
Empty wishes

My life started in the year 786 of the Astley Empire on a Thursday night. The Astley empire was built by the hero fritz Astley after he killed the demon lord who was invading our land and took care of all the corrupt nobles.

Apart from the royal family, there are 45 noble families, but only 3 live in the Astley capital with the royal family. The most famous family is the Clifford family which is best known for having an extraordinary bloodline and excellent magic affinities. The other 2 are the Maxwell who are alchemists and Howard who are healers. My father is Inigo Van Clifford, the heir of the Clifford family and my name is Ebam Van Clifford. As a member of the Clifford family, every person in the capital city expects for myself to be as talented as the other members of my family or even better since my father married princess Serilda Astley who is the most talented woman in the whole empire.

My parents have being traveling for almost 2 years; they lived with me until I was 1 year old, but after that they started their missions and barely come home. If I am not wrong they have come 2-3 times in these 2 years after they left.

Today, When I woke up in the morning, I was quite happy and wondering if they would come since it is my 3rd birthday. I waited without eating all morning, afternoon and night until it was almost midnight; yet, they didn't appear. Siting next to the window, " they must have had something very important to do" I say trying to comfort my uneasy heart, but still tears don't stop falling from my eyes. When it was time to sleep my aunt Amy came to my room and told me that they couldn't come because they were in a dangerous mission. Aunt Amy is the servant that has being taking care of me since I was born and has always been very kind to me, also she always gives me sweets. Like this almost another 3 years have passed and I am getting close to my magic affinity awakening.

Today, during my painting class the teacher ask the students to paint their parents, but I couldn't because I don't remember much their faces. My friends at school always ask me to tell them stories about my parents adventures since they are pretty famous and are known as the dungeon destroyer duo. My friends believe that my parents tell me about their adventures, merely, they don't know that my parents haven't come to home for more than 5 times since they left.

In this world, every person awakens his or her magic affinities at the age of 6, since both of my parents can use 4 kinds of magic each, they expect a lot from me. In a few days I will be 6 years old which makes me very happy because my parents will came to see me and see how I do in my magic awakening test. Therefore, I asked my aunt Amy to go outside with me, take me to the stores and buy gifts for my parents because it has been a long time since the last time they came. At noon, we went to the stores, but I don't know what could my mom or father like " aunt, what should I buy for my mom and father," I asked her and she told me, "ask your heart little Ebam," she said. While I was looking around I saw protection and luck charms like the ones the heroes use. Since my parents are always doing dangerous mission, I decided to buy them, so that my parents are always same.

Today is finally my birthday, also the test for the children who are 6 years old will start at noon. I'm feeling very nervous because of my parents visit, as a result I have been pestering my aunt Amy asking every hour if they have arrived yet.

Like that, noon arrived and we parted to the school where the test would be conducted. Every student was with their parents; on the contrary, I was looking nervously everywhere, "what happens?" my aunt asked me. "Have they arrived yet?" I asked her. She look at me surprised and says "but… Aren't … Aren't they up there next to the school headmaster?" "Eeehh… where aunt? Tell me which ones are they?" I asked her as I look where the headmaster is. My aunt just look at me and see my anxiety as 2 tear drops felt from her eyes. After a moment she pointed at a handsome man and beautiful woman who are wearing beautiful clothes. "Aunt, are they really my parents… You aren't lying to me right?" I asked while looking at her. She look at me "yes my child," she says while sighing. At this moment half the students have been already tested and suddenly I heard my name being called to go forward. After my test ended, the whole school was silent because something that nobody expected to occur actually happened; my magic affinity test was a failure. I just looked at my parents and saw them surprised for a moment, but later they regained their composure, their eyes changed and looked at me as if looking at a stranger. "Amy, take him back," my father said to my aunt Amy, then she called me and we went back to home.

I went to my room, sat on my bed and waited for my parents to arrive, but several hours have passed and they haven't come. I wonder if they went to see the emperor or may be they are talking with my grandfather I though. I am on my bed holding the charms I bought as gifts for my parents, suddenly, some guards broke the door of my room while I hear my aunt Amy crying, "what is happening aunt Amy?" I asked yelling, but not even time to hear my aunt answer was giving to me as a guard hit my neck. I just felt to the flour and saw the charms I bought for my parents on the flour. I don't know what was happening but my neck hurt; therefore, I just look at my aunt while my eyes close slowly.

I don't know how many hours have passed, but when I woke up, I was in a dark, humid room. My clothes have been replaced by servant clothes, my hair has been cut and was barefoot. I didn't know what was happening and couldn't do nothing but cry for my parents and aunt. Few days passed by, but every day the food and water would be a little less. After 2 weeks my parents went to see me just to say words which left me empty. My father look at me and said. "The household Clifford has and never will have cripples; therefore, you are no longer a member of the Clifford family. I couldn't say anything and just looked and them, but both mon and dad looked at me with indifference in their eyes.

Every day was torturous, after all, I was just 6 years all, but they were cruel and locked me up for 2 months. One morning I woke up and saw light, I though I was dreams because where I was supposed to be locked up, light was barely visible. The cold morning completely woke me up, as I notice that they left me in the forest which is outside of the city walls. This was the first experience which brought me to hate humans like no one else could.

Please let me know of the grammar mistakes.

This chapter is longer that the first one ;)

Raphael5808creators' thoughts