

The United states of America made a training facility to try and train those who the serum was used on. The United States government were approached by a wealthy individual who had a multi billion dollar company and connections throughout the globe with other powerful and influential individuals that individual was interested in the formula and decided to invest 6 billion dollars towards the research and development of that formula. They had a daughter who was ill and did not have much time left to live at most 12 years so they invested in the formula in hope of it leading to a cure for their daughter. Six billion dollars was a massive sum of money but this individual had only used 10% of their assets. The individual than spent another 10% on gathering martial artists and masters of any and all forms of martial arts to aid the scientists and government in the development of their ultimate killing machine. That individual traveled to Russia and invested 10% of their assets in research over there and another 10% on gathering spiritual masters around the globe to help them with their formula. The United States of America were able to make a super soldier formula that would grant the user the mastery of countless different fighting styles around the globe and the enhanced physical abillites of before. They used that serum to cure the girl. That made the individual grateful enough to become an investor and also to use their connections to also invest towards the formula. However the formula still rendered one with the loss of the brain and struggles to comprehend. Even so the individual was just grateful to have their daughter saved.