
My Hero Academia : Lust Hero

Reborn into the world of My Hero Academia and being adopted by Midnight, Yugen pledges to avert tragedy from befalling both his cherished ones and beloved characters. Empowered by a unique lust system, rewarding him with superpowers, items, bloodlines, and so on... for each intimate relationship with a woman, Yugen becomes the lust hero who harnesses the force of lust to save the world. Yugen : "The power of lust is unstoppable!" ---- Patreon : (add the point between N and C) patreoncom/saikikusu or just search: saikikusu in patreon search bar

SaikiKusu · アニメ·コミックス
45 Chs

Chapter 34 : See what you did, Yugen!

Saitama Prefecture, 2 AM.

In a secluded area of Sakura-ku, in front of a two-story old white building, a small adorable girl with mixed brown and blue hair, Pearl-like blue eyes, iridescent wings on her back, and two antennae on her forehead, sat on the stoop, anxiously waiting for her big brother Ryuji to return.

" it already past 1 AM, and Ryuji oni chan always arrived in time, so why he is late today?"

She endured the biting chill of the night wind, her gaze unwaveringly neve left the end of the road ahead. Patiently, she waited for the arrival of the familiar blond figure to appear within her line of sight.

The girl, named Anna, felt a growing sense of unease and restlessness. Her iridescent wings fluttered and buzzed nervously, mirroring the turmoil within her. unknown to her, or maybe she knows and just pretend that she didn't notice the pairs of eyes peeking from various windows of the building, all sharing in her anticipation, the return of their big brother Ryuji, who always brought them candies and delicious food.

One of the kids, with pink skin, a long square nose, and long ears resembling a pig, couldn't contain his curiosity and whispered.

"Why's big brother Ryuji taking so long? I'm super excited to gobble up that yummy Milky chocolate again! It's super super tasty!" squealed the little boy with pig quirk, his nose wiggling like a curly tail.

His companion, a boy with thick brown fur covering his body and a chimpanzee-like face, signaled to lower his voice, saying, "Shh, do you want big sister Anna to hear us? Maybe big brother Ryuji is conquering another street! When I grow up, I'll join his gang and help him become Japan's number one gangster!"

Suddenly, another boy whispered, "Someone is coming!" The excitement surged as the children eagerly anticipated the new treats that Ryuji would bring. However, as they observed the figure under the street lamp's illumination, a boy with short black hair, broken glasses, and ragged clothes dragging his injured body towards them, confusion clouded their anticipation.

"Huh? That's not big brother Ryuji!"

Under the flickering streetlamp, the children strained their eyes to see the approaching figure. As he got closer, recognition dawned on them.

"That's big brother Hiroshi! Why is he like that?"

"Let's go see!"

The kids, sensing an urgency, rushed downstairs. Meanwhile, Anna's heart skipped a beat when she noticed Hiroshi in his distressed state, intensifying her previous fears. She swiftly Flew towards him, offering support.

"Big brother Hiroshi, what happened? Why are you like this? Where is big brother Ryuji?"

"Let's go inside and talk." Hiroshi forced a smile and said weakly


Inside The dimly lit living room, Hiroshi sat on the ground in the center, surrounded by a group of "unique" looking children.

Those are all the kids collected and sheltered by Ryuji from the streets. they were thrown there for various reasons, but the most important one is their appearance!

In this age of quirks, Racism and discrimination exceeded the color of the skin or the ethnicity, now even quirks were added to the equations.

individuals with mutant type quirks that altered their appearances into various animals and even alien like forms suffered from alienation.

these kids were mostly left for these reasons, their parents weren't willing to have "monsters" and ugly looking children, so they decided to throw them on the streets.

With Eyes wide with curiosity and concern, remained fixed on him as he took a moment to gather himself, preparing to tell them the bad news.

"Hey, everyone," he began, his eyes scanning the faces before him. "I know you're all wondering where big brother Ryuji is, right?"

A collective nod swept through the room, the younger children exchanging glances filled with worry. Anna, with her iridescent wings fluttering nervously, her gaze fixed intently on Hiroshi.

"Big brother Hiroshi, please, you have to tell me what happened to Ryuji onii-chan!" Anna urgently inquired.

Hiroshi sighed, adopting a helpless tone as he explained, "Our gang ran into some serious trouble tonight. Ryuji got hurt, and he's currently in the hospital. But don't worry, it's not life-threatening. He'll be okay."

A collective gasp filled the room, and concern etched itself across Anna's widened eyes.

Hiroshi continued, "We need to leave this place, just for a little while. Ryuji needs treatment; his arms were broken by the enemy. If we don't act fast, he could end up disabled. Our gang doesn't have enough money for his treatments, and let's not forget that Hayachi-san and Takeshi-san were also injured. That's why we plan to rent this house until Ryuji-san is healed, and we're going to take you somewhere safe."

The room was buzzing with worried whispers, and the children wore expressions of both confusion and fear. Anna, on the verge of tears herself, stepped forward with a calming presence. As the big sister of these kids, she needed to comfort them.

"It's gonna be okay, everyone," she reassured, her voice carrying a soothing tone. "Big brother Ryuji is strong; he'll be fine! Let's follow brother Hiroshi's instructions for now."

Her words acted like magic, calming the anxious hearts around her. The younger kids, reassured by their big sister's words, exchanged relieved glances.

Hiroshi proceeded with the plan, "We're gonna rent this house tomorrow, but tonight, we need to collect our things. We'll stay at some of the gang members' houses. It's just for a little while."

As Hiroshi explained, Anna moved among the children, offering words of comfort and gentle hugs. The room was filled with a mix of reassurances, questions, and a few hesitant tears.

Approaching Hiroshi, Anna said, "We'll follow your lead, big brother Hiroshi."

Hiroshi nodded appreciatively, Together, they began the process of collecting their belongings.

What was initially anticipated as the usual joyous night event for the kids had taken an unexpected turn, all thanks to Yugen's heroic actions, casting a shadow of sadness over the atmosphere.

This is life, the joy experienced by certain individuals comes at the expense of others' sorrow.

What a wonderful world!