
My genius boyfriend became my sweet hubby

Meet the enigmatic Mo Jun, a formidable hacker and the mysterious CEO of the illustrious MO Group. Despite possessing wealth, power, and success, his life is shrouded in a perpetual cloud of unhappiness, rendering him cruel, cold, and arrogant. The unexpected twist in his stoic existence occurs when he gallantly rescues her from menacing goons. Grateful for his intervention, she utters a polite thank you but makes it clear that she won't succumb to any romantic feelings for him. Undeterred, she embarks on a quest to win not his heart, but his friendship. As their camaraderie blossoms, a peculiar possessiveness takes root within her. When she notices other girls casting longing glances his way, she boldly declares, "You are mine. No one is allowed to look at you." In a moment of audacity, she seals this proclamation with a kiss. Her possessive streak deepens as she declares, "You only need me. My love is enough for both of us." Thus, a complex dance of emotions ensues, intertwining friendship, possessiveness, and unspoken desires in the enigmatic world of Mo Jun and the woman determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding him. The tale unfolds as she takes the first step into love, and he, in turn, falls even deeper. It's a story of her initial feelings growing into something more profound, while he, despite his reluctance, finds himself irresistibly drawn into the depths of affection. The narrative weaves the journey of their emotions, from her first fall to his profound and heart-wrenching descent into love.

Sravani_Jeeru · 都市
58 Chs

university's unofficial account hacked

The lingering buzz surrounding the crying beauty had become a persistent backdrop to the university's collective consciousness. In an unexpected turn of events, Mo Jun, known for his enigmatic persona and exceptional hacking skills, decided to take matters into his own hands. Mo Jun, typically reserved and stoic, became a digital virtuoso as his fingers danced across the keyboard.

In the dim glow of the computer screen, Mo Jun, the enigmatic figure known for his exceptional hacking skills, embarked on a clandestine mission within the depths of the university's unofficial social media accounts. The air was thick with the hum of the digital realm as his fingers moved across the keyboard with an almost ethereal precision.

Navigating through layers of encrypted data and firewalls, Mo Jun targeted the specific topic that had become a pervasive presence – the narrative of the crying beauty, Shen Yu. His actions were deliberate, a silent but profound intervention to alter the course of the online discussion that had taken a life of its own.

Lines of code unfolded like a digital tapestry beneath his adept fingertips. With each keystroke, he systematically erased every trace of the tearful episode from the unofficial university accounts. Comments, mentions, and discussions vanished into the digital void, leaving behind a blank canvas where the once-vivid details of Shen Yu's emotional display had been.

The virtual landscape underwent a subtle metamorphosis as Mo Jun meticulously removed the focal point that had stirred the online community. It was a silent operation, executed with the finesse of a digital maestro, erasing the narrative from the collective consciousness of the university's unofficial channels.

As the last remnants of the deleted topic disappeared, the online space echoed with an eerie silence. The once-prominent buzz surrounding the crying beauty dissolved into the vast expanse of the digital void. Mo Jun, having left no trace of his intervention, retreated from the digital realm as quietly as he had entered it.

With surgical precision, he eradicated every trace of the viral narrative that had enveloped Shen Yu's emotional display. Comments, mentions, and speculations disappeared like shadows in the night, leaving behind a void where the once-vibrant discussions had thrived.

Akash, Mo Jun's close friend and a fellow adept in the digital domain, couldn't help but notice the sudden hush that descended upon the university's online spaces. The absence of the buzz surrounding the crying beauty was as conspicuous as a blank canvas awaiting a new masterpiece. Intrigued, Akash followed the digital breadcrumbs, eventually discovering Mo Jun's silent intervention.

In a private conversation between the two friends, Akash couldn't suppress his curiosity. "Why did you do it, Mo Jun?" he asked, a mix of confusion and admiration in his voice.

Mo Jun, still maintaining his cool and collected demeanor, replied, "Because I am also part of it."

Akash, puzzled yet intrigued, probed further, "Part of what?"

Mo Jun, with a subtle but undeniable hint of emotion in his eyes, clarified, "Part of the narrative. Part of the story that unfolded. I couldn't let it linger like a haunting shadow. I chose to rewrite it."

The cryptic response left Akash contemplating the depth of Mo Jun's motives. It was a rare glimpse into the complexities beneath the surface of Mo Jun's usually composed exterior. The erasure of the crying beauty's buzz became not just an act of digital prowess but a silent assertion of Mo Jun's involvement in the intricate tapestry of university life.

People started writing mysterious messages online, praising a hacker who was really good at using computers. People had different ideas and guesses about who this hacker could be, and they admired the person for changing things online so quickly. They started calling the hacker names like the "Digital Phantom" or the "Silent Sentinel." Students were amazed at how this mysterious person could control the online stories.

People didn't just talk about the hacker online; they also talked about it in the cafeteria and hallways. Students were impressed by the bravery and skills of this unknown person. The whole university got involved in discussions about this new hero who had quickly changed things online.

While people kept praising the hacker online, they also felt like something was missing because the topic about the crying beauty was gone. The empty space left by the deleted story became a place where students imagined and hoped for different things. The university's unofficial online accounts now had a sense of mystery, like a mark left by the silent person who changed what people talked about online.

As the story of the secret hacker continued, the university became part of a new story. This story was created by someone people couldn't see, but who had skillfully made people wonder and guess online.