

This story started on Earth. During World War 1 research into creating a serum that would turn an ordinary person into the ultimate killing machine began. America was the first country to successfully create one of these ultimate killing machines. That individual gained tremendous power enhanced physical capabilities faster stronger tougher more agile faster reflexes greater endurance stamina they were faster than a bullet and reacted at lightning speed. They could lift a thousand pounds. They could survive thirty bullets point blank range. Agility was just as great it would take a tank point blank twelve times blast to kill them. They also had an enhanced healing speed that made them heal thousands of times faster than the average man. Naturally their five senses were also enhanced. However they were untrained and unrefined the formula did not grant the individual any fighting knowledge or anything else so they could only use brute force. On top of that the formula reduced the individual into a mindless killing machine unable to comprehend the most basic of things so the individual was simply used as a savage killing machine in which case they were. The formula also proved to be unstable. The individual had regeneration like ability as well through the enhanced healing. They were the cause of World War 1 ending. After they severed their purpose they were disposed of. The formula was researched further so that it could be improved. The United States of America tested the formula on an incredible solider that ranked among the best they wanted to see how it would impact the solider. That solider had managed to keep their training and were enhanced by the formula only they were left mindless. The formula was studied and experiments conducted.