
[My dreams are weird] The beginning of a saga

There was this teacher, by the name of Mr Atout, he worked as my history teacher. I would spend what felt like hours in Mr Atout's lesson though I found history interesting the constant analysing of sources wore me down. A party.

Mr Atout invited us to a party at his house. 5pm was the time that we were meant to arrive, me and my classmates, and when that time came I entered the house with my friend - Belm - even if we were unsure of what would happen we entered and in the living room shined a warm ceiling light and there gathered were my classmates talking with Mr Atout nowhere to be seen.

Black. The power went out the warm atmosphere of the room froze and 2 girls shrieked the second I blinked I felt a change in my location I spotlight coming from an unknown source pointed at *him*.

Mr Atout holding a microphone??

"Find yourselves some snacks, they're somewhere around the house"


"take some things from this crate to help you get around"

The lights went back on and with that he walked out of the room.

I was left confused but I knew what to do I came over to the crate opened it

"A flashlight?" I questioned

A sudden release of emotions

Unknown in source ate at my internal organs I looked back at Belm and he was holding a broom

"Does this man want us to clean his house or something cuz what in the actual"

Those words filled my mind.

**What kinda of party is this??!?!?**

"Best party ever" mocked Belm

"100%" I added

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Me and belm noticed 3 people in the kitchen when we left the living room actually doing chores for some reason with their brooms and that but why was I the only one with a flash light? Nothing really connected flashlights with cleaning supplies but then as we progressed around the house, only finding a pack of ready salted crisps and a fruit punch KA, *the stairs* completely devoid of light I knew Belm and I had to go up there

"Why do I have to go up there too?!" questioned Belm

"Shush" I replied

Turning on my flashlight not knowing what I may find upstairs and began the ascent.

Belm followed behind me, a bright light blinded me just as I stepped foot on the 2nd floor

"Ack" I yelped

"oh my bad" said Nivan, one of the classmates, as he came out of a room holding a.. Flashlight??

"where did you get a flashlight there was only one in the box?" Belm asked him

"in this room" Nivan pointed to the room behind him and went down the stairs leaving us upstairs.

"weird" we agreed and went into the room Nivan came out of and the wall paper was an odd green and red, Mr Atout must have some weird taste, the room was barely furnished only having a dark wooden Wardrobe and a desk with an office chair but one thing that caught my eye was a pale yellow note on the floor


I put it in my pocket just when Belm started to leave the room

"I swear there were less rooms up here" I heard as Belm left the room


I walk out of the room and I can feel the size of the upstairs sink into my skin as the cold recochets off the walls and onto my skin.

"Am I on something or did the house just change" I pondered

"let's just grab some more food and get downstairs" Belm shrugged

"I can't really argue with that" I agreed

When we went through 2 other rooms both ordinary looking this time, found some ribena blackcurrant juice and a capri-sun.

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