibe Fumi had been perfectly pulling off was now gone as the girl gritted her teeth and turned away to admonish the floating thumbs up like it was a pet caught chewing a cable.

After a moment, and clearing her throat, she crossed her arms under her chest again and leaned back in her chair a bit, "Apologies, sometimes my other side emerges, I am still having trouble taming its darkest desires."

Kai chuckled weakly at her shenanigans, slowly turning back to face forward to see what had transpired during his short introduction to his seat mates.

Momoto was smiling brightly as he spoke with the male version of the frog girl, Kai having trouble recalling her last name, and he wasn't quite sure if his first name was different in this world as other characters were. He was short, shorter than his female canon counterpart, and had the same green hair in a bowl cut with a single spike resting down the middle of his forehead. His eyes were still as uncanny as well, with a wide smile as he brought a ginger up and poked his chin.

Moving his gaze to the side, he saw the scene of a male Mina Ashido who was currently talking to female Mineta, not really reacting much to the salivating and heavy breathing and animatedly telling some type of story. Male Mina was taller than his female counterpart, along with being the most muscular sans Bakugou, pink skin, shaggy pink hair, two tiny pale horns, and black eyes that should have been creepy but fit him well.

The rest of his classmates were either reading, doodling, conversing in small groups, or quietly resting before their orientation started.

For the most part, everything was relatively okay, so Kai relaxed his tense muscles, leaning back in his chair and letting everything sink in for a moment. 

He was here, at UA as a student, something that many fans of My Hero Academia would wish for or even kill for. Kai found the idea of being part of this world once thought fiction exciting, but much of the feeling was tamed by the upcoming obstacles he would have to face. 

Either way though, he was here, and there was no going back.

He casually pulled out his smartphone, and a wave of warmth washed over him as he saw a text from Kaya saying "good luck" with a somewhat small amount of ten kissy faces.

"Ah, Yaoyorozu-kun, please refrain from using your cellular device in the classroom." Tenka's voice sliced through whatever joy Kai had from the text with perfect precision.

In response, Kai just silently pocketed his phone, mentally cursing his luck for being situated next to the person with a stick so far up a certain place, fun could only be had at her mercy. He thought about ignoring her outright, but that would invite her infamous scolding, and sadly he did not have that particular kink.

Kai, for now at least, begrudgingly chose peace. And he would have had it too, if not for the door slamming open without warning.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, turning to see the short girl with sandy blonde hair and crimson eyes, her uniform having been unbuttoned to show her white collared shirt with her tie so loose she might as well not have worn it. The previous, plus her abysmal posture and murderous eyes, made everyone continue to watch her.

"Huh? What are you extras looking-" She stopped her yelling abruptly, seeing as her focus settled on Kai, and a plethora of emotions glided across her face like a slideshow before settling on a glare.

Next, the bundle of literal explosions and anger did something completely opposite of her personality, which was to quietly trudge over to her seat. 

Bakugou loudly plopped down with a thud and kicked her feet up onto the desk, blowing a tuft of her wild hair out of her face and pulling out her phone. Her skirt fell down and crumpled around her hips, and thankfully she wore spandex shorts, exposing nothing too important besides her toned thighs. 

Kai could feel the laser beam-like gaze from Tenka watching the whole debacle, the girl briskly getting up and robotically marching toward Bakugou with her lips pulled thin.

Kai exhaled, turning to see Fumi to his left who was also watching Tenka with clear interest shown on her face, or until noticing Kai's look and then going back to being the mysterious loner. He wanted to reassure the girl she didn't have to try too hard, but dropped the issue and massaged his temples instead.

The door opened and more students walked in, and at the same time Tenka finally made it to the front, her hand adjusting her square glasses before chopping the air karate style.

'Death, please help me through these troubling times.' Kai prayed. 'I forgot that only the wackiest and weirdest characters end up surrounding the protagonist.'

The term 'normal' had been left at the door, and bizarre had taken its place now, much to Kai's dismay.

He decisively tuned out the argument that spawned as Tenka glared at Bakugou and began to scold her, opting to rest his chin on his hands instead.

He let his mind wonder, thinking back to how much his presence was changing things. The obvious two being Momoto and Kaya, but thinking back to his acceptance to UA, there were plenty of other things as well.

Annoyingly, the second after UA's letters were sent out to its future students, the website was updated with the entrance exam scores and allowed the world to see just how good everyone did on the tests.

To no one's surprise, he was first in the practical and eighth in the written, but the results of certain characters were puzzling. 

Especially those of a particular green haired protagonist.

1st. Kai Yaoyorozu: Villain Points- 80 | Rescue Points- 30

2nd. Katsumi Bakugou: Villain Points- 77 | Rescue Points- 1

3rd. Erika Kirishima: Villain Points- 39 | Rescue Points- 35

4th. Tenka Iida: Villain Points- 62 | Rescue Points- 10

5th. Ibaro Shiozaki: Villain Points- 59 | Rescue Points- 12

6th. Izumi Modoriya: Villain Points- 10 | Rescue Points- 60

7th. Itsuyama Kendo: Villain Points- 25 | Rescue Points- 40

8th. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu: Villain Points- 49 | Rescue Points- 10

9th. Fumikage Tokoyami: Villain Points- 47 | Rescue Points- 10

10th. Dakima Kaminari: Villain Points- 45 | Rescue Points- 2


Kai was thoroughly stumped on how Izumi had gotten ten Villain Points and what it could entail. 

Did she get a handle on her Quirk during the exam? Did she shatter a limb earlier to help someone? Were the 60 Rescue points from the Zero Pointer? Did the future change when Kai touched her hand and his own Quirk reacted weirdly?

Compared to canon, the scores for the exams were one of the most drastic changes. Well, that was without adding to the fact Todoroki didn't have her famous burn scar which defined her motivations to be a hero. 

The implications of a female Endeavor were bigger than what Kai had initially thought.

Questions, a lot of them, and not a lot of ways to answer them without just asking them outright, but that was a good way to get people to not like him; he was a relative stranger to everyone in the class after all.

A lot of things were new, but even more things were the same, seeing as during Tenka and Bakugou's argument, the door slid open and Izumi walked in nervously as she looked ahead at the duo. 

The second she did so, the feeling in Kai's gut stirred again, almost like a glowing neon sign in the night, it pointed directly at her. He had no idea what was happening to him, and the only way to glean some theories was to touch her again, but it also ran the risk of something disastrous happening as well.

He hadn't known what the feeling had been before, but as he felt it the second time just now, he realized it was One for All acting up.

Izumi was like a beacon, and if Kai closed his eyes, he could still feel exactly where the green haired girl was despite not being able to see or hear her.

He was whisked away from his thoughts when he heard a familiar line yet also slightly different, "You're that plain looking girl from the entrance exam, the one who saved me from the Zero Pointer right?" 

He had long shoulder length brown hair, the same rosy cheek circles, and a loopy smile that showed he wasn't exactly the brightest.

So male Uraraka was here, and apparently Izumi still made the Zero Pointer explode just as in canon, a small bright spot in whatever the hell was going on with One for All inside of him.Kai also noticed that everyone was present, and with that he went down the mental list of characters he burned into his memory based on importance to see who he exactly replaced.

After thirty seconds of sifting through his mental files, he finally found his answer.

'The rock-head guy who could control animals, Koda I think.' 

Kai was thankful for it being him out of every possible person, though he did shed a single ghost tear at not replacing Mineta.

Sadly, he couldn't get everything he wanted every time.

"If you are here to just make friends, then you can leave."

Kai watched as the male Uraraka froze, slowly turned around inch by inch, and looked up to see red orbs which should have been black practically reach into her soul and label it as garbage. Female Aizawa was taller than her male counterpart weirdly enough, even going so far as looking fitter as well, the black skin tight outfit helping Kai notice the very curvy differences between her and male Aizawa.

She wore an outfit similar to Black Widow from the Marvel movies, yet still had her yellow goggles on her head along with the infamous binding cloth haphazardly thrown on her shoulders almost like an afterthought.

"Excuse me miss," Tenka adjusted her glasses. "Who exactly are you, I do not see a visitor's badge anywhere on you?"

The female Aizawa scoffed, "Your home room teacher, now get in your seats and listen up."

Surprisingly, the few standing did follow her commands quickly, and eight seconds later an awkward silence hung over the classroom as the woman with short black hair, a small scar on her forehead, heavy eyebags, a poker face so good it was hard to glean any of her thoughts at all, stood at the podium and judged them openly.

Her gaze scanned the room, lingering on certain individuals longer than others, but outright dismissing some as well. Once Kai was finally put under her stern gaze, he was slightly confused when she barely spared him a second of observation.

"Hmm, more females than males, the usual I guess." She was speaking to herself, almost treating everyone else like air. 

"Now." Her tone was louder and definitely more direct as she reached down and produced a cardboard box from her feet. She dropped it carelessly on the podium. "Put these uniforms on and head toward the P.E. grounds, you have ten minutes."

With that, she turned, stalking toward the door with her hand shoved in her pockets. 

However, she suddenly stopped and shot the room a lazy glance, "Oh yeah, I'm your homeroom teacher Shizuko Aizawa, a pleasure."

The last words dripped with seemingly sarcasm, and Kai along with everyone else sat stunned as Aizawa disappeared through the open door without another word. Although, two words did ring out amongst the relative silence and caused Kai to chuckle softly.

"She's hot."

Male Mina Ashido was not one to shy away from the truth, and after mentally going back over the interactions with his new and 'improved' home room teacher, he got up and headed toward the box to get a gym uniform.

Momoto followed soon after, and after him the floodgates opened, causing a line to form as Kai headed out of the classroom and toward the locker rooms he knew the location of from scouting ahead. 

As he walked, he could not help but just soak in the environment. Very little of the whole school is shown in the anime, most focus being on characters and other events. 

After seeing the sprawling hallways of glass, the many roaming people who were never named, school faculty which seemed important but were not brought up, and the general normality of it all just being a high school.

The place was peaceful, clean, and modern. Kai had to give UA props, the school looked like the best, and he kept that sentiment as he made it to the boy's locker room and started to change.

It was when he had pulled on the gym uniform's shirt that the door to the locker room opened, an ensemble of familiar characters trickling in one after another. The first was Momoto of course, nervously glancing around before picking the locker next to Kai quickly, shooting him a weak smile before pulling off his shirt.

Next came a trio of the male Tsuyu Asui, the invisible girl now male, and Uraraka; the three chatting happily as they walked inside.

Uraraka noticed Kai, smiling brightly and jogging over to him.

"Hi, my name is Okiji Uraraka, nice to meet you!"

The enthusiasm was not something Kai was used to, plus he was an introverted person to begin with, so a lazy wave and his usual greeting was all he managed, "Nice to meet you, my name is Kai Yoayorozu."

"You must be rich then." The blunt statement came from the frog boy in a nasally tone. "I'm Tsuyoshi Asui by the way, call me Tsuyo. Your last name, it's that big shipping company right?"

Uraraka cocked his head, "Shipping company, I thought the name belonged to that fancy restaurant chain from Tokyo?"

Kai mentally chuckled, wondering how they would react if he told him just how rich the Yaoyorozu family was, and how much his allowance was as well.

"Heyoooo! Mino Ashido here." Kai felt a muscular arm wrap around his neck and settle on his collarbone. "Nice to meet you, why'd ya run off like that without saying hi?"

"Yeah!" The floating UA form animatedly jumped with excitement. "Oh, Toji Hagakure by the way."

Kai honestly was overwhelmed, but was still able to put on his best smile. "Nice to meet you guys, but our teacher, Aizawa Sensei, said we only have ten minutes. She seems like the overly serious type, and I wouldn't want to get on her bad side."

Ashido grumbled, "A goody two shoes huh? I don't blame you, she is beautiful. It's nice to meet you Kairozu, us males gotta stick together."

Kai nodded, glancing around to see the male version of Jiro, the earphone jack girl in canon, quietly changing in one of the corners. He knew her to be the reserved, unique quiet type, but the way he practically was hiding away was new, but then again the anime really never showed interactions like these.

Thankfully, once Kai grew quiet, the four genderbent characters focused on Momoto and caused the boy to stutter as they asked him questions.

Three minutes later, and the seven boys of class 1-A were walking through the halls, Ashido doing most of the talking, Uraraka pitching in with mirrored enthusiasm along with Hagakure. Tsuyo was as straightforward as ever, and Momoto would try his best to pitch in but was clearly out of his league; he couldn't relate to the others complaining about walking to school, seeing as they had taken a limousine.

Kai drifted back from the group, walking next to the male Jiro, the two exchanging a glance before speaking.

"Kai Yaoyorozu, Kairozu is fine."

"Kouya Jiro."

After that, they gave each other an understanding glance before facing forward again.

The group finally emerged at the P.E grounds, the open expanse of dirt marked with white lines signifying different events along with a full track and football(soccer) field off to the side. Aizawa was waiting, eerily standing utterly still with her arms still in her pockets as she waited for everyone to show up.

The second the rest of the girls did, her tired voice spoke across the field.

"Today, we are going to be doing a Quirk Apprehension Test."

Everyone exploded into noise, and only after a sharp glare from Aizawa did it die down, Kai shaking his head as Okiji Uraraka frowned and spoke loudly, "What about the orientation ceremony?"

Aizawa scoffed, shaking her head before grumbling, "If you want to be real Heroes, competent ones that won't end up dead the second you debut, then you are going to need every second you spend on this campus to shape you into something worthwhile. UA is known for letting their teacher's do as they please."

Kai faked surprise like everyone else, but internally he was wondering why the words were different from canon, or was his memory failing him on such small details? He didn't have a reference to go back and check, because no way was he going to write down future events in a journal, coded or not. He was naturally guarded from mental Quirks because of One for All, but a tangible thing in his hands could be stolen from him, especially when he stayed in Facility Beta.

They had always been aware of his search history, checked through his belongings discreetly, and or even tried to influence the things he did. Troubling times, and he was glad to be gone from Facility Beta, not a day going by where he was not thankful for it.

"Kai Yaoyorozu, you got first place in the exam, you go first."

Heads turned in his general direction, some knowing him already, while others noticed where others were looking and followed their turning heads. Having so many eyes on him was a new experience, seeing as for the most part he was left alone and never the center of attention. Throw in the fact it was high school, something he never finished and had fading memories of, he wasn't sure how standing out would help him during his tenure at UA.

Exhaling, Kai stepped out of the group, walking over silent before standing within the ring. Aizawa Sensei still did not seem interested in him, giving a casual glance toward  him before asking, "How far could you pitch a softball in middle school?"

Kai shrugged, "Around seventy meters."

"Now, use your Quirk, as long as you don't leave the circle, do as you like."

Kai nodded, turning away and looking out toward the open field spanning literal miles. He already knew how he would proceed, because with physical Quirks like One for All, [Fa Jin], and [Gearshift], tests like these were his bread and butter. He literally could not fail, but it was only going off simply distance wise, but Aizawa was someone who measured potential more so than just the results.

In canon, despite Izuku Midoriya being jacked from training, somehow-someway he had lost to the likes of Toru the invisible girl, Mineta, Koda, and Jiro, and ended up last despite clearly being stronger. Going off this, Kai believed Aizawa was basing his point system on how clever or effective someone used their Quirk, and after seeing the destructive power of a full 100% smash against the zero pointer, he probably assumed Izuku could tone it down but refused to.

Kai shook his head, knowing a lot of things about canon could be fixed with just a single conversation. If All Might and Nezu sat down and spoke to Aizawa and told him how Izuku was having trouble with his Quirk and was a late bloomer but had a lot of potential, a lot of the drama would be done for; though it would make for a boring anime he supposed.

"Hurry it up." She spoke as she tossed a softball to Kai who easily caught it.

He gave a curt nod, looking toward the dirt expanse before him for a few seconds before deciding on his next action. First, he called on his Half Shroud, ten percent of One for All thrumming under his skin as purple lighting flashed to life and arced across his body. Second, he began to do practice swings, charging up [Fa Jin] with each one and building up power. 

Finally, he did a simple pitcher throw at a forty degree angle, and the second the softball left his fingertips, [Gearshift] latched onto its inertia and cranked it up to eleven. A wave of concussive force sent a dirt cloud washing outwards, and with it wild winds buffeted Kai for just a moment before dying down.

As the dust settled, and after everyone gasped in shock or amazement, Aizawa annoyingly coughed away the lingering dust before showing the entire class her phone, the screen showing 1.1 miles or 1770 meters.

"With this, we now have a foundation to mark your improvement through the years you spend at UA, do not hold back, this only benefits you."

Ashido fist pumped the air, "All right, we can use our Quirks, this looks like fun!"

Kai exhaled, not particularly listening but registering the faces of his classmates as Aiazawa did his spiel, for some reason her eyes locked onto Todoroki of all people, right before saying the words that had Kai raise an eyebrow.

"-those who make the bottom eight will be shipped off to the general course till the sports festival, heroics isn't a game." Everyone's faces suddenly got serious. "Don't forget, you willingly signed up for this miserable profession."

Kai slowly blinked, the last hour telling him more than enough the butterfly effect was in fact a thing, and also how it was flapping its wings without a care in the world.

"Welcome to the department of heroics."







Sorry for the late chapter, I am six chapters ahead but they usually aren't polished and the week before and this week were especially hectic. I will try to get back on schedule to the best of my ability.