
My Hero Academia: Altered World

Midoriya Izuku knows that one cannot simply become a hero through dreams alone. He's quirkless, but that doesn't mean he's incapable. It simply means that he has to try that much harder, that his starting line has been set further back than the rest of his peers. He just needed to work harder than the others. ........ A My Hero Academia Fanfic which took place in a parallel timeline. Izuku worked hard to be hero even without a Quirk. He trained his body and learned a bunch of Martial Arts. Bakugo is a bit friendly? Midoriya is more confident? Midoriya would still be receiving One for All, because why not? If you read the Manga then you should know that only Quirkless can use the Quirk without its drawbacks.

TrapsAreNotGay · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 24

"A quirk assessment test!?"

Nearly everyone in class 1-A shouted in shock, hearing their teacher already testing them. Everyone had changed into their gym uniforms and went out into the courtyard.

"But what about the opening ceremony!?" Ochako shouted.

"The orientation!?" Someone added.

"If you're going to become a hero, then you won't have time for such pointless events. U.A's main appeal is how unrestricted the school is in decision making, the teachers take advantage of this for their teachings." Aizawa stated.

Katsuki, Izuku and Momo just looked excited to finally test themselves against other students their age.

Aizawa pulled out a phone from his pocket and showed a list of exercises to the students.

"You know how you did physical fitness tests in junior high? This will be like that, but you will be using your quirks to go even further in your scores."

Camie pouted and nudged Katsuki, "U.A sure is tough huh? It's like, our first day and they're already making us do some physical tests."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Despite your Quirk, you are in peak physical condition. This will be easy for you."

"My~ flattery will get you everywhere," she then tiptoed to reach Katsuki's ear and whispered, "Especially in bed."

Katsuki froze. And Momo was looking scandalized as she stared at her friend. Izuku just snickered from the side.

"Now then, Midoriya, since you were the one to get the highest score on the practical exam, walk into this circle." Aizawa instructed, pointing at the white circle outlined on the ground.

"So that's Midoriya huh? Not gonna lie he looks hot." Said a girl with short messy pink hair, a pair of horns, and pink skin.

"He got 198 points, first place, it's as expected for him I guess." Said a blonde haired dude.

"He's so manly!" Said a boy with a spiky red hair.

Before anyone could say anything more, Aizawa turned to them all with menacing red eyes. "Shut it."

Everyone shut their mouths.

Izuku walked inside the circle and stared at their teacher, waiting for instructions.

"How far can you pitch a softball in middle school?" Asked Aizawa.

Izuku shrugs, "92 meters I think."

Aizawa nodded, feeling a little impressed by that record. When he was at Izuku's age, he can only throw up to 75 meters or so.

"I want you to send this ball as far as you can using your quirk. You can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle." As Aizawa said as he tossed Izuku a small softball which he caught easily.

"Sounds simple enough," said Izuku as he activated One for All. Red lines started appearing all over his body, followed by his signature green electricity. "Hah!"

With that shout, a powerful gust of wind was generated, startling the students except Bakugo, Momo and Came, who just watched in fascination.

'One for All: 20%!' And right before their eyes, Izuku threw the ball. 'Smash!'

His throw was so powerful he caused a whirlwind to briefly appear, causing the other students to take a few steps back and covered their eyes and mouth to not let dusts enter them.

"Holy shit! That was manly as hell!"

"He caused a tornado to appear just by throwing a ball! He really is the next All Might!"

"Its still weaker than All Might, kero."

"Monsieur Midoriya hasn't shown the strength he used in I-Island."

After a few seconds the device in Aizawa's hands beeped. "Before anything else, one must know what they're capable of."

The pro-hero said as he showed what Izuku's score was, which was 953.2 m. "This is a rational metric that will form the basis of your 'Hero Foundation'."

"Oh man, we're really up against these monsters!? Do we even need to try? They'd beat us anyway."

"953 meters, that's so unreal!"

"Still, this look so fun!"

Izuku couldn't help but frown when he heard someone said; 'Do we even need to try?' He also saw Momo and Katsuki frowning too.

'You'll face villains who will, most of the times, be in advantage and would probably beat you, but is that a reason to not try and give it your all?' He looked at around the class, 'With that kind of mindset, you're not suited to be a hero.'

Aizawa seems to have the same opinion too as he glared at everyone in class, "Fun you say? Do you even need to try you say?"

He took a deep breath, "Egocentric villains, villains who hide in the shadows, psychopaths, once you became pros you'd always find yourself in a disadvantage position with your enemy knowing almost everything about you. You'll face a villain you couldn't beat no matter what you do, and knowing that, you're just going to give up?"

His glare intensified to the point that most students almost wet themselves, "What about the people you swore to protect? You're just gonna leave them because you can't beat the villain? If so then pack up your things and leave! The hero course doesn't need someone like you!"

His hair seem to stood up and his eyes glowed crimson, "You said this is fun? All right then. In that case, new rule: The students who ranks last in total points will be judged 'Hopeless',"

The next words to leave the man's mouth sent a chill of dread through everyone.

"And instantly expelled."

Izuku knew he wasn't kidding when he said this. He did his research on U.A and found out that their homeroom teacher expelled the entire class last year as he deemed them hopeless.

"Our freedom means we can expell students as we please!" Aizawa said while pulling his hair back, an almost mad grin on his face. "Welcome to... The Hero Course!"

"WHAAAAAT!?" Everyone cried out instantly.

"H-He can't be serious! It's the first day!" The pink skinned girl said.

"B-But... This isn't fair!" Ochako cried out.

Aizawa resisted the urge to roll his eyes at this naivety, "Life's not fair kid, get over it. Some are born with powerful quirk, some doesn't and have to work hard because of it, some are born rich while others could barely feed themselves. This is reality."

"Give your Plus Ultra performance, there's no way you'll ever become real heroes if you don't." Aizawa finished.

From there, the rest of the tests began.