
My genius boyfriend became my sweet hubby

Meet the enigmatic Mo Jun, a formidable hacker and the mysterious CEO of the illustrious MO Group. Despite possessing wealth, power, and success, his life is shrouded in a perpetual cloud of unhappiness, rendering him cruel, cold, and arrogant. The unexpected twist in his stoic existence occurs when he gallantly rescues her from menacing goons. Grateful for his intervention, she utters a polite thank you but makes it clear that she won't succumb to any romantic feelings for him. Undeterred, she embarks on a quest to win not his heart, but his friendship. As their camaraderie blossoms, a peculiar possessiveness takes root within her. When she notices other girls casting longing glances his way, she boldly declares, "You are mine. No one is allowed to look at you." In a moment of audacity, she seals this proclamation with a kiss. Her possessive streak deepens as she declares, "You only need me. My love is enough for both of us." Thus, a complex dance of emotions ensues, intertwining friendship, possessiveness, and unspoken desires in the enigmatic world of Mo Jun and the woman determined to unravel the mysteries surrounding him. The tale unfolds as she takes the first step into love, and he, in turn, falls even deeper. It's a story of her initial feelings growing into something more profound, while he, despite his reluctance, finds himself irresistibly drawn into the depths of affection. The narrative weaves the journey of their emotions, from her first fall to his profound and heart-wrenching descent into love.

Sravani_Jeeru · Urban
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

crying beauty


As I noticed her approaching, it struck me that she must be a student in this university, given her proximity to it. However, her greeting caught me off guard. Despite being aware of my tardiness for class, she engaged in non-stop chatter that oddly brought me a sense of comfort. Unwilling to prolong the interaction, I decided to walk away, but to my surprise, she persistently followed me.

Did she believe I had forgotten her face? Did she think I looked like a fool who would disregard what transpired yesterday? Ignoring her, I continued my stride, but her continuous pursuit made it clear she wasn't ready to let the conversation end.

Her claim about lending a loan of 1 crore took me by surprise, and I couldn't help but find it amusing. I became increasingly uncomfortable as the attention of onlookers intensified. The stares, especially from the boys, were filled with admiration for Shen Yu.

It was then that I glanced at her face and, subsequently, her dress. She appeared like a fairy, ethereal and enchanting. Confused by the discomfort I felt, I distanced myself from the scene. However, as she began crying, a strange sensation of responsibility crept over me.

Did she know her tears were being wasted on a performance? I found myself unsure of how to handle her emotional display. In a moment of impromptu decision, I suggested going for coffee. Surprisingly, her tears ceased as she agreed, leaving me puzzled by the enigmatic nature of Shen Yu.From that moment, I knew she was a good actor.

End of Mo Jun's POV.

As we continued, I mentioned, "Right now, I am getting late for the pre-joining procedures. Haven't submitted my certificates yet. Should go. Don't mind, some other time."

"Okay, Mr. Silent. Don't forget your promise. You know I'm very cheeky," Shen Yu replied with a smile.

However, the entire university seemed to erupt with the echoes of the crying beauty. The unofficial university channels buzzed with the tale of the encounter, spreading the story like wildfire.The crying beauty, Shen Yu, became the unwitting protagonist of an emotionally charged spectacle that reverberated throughout the entire university. Her tears, like glistening pearls, adorned her exquisite features, adding an almost surreal allure to her already captivating presence. The soft tremble of her lip and the vulnerability in her eyes painted a poignant picture that etched itself into the memories of those who witnessed the scene.

The unofficial university channels buzzed fervently with the narrative of the encounter, spreading the story like wildfire. Shen Yu's expressive features and her ability to draw empathy from those around her became the centerpiece of conversations. The students couldn't help but marvel at the contrast between her delicate beauty and the stoic demeanor of Mr. Silent, adding an intriguing layer to the campus gossip. The handsome but enigmatic Mo Jun inadvertently became part of the story, his mere presence amplifying the allure of the unfolding drama.

Shen Yu, accompanied by her vivacious roommate, Kriti, embarked on a whimsical exploration of the college grounds. The campus, with its majestic architecture and lush greenery, unfolded before them like a vast, uncharted territory waiting to be discovered. Shen Yu, with her infectious enthusiasm, reveled in the excitement of a new chapter unfolding.

As they strolled through the scenic pathways, Shen Yu couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant atmosphere that surrounded the university. Her eyes sparkled with curiosity as they wandered through bustling corridors and peaceful quadrangles, each corner revealing a new facet of academic life. Kriti, with her animated storytelling, shared anecdotes about the various nooks and crannies of the campus, breathing life into the history and charm of the institution.

Meanwhile, in another part of the university, Mo Jun found himself in a meeting with the esteemed Dean of Z.A.I.N University. The dean, a figure of authority with a warm and welcoming demeanor, greeted Mo Jun with a firm handshake. As they discussed the upcoming college talent pro event, Mo Jun's stoic expression softened as he engaged in a conversation that transcended the usual rigidity of administrative discussions.

The dean, aware of Mo Jun's reputation as a distinguished student and the winner of the DEF CON CTF championship, expressed genuine excitement about having him as a student in the university. The dean's enthusiasm seemed to kindle a flicker of interest in Mo Jun, and for a moment, the icy reserve that usually enveloped him thawed in the warmth of the dean's genuine appreciation.

Back on the campus exploration front, Shen Yu and Kriti stumbled upon the college auditorium, a grand structure echoing with the footsteps of students preparing for various events. Shen Yu couldn't resist peeking inside, her eyes widening with anticipation as she envisioned herself standing on that stage someday.

The parallel narratives of Shen Yu's vibrant exploration and Mo Jun's encounter with the dean added layers to the unfolding tale of university life. The juxtaposition of enthusiasm and reserved composure, curiosity and accomplishment, painted a vivid canvas capturing the essence of their respective journeys within the academic tapestry.