
Chapter 23

AN; I'm sure many of you won't like this, but before that look at this...


Yes, that's what I planned to do. I read this fanfic about her and Izuku and it was really, really good and I love her since! So for those who don't like it, then I can only apologize...


Middle school ended and Springtime came in the blink of an eye for Izuku. The hero in training was currently tying his high cut red rubber shoes on.

Today was the first day of the UA class, and Izuku was put in class 1-A. The green haired teen also already knew that Katsuki, Momo, Camie, and Ochako are in the same class as him.

Melissa is at support course and was given her own lab by Nezu who was impressed by her talent.


The teen looked back to see his mother looking at him with a proud smile. Inko enveloped her son on a tearful hug.

"I'm so proud of you my boy, you've come a long way since you were a child. I witnessed how much you worked hard and struggled just to achieve your dreams, now it's finally within your grasp."

She broke the hug and stared at her son straight in the eyes, "Now go and show the world, that you are here."

Izuku grinned and gave a two finger salute, "Roger that mom! U.A won't know what hit 'em!"

Inko giggled and took a step back, "Now go. I'll drive you to school but Momo-chan already beat me to it."

Izuku smiled and kissed his mother on the forehead and said his goodbye before walking out of their home.

He walked to the side of the street and he waited there for a few minutes before a black stretch limo stopped by in front of him.

A window opened as Momo's head peeked out, smiling at him, "Good morning Izu, hop on in. Mel's already here."

Izuku smiled and greeted her back before opening the door and went inside, sitting beside Momo, with Melissa on the other side.

"Thanks for giving me ride." Said Izuku.

"No problem," Momo nodded her head before motioning her driver, "Yamamoto-san, please."

The driver nodded and drived the car.


After hopping off the limo, Izuku, Momo, and Melissa didn't waste any time making it to UA, pure excitement running through their body.

Izuku was grinning from ear to ear, 'This is my the first step to become a hero, this is the result of 13 years of hard work!'

After awhile, Melissa separated from them as she went to the third year section in Support Course, while Momo and Izuku were searching for their own class.

After about five minutes of searching they finally found the 1-A classroom door. It was big, almost twice as tall as Izuku's height and nearly three times as long as his shoulders.

"Must be for people with Mutation Type Quirks that made them huge." Izuku said as he stared at the door, feeling a whole lot of excitement. 'I'll be learning alongside the chosen few who passed the exam. And some of them might be a good candidate to be on my team!'

Nearly 1000 people applied for the UA entrance exam, and only about 40 people were taken into the Hero course.

The rest who still wished to enter UA were put in the General Education course. They could still work alongside heroes as a sidekick, or work on hero agency as assistants. But becoming a Pro is almost impossible.

Taking a deep breath, the ninth glanced at Momo beside him before opening the door.

The room was fairly wide, with twenty seats all together. However, there only two students currently inside.

One is a beautiful girl with two toned hair, with the right side being white, and left side being red. She appears as a serious person, and her cold eyes seems to be capable of freezing the room.

The other is a black haired male who appears to be too formal and stiff. He was wearing a glasses, and has this strict and disciplined aura around him.

As Momo and Izuku entered the room, the two students immediately turned their gaze towards them.

The tall glasses guy immediately stood up and walked towards them, "Ah, Good morning fellow classmates! I hail from Somei Private Academy! My name is Tenya Iida! It is pleasure to meet two of the Four Stars and hope we all could work together to be best heroes we could be!"

'He's way too formal,' thought Izuku with a wry smile before introducing himself, "Nice to meet you too Tenya Iida-san, I'm Izuku Midoriya."

Momo gave a court nod and introduced herself, "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Tenya Iida."

Izuku noticed a cold glare directed at him and turned his head to face the other girl in the room.

"Um, hello?"

The girl just narrowed her eyes at him, but didn't say anything. She eventually closed her eyes and leaned back on her seat.

"Ah, she's Shouko Todoroki," said Iida while readjusting his glasses, "Don't mind her, she's always been like that."

'Todoroki?' Izuku thought, before looking at Iida, "You two know each other?"

Iida nodded, "Indeed, our family is in the same social circle. I saw her on some parties and she's always been alone...ah, I apologize, I shouldn't be talking about that."

The girl, Shouko seem to not mind as she just remained seated with her eyes closed.

"I...see." Izuku furrowed his brows, 'Where have I heard that name before?'

"Izu, let's take a seat." Said Momo as she pulled Izuku to the back and chose a seat beside Shouko. "Here, sit beside me."

Izuku rolled his eyes but still gave a smile as he sat at the seat beside Momo.

The ninth decided to listen to some songs while waiting for the others to arrive. He put on his Bluetooth earphones and played some pre-Quirk songs.

Momo, on the other hand, took out a book and began to read it. Izuku took a peek at the book's cover and raised an eyebrow.

'The Silent Patient?' If Izuku remembered it correctly, it's a pre-Quirk era book, a psychological thriller. He saw it on his mom's study as she like that particular genre, but he didn't know that Momo like that books of as well.

As if feeling his gaze, Momo turned towards him and smiled. Izuku returned it before taking his eyes off of her and stared in front.

He closed his eyes and leaned back on his seat and bobbed his head along with the beat. He was listening to 'Invincible' by 'Skillet' a band from pre-Quirk era.

Honestly, he enjoyed those 'classic' musics more than the current songs of this era. The music of this era isn't even that good, but was made good due to Quirks that 'beautify' thier voice.

Only a few bands and songs were actually worth listening.

Izuku was so immersed on the music that he hadn't noticed that most of the class were already in the room. And most of them were taking a glance at him and Momo who were both immersed on their own world.

It was at that moment that the door was slammed open by Katsuki. He looked around the room, before his eyes landed on Izuku and Momo.

He grinned and went inside, walking beside her is Camie who was smiling and waving at their classmates.

"Oi nerd!" Katsuki called out, but Izuku's eyes remained close as he continue to bob his head. His cheek twitched in annoyance.

He slammed his palm on his desk, causing Izuku to open one of his eyes and looked at Katsuki. A smirk appeared on his face.

"Oh wow, if it isn't mister number two and his girlfriend." Izuku's grin couldn't be more wider when he saw the expression of his friend, "How's life been treating you?"

Camie giggled at the side, watching and enjoying her boyfriend's expression.

"Basta—" Bakugo was cut off by a sudden shout of a female.

"Ah! It's Izuku!"

Katsuki turned his head towards the one who dared interrupt him. Izuku himself turned towards the rather familiar voice. While Momo closed her book and narrowed her eyes.

There, they saw a cute girl with short brown hair standing in front of the class.

Izuku's eyes widened in recognition, "Oh, Ochako!"

Ochako smiled widely and went towards them, "Izuku, its been awhile hasn't it!"

"It sure has! How are you doing?"

Katsuki turned towards Izuku with a confused look, "You know this round face?"

Ochako look at him in shock, 'R-Round fa-?!'

Camie went beside Momo put an arm around her shoulders, "Oh my, oh my, looks like you get another rival aside from Melissa."

Momo furrowed her brows before letting out a huff, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"No need to deny it girl, you're like, super obvious."

Momo was about to say something when she felt someone silently walking inside ther room, she noticed that Katsuki, Camie, and Izuku noticed it as well.

"If you're here to make friends and chat, then go somewhere else."

Everyone stopped what they are doing and looked in front of the class where they saw a man on a yellow sleeping bag, looking at them with a tired and sleepy face.

The man unzipped his sleeping bag, stepping out of it reluctantly. He was a slender man with messy shoulder-length black hair and had an overall worn-out appearance, looking like he just got out of bed with his eyes tired and droopy.

"You are all busy with your own business you didn't even noticed me walking inside, well, except a few," the man stared at Momo, Camie, Katsuki, and Izuku for a few moments before looking at everyone in the class, "If I were a villain you all would've been dead by now."

The class gulped, with the only exceptions being; Momo who still looked as calm as ever, Camie who was just giving him a laid back smile, Izuku who was looking at the man in excitement, and Bakugo who was grinning.

The man sat down on his chair, "I'm Shota Aizawa, you're homeroom teacher. And my first impression of you all is...."

He narrowed his eyes, "I am not impressed." Aizawa then reached into his sleeping bag and pulled out a number of P.E uniforms, tossing them to the students.

"It's kinda sudden, but put this on and go onto the field. Don't make me wait." He then left the room as quickly as he was in it, leaving everyone completely confused as to what happened.

"Wait, where's the field again?"
