
My fanfiction ideas

these are just some story ideas that I have come up with.

Kitana_Shomata · SF
14 Chs

Inuyasha ideas

                   Blind fire bender

    Zuka is Zuko's twin sister until one day when they were eight their father had accidentally opened a portal, she got too close and was sucked in and wound up in fudal era Japan. With no knowledge of her new surroundings she uses the heat from the sun to try and figure out where she was sent but still doesn't know when night falls she sure by a fire she made and pretended to sleep, since she can see heat, she knew something or someone was watching her and she wanted to know who so when they came close enough she jumped up and asked "Who's there?" "Where are you?" "What do you want?"her answer was "I'm Kagome and these are my friends Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Shipo, and Kirara. What's your name? And are you blind?" "W-well my n-names Zuka a-and yes I'm b-blind" "If your blind then how did you know we were here?"

"Inuyasha sit boy" she then hears a whirlwind "hey there Kagome. Who's this?" This is an OC and Koga love story

             Mute Sister of the wolf

   Kana is the sister of Koga one day while on patrol she comes across a strange scent so she followed it and without knowing walked through a portal and into a cage. After she arrived there the ones who trapped her started trying to tame her by beating, starving, and torturing her but then there was some sort of disturbance somewhere else and the guards forgot to lock the cage she was in so she decided to escape but she was tired and weak so almost didn't make it off the island she was on but she did and was later found by some passing wizards and taken back to their guild. When she woke up they told her that she was at the fairy tail guild and she was confused but she then wrote her name for them. This takes place during the GMG. This is a Rouge and OC love story

                      I'm a Dragon?!

   Aki doesn't know it but she is the last dragon. She is best friends with Kagome but has a secret she's blind but for as long as she could remember she had a really strong sense of smell and hearing so she was able to pretend she could see until she met him. This is a Seshomaru and OC love story