
My Hero Academia: Dungeon Crawl

This is the story of a boy who fought for his second chance. (And yes, I am using Grammarly)

Edwin00001 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs

Death and Introduction

I was drifting through darkness, my whole head was muddled, and I felt absolutely nothing.

I didn't even know who "I" was, I only knew that "I" existed and nothing more. And once that thought passed, I started feeling more and more... But slowly.

Honestly, I didn't even know if it was slow or fast; I just knew that something was happening.

But then I knew... And I understood. I was just an orb. What kind of orb or even a being I was, I didn't know. And because of that, I was guessing... But I didn't know anything, and because of that, I stopped.

Once I stopped, I was feeling and being a bit 'more'. And I guess some time passed because suddenly I knew a word, 2 words exactly.

Roland... Leyton...

It was a name...

"A name?... What's that?" I said that aloud I think.

As I was confused and was looking for an answer in my head. I stopped once again. Because as I was thinking, feeling, and being more, I started... remembering.

'Roland Leyton was MY name, that's what "I" was called.'

And once I thought of that I started remembering.

'I was born in Riddle City in Douglas County... Oregon. And how was it called once again?... USA!, yes It was called USA...'

As I was mulling over an acronym and what it meant, I started remembering way more and way faster than before.

'I was born to a single-parent family, My... mother... was kicked out at 16 because she was pregnant with me and she refused to abort me. My father... left her and she was left raising me alone.'

And once again I was remembering way more than before.

'My uncle Jerremy Leyton was living alone and offered her a place to live in his house. As I remember he had quite a big house for a single person. She of course accepted and they lived together.'

Suddenly I was really, really sad... But why?

'Oh, he died when I was 6.' Apparently, he was a lumberjack, and... he suffered an Accident? yes an accident, I don't remember what kind of an accident but he died almost instantly

As I stopped thinking to ponder a bit, I started remembering way more

'Then we inherited the house. For some time everything was good. My mother worked as a waitress, Of course, she didn't earn a lot but she earned way more than enough for food and utilities'

As I was remembering about those times, I started remembering when I was just a Child, A really young one too I think I was still in Elementary at that time.

Apparently, I was big for a child and a bit intimidating. Because of that, I didn't have any friends... No, I had one friend Gabriel. he was small, Chubbie and he was really into Comics. And later when My mom started drinking in my High school years, he was there for me when I had a rough time.

'I remember I had to start working when I was 14 as a... mechanic? yes! As a mechanic.'

Normally I couldn't work as a 14-year-old child but Gabriel's second uncle was one and Gabriel put a word for me, well... apparently I had some talent so he accepted me as an extra help in his garage.

and that apparently only worsened my mom's situation even more, as she started not only taking drugs but also going into debt because of them.

And when I tried to stop her, almost every time she would get physical, and often she would even steal money from me when I was asleep.

'Gosh...She was such a mess' I sighed

As I was feeling sad and frustrated I remembered even more than before.

When I was 15 and a half she died...

'Oh...' I thought

Apparently, she was stabbed.

'And I remember when it happened... it was a Monday evening, it was one of the days she would leave the house for some extra drugs. and I guess she was stabbed either by a deal gone wrong or just by some crack head I guess'

But for some reason, I didn't feel all that sad or angry. I just felt numb, I think I wasn't numb I just didn't even care to be honest, I didn't even attend her funeral, And of course, the town whispered behind my back. Like "I" was the bad guy, that I was cruel. But I didn't truly care to be honest.

After a week, Gabriel's parents took me in and I felt like we were brothers I guess. They didn't adopt me but it felt so.

And Even the better times didn't last because only after 2 weeks after the funeral I had an accident during work.

As I was changing the Oil under the car, I heard *POKSH* (Or something similar) The next moment all I felt was immense crushing force slamming on me.

For a few seconds, I was struggling to breathe or even scream, and then everything went black.

'Now I am here I guess' I thought to myself

After a few moments passed I thought to myself

'Now what?'

After a minute or two, nothing happened so I was getting busy, still trying to remember everything I could and trying to rearrange my memories in the right 'timeline' because sometimes I would remember something quite random and I would try to remember when it happened.

Suddenly I was being stretched out From an orb to a humanoid

And I won't lie was scared for a moment that I had done something that I shouldn't have.

But once I took a breath (Or something equivalent to it) I calmed down.

'No need to panic' I told myself 'Nothing bad happened'

As I was checking myself out, I looked like my old self In body proportions and everything, but instead of skin, I had a white-yellowish glow.

The next moment my body became darker and darker with blue lines that went almost everywhere in a zig-zag motion. From my legs to my arms.

In what felt like a mili-second I became totally black with blue lines everywhere.

As I was about to totally freak out I heard a *PING* and before I could comprehend what that sound meant, I was teleported.

My first Fan-Fiction, I hope you liked it.

I still don't have an upload schedule but I'll try to upload as often as I can. :)

Edwin00001creators' thoughts