
The beginning

In the living room some music was playing and there were white and red cans labeled Tyskie

"alcohol" I muttered

"hm" belm muttered back

Not long after that *he* was back again

"decorate near the end of the field in the garden and I'll let you drink as much as you want" Mr Atout smirked

Another crate of fairy lights and decorations appeared out of apparently nowhere and without skipping a beat everyone went outside

The field was the size of 4 highschool buildings, the house was in the middle of it all?

"I even don't remember how I got to this house"i recalled,".. Belm?.."

I looked around and saw everyone walking towards the end of the field, the field ended at an impossibly thick pine and oak forest

But the thing that stood out to me was an old oak tree that was 20x the size of me

It looked like something from a mysterious eldritch forest.

**I could stare at the skies in this place and I wouldn't get bored**

So.. my classmates were decorating the trees on the border while me and Belm decorated the mammoth-sized one with fairy lights and baubles

"oi" Belm nudged me

"what" i questioned

"I brought firecrackers with me" he stated

I looked at him with a smirk and gestured to the right edge of the border.

"let's start here and make a path to the tree" I advised

Belm nodded

I took half of the firecrackers and started lining them up in a line that gradually lead to the tree

Belm did the same as the other side of the path. When we both got to the tree Belm decided to tie the firecrackers to the branches of the tree.