
From friends to Lovers

Lucas stepped down from the car, stood behind it and examined the field.

" This must be a good place to set up my business." Lucas spoke to Jonathan with his hands on his chest.

" I don't think you know what you have just said," Jonathan told him, smiling. " Nevertheless, you are known as the best cook. I pray Norah allows you to do that." Jonathan added.

Meanwhile, Norah, on entering her compound, realized that Jonathan wasn't around.

" Where is Jonathan and my car.?" Norah, stepping down from the car, asked her security man.

" He left the house with Mr Lucas a few hours ago," he answered.

Norah got her phone and dialed Lucas' number. Lucas imagined how well he could do his business. He heard his phone ring. " Oh, Norah is calling.!" He exclaimed as he told Jonathan.

Lucas immediately pressed the green button.

" Hello, darling! Lucas romantically asked Norah after he had picked her call.

"I'm fine," she answered and said. " Where are you? Please come over." 

" I'm just behind you." He replied to her in a friendly way. Norah kept smiling, walking into her room.

" This is an expensive joke, can you please stop it.?" She asked him, smiling. 

"I am not far from where you are standing," he added.

" Where do you think I am standing?" Norah asked in friendliness.

" At your office," he replied.

" Hahahahha," Norah smiled. " Here you failed. And at home, getting ready for the outing," She answered.

" Oh my God !" Lucas said. " It skips my memory that we are going out today." He replied with his mouth wide open. " Expect me at home right away." He concluded and asked Jonathan to drive him home.

Norah breathed down and said, "What a friendly fellow, he is nice and playful, he is my kind of man." She added, smiling and looking at her image from the mirror on the wall.

" Since Renee has failed to cherish what she had, I will do that." She promised herself as she got ready to take her shower.

Norah, after a shower, kept looking from the window, expecting Lucas' arrival. 

" What must have been holding him.?" She asked herself. " I have to call again." Norah added about dialing Lucas' contact number when Jonathan drove in with Lucas.

" He is here." Nora said," what a handsome, humble man he is," she admired Lucas, as she smiled as well.

" My duty is to bring the best out of him," Norah said with a peng of a smile, slowly picked up her cosmetics and started applying cream.

"Good day miss Evelyn." Lucas, respectively, greeted Evelyn, who was sitting on the sofa, watching a program.

" Lucas, how was your day?" She asked him.

"I'm fine," Lucas answered.

" Are you going with us?" Lucas asked.

" No, she is going nowhere with us." Norah, walking majestically, answered from upstairs. Lucas, hearing Norah speak, lifted his head, seeing her walking toward him looking sexy and more beautiful, he exclaimed.

" Woooo!" " This is beautiful." Lucas drew closer to Norah, and held her hands. " You are the most beautiful angel on earth, a lady with the heart of gold. I, Lucas, confess that you are extremely beautiful, without comparison." He kissed Norah on her forehead.

" Thanks Lucas." Norah replied to him, and placed her head on Lucas' chest.

" Get set and leave for the outing." Norah instructed him.

" a few minutes dear," Lucas said, and ran into his bedroom, and picked the best cloth he had.

" She will like this." He said, as he stared at the clothes and imagined they were beautiful on him.

" She should." He added, and wore the clothes.

" You have to wait behind Evelyn, this is not about you and me, me privacy." Norah spoke to Evelyn. Evelyn replying to Norah when she sighted Lucas.

" Wooo!" She exclaimed, which made Norah turn to know what had made her exclaim.

" Wooow!" Norah exclaimed, and threw her on the sofa, she ran towards Lucas and said.

" You are charming." Norsh told him.

" You are the best," Lucas replied to her. She tried kissing Lucas' lips and also Lucas when Evelyn interrupted.

" Miss Norah." She intentionally called.

" Let go." Norah said to Lucas.

Leaving Evelyn behind. 

" You are a distraction," Norah told Evelyn and went on leaving the house with Lucas.

" Did she know what she was doing?" Evelyn asked herself, standing and looking more confused.

" Miss Norah shouldn't fall in love with Lucas. If she does, she should be ready for a hundred times to say no to her relationship with her father, Williams," Evelyn said, nodding her head.

" What am I doing here with my boss?" Evelyn asked herself. She quickly got to the car parked at Norah's compound.

"I am sorry Miss Norah instructed that no one leave the house, including you," Jonathan answered her.

" Do you know who you are talking to?" Evelyn asked him.

" Yes, miss Evelyn," Jonathan replied.

" Nora's personal assistant." Evelyn proudly reminded him. " So drive me to her destination." She asked.

"I'm sorry, miss Evelyn, I can't help out with this now," He concluded and sat back on the plastic chair.

" Jonathan, I insist that you drive me to Norah and Lucas' destination." Evelyn shouted at him.

" Sorry to have disappointed you, but I can't do that." He answered, with his hands on the car bonnet.

Evelyn got pissed off and left the sitting room after hissing.

" She stopped me from going with her, over Lucas," "? What exactly has come over Nora? Does she knows the consequences of what she is doing, be stuck to a low class as Lucas." Evelyn, squeezed her cloth while speaking.

Lucas and Norah at the restaurant.

" You made me forget about her, and at the same time remind me how she won my heart." Lucas said to Norah with a worried look, his eyes and mood got a different look.

" You speak about Renee ?" Norah asked him.

" This was how we started, it is stuck in my heart." Lucas speaks the most.

" It is clear to me how much you love Renee, yet she has refused to see it." Norah replied to him, eyeball to eyeball.

" Lucas, why not let the past be, as we focus more on the future?" Norah asked him.

" This is because I love her so much." Lucas replied, feeling pain in his heart.

" She failed you, but I assured you that you have a heart ready to love you till death." Norah indirectly told him.

Lucas smiled. " You are the only one sitting with me. Who else to refer to that.?" 

" You will know this when the time comes." Norah answered him, and sipped juice from the glass served to her. They were still talking when Norah's phone rang. She checked through and saw it was Thomas, her crusher. 

" What did he need from me?" Norah asked, and a busy Thomas called.

" Who was that?" Lucas asked her.

Norah, on the other hand, opened up to Lucas.

" He won't give me rest." She spoke of Thomas.

Lucas imagines what she has just said.

" Sorry for barging into your privacy, Miss Norah." Lucas apologized.

" Whatever has to do with me, affects you also. Nevertheless, he is Thomas by name, a family friend from a wealthy family. He claims to love me, but I do not love him." 

" Is he rough?!" they asked, respectively, and had recaps about Renee and Xavier.

" Lucas." Norah called on his attention.

" What is the problem?" Norah asked him, as she observed his look.

"I'm fine, Miss Norah," he answered and kept smiling.

" We are here for merriment and not to think about the past," Norah told him.

Norah and Lucas divided. With Norah getting her phone ready for a photo shot with Lucas.

" Let's have a snap," Norah said, and placed the camera before Lucas. 

" He is my guy." Norah said, differently.

" She is my bestie." Lucas replied, smiling as he appreciated it, and took many photos with Norah. 

"Having you is the best thing that has happened to me, you are a friend indeed and a …" she held her words, about saying a soul mate.

However, Lucas and Norah, leaving the ice cream spot, walked hand in hand toward the car park. " My bestie," Lucas told her.

" I am blushing…." Norah answered him, smiling and placing her head on Lucas' shoulder.

" Let go, !" Lucas said to Norah, having seen Norah.

Lucas and Norah got home, which was about three hours before bed. They both went to their various rooms. 

Lucas in the bedroom.

"I can't forget the past with Renee, and here right before me is a heart that loves me." Lucas pondered. " Should I accept the fact that I have fallen in love with Norah, or wave such a feeling from me.?" He kept asking himself.

" He is cheering, one to spend the rest of my life with." Norah romantically said to herself," I wished he could understand how much I love him." She added, and held her pillow. 

" I can't imagine falling in love with a lady who takes the resemblance to my past event with Renee. She had a wealthy man crushing on her." 

" I don't care about his status, all I care is to love him with all my heart." Norah feelings still speaking alone as they expressed their individual feelings in their different room.

" If she would promise to give me her heart to love would forever, and not to underrate me, I would love her till dead." " Meanwhile, why the sudden kindness and love I am beginning to have for her.?" Lucas asked himself, as he wondered the more.

" He is the man I need in my life, I felt peace being with him." Replied Norah, still with Lucas.

" I can't stay without him." She stood up from her bed, and was about leaving'  Lucas' bedroom when her phone rang again.

" What again, Thomas, I don't love you." Norah anxiously spoke. She tried ignoring Thomas, the more he kept calling.

" Hello my darling." Thomas said to Norah after she had, picked his call.

" What do you want from me Thomas, have to tell you openly that I do not have feelings for you?" 

" You have, but I keep faith return that you will in return love me." Thomas answered him. "Besides, if everything should fall for me, who are you not to do why.?" He replied to Norah arrogantly.

" Nonsense," Norah said, and ended the call.

" She cut the call on me. I Thomas.?" Thomas asked himself. " She should be happy that Thomas loved her." He spoke alone. " She will in return plead to be with me." He concluded, expecting Norah to come someday, pleading to love him.

" I can't sleep." Norah said, still sitting I the bed. " He is the only one who can make me sleep." She thought about Lucas.

" She has taken away my sleep, I can't sleep." Lucas spoke still alone. " Lucas, please, so don't be so cheap too to fall for the Billionaire daughters." He told himself, and lied on the bed.

" Should I call his attention?" Norah asked while making a step to Lucas' room.

" Am I presenting myself cheap.?" " Whatever I do, I do it for love." She concluded, and stretched her hands toward Lucas' door, to knock. " No, I won't, he needs some rest." Norah spoke and turned to leave, when she heard him say.

" I love her, I love Norah." Lucas made it loud, this time standing with his hands crossed on his chest. He sat back on the bed, robbing his hands on his head.

" What is wrong with you Lucas, why try to fall victim again.?" " Oh! He exclaimed, hitting his forehead with his hands. "If this is a dream, God please wake me up. I do not want to fall victim of a fake love anymore." 

" It is not a fake love Lucas, but a true love from the heart that love you." Norah answered him, after she had heard him speaks.

" Norah,!" Lucas called on her surprisely, and drew closer to the door.