
My Diary.....

2 Chs

Someone from my dream..

Hi guys ..... I wish everyone is fine ..... I'm not a good writer , so if you see something wrong please forgive me....

here I want to share my dreams with you.... it's weird but it's true.....

Before telling you about my dreams I want inform you about my incidents..... The 1st incident happened when I was just 3 years old.....

Me and my brother and my mother was sitting on the roof and looking the full moon..... it's really beautiful ... We ( me and my brother ) were too young to understand everything but I know that night we were loughing and playing with each other.... when my mother go to kitchen we something wrong around us .... but we children , so we can't understand everything... But I remember that we saw a black shadow on the top of the house shed ( it's my granny's house ) ..... I can't see him properly but I remember that his eyes were red and it's watching us so seriously ... Like he was angry on us or he wanted to say something..... I asked my brother that he can see it or not .... He replied , " Yes Sis , I can see it ..... it's a ghost!!!!! we have to go in the room sis...."..... I called mother to come at our place ..... After she came the shadow was gone on his own.... I asked mother , " Mother , Mother I saw something there ..... Brother said it's a ghost!!!! Mother , Mother is the ghost really lives here????" .. My mother said , " There is nothing like a ghost .... it's just illusion...." But my granny said , " There is nothing like ghost but there is something like ghost ..... We can feel it and sometimes we can see it ..... in this world nothing is impossible.... If the gods lives here then the ghost also lives here but it's not ghost it's something different than that..." I can't understand her words properly but I felt in our world something lives here with us but we can't see it all time ... I also believe that there is nothing like ghost... but I got so much incidents which makes me uncomfortable.... I'm not afraid about ghost but something else in this world makes me uncomfortable.....

2nd incident happened when I was 4 years 5 months old ... For a fastival I go to my aunt's house..... 12:49 p.m. 17. 5. 2009 We ( me , my elder sister's daughter , my 2 elder brother ) were returning from the fastival ..... for some reason the lights were gone and we ( me and my elder sister's daughter) couldn't find my brothers ..... So we stopped walking and stand beside the road to find them..... I remember that day we didn't have our torch light .... we ( me and my elder sister's daughter) were afraid ..... then a cold wind was blowing for sometimes and Then we saw someone in darkness and he acted like he was calling me to go with him..... We thought that's my brothers and we ran to them and after holding our hands he brought us to my aunt's house... There we found my brothers and when we turned around to know who's that , he already gone then..... this is the 2nd time I saw that thing again.....

3rd incident happened when I was 6 years old..... I remember I was returning from my uncle's house ..... And I lost my father ..... I was crying in middle of road ... On that moment a girl hold my hand and save me from a car accident ... When I look the other side There were no one to save me.... "Then who's that girl????? Why she save me????? Why she is not here now????? Why I can't find her ????? "All that questions were rounding in my mind... After 30 minutes I found out my father..... This time it's happened in morning not at night not in darkness..... We went our house again..... But I can't tell my parents about it..... 09:12 a.m. 09.09.2011... I told my brother about it but he said it's my illusion..... Well I didn't tell him farther...

I don't why it's happening to me..... Can you tell me why it's happening to me????... why not everyone can see them ?????.... Why me ????? ..... And Why not everyone can believe on me????? What is that thing (something but not a ghost) like ghost??

I wish you will believe on me.....