
My Diary.....

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2 Chs

Someone from my dream......

Hi again guys...

So I think you already read the chapter 1.... So let's continue.....

As I told you , in this chapter I gonna tell you about my other incidents...

4th Incident happened when I was 8 years old..... It's my birthday 09.09.2013 ..... On that day I go to my granny's house .... I was walking around with my uncle and little brother.... We go to the other side of the village to see nature.... We found out a very old temple which is burnt by fire... Me and my brother go in and find some broken god's Statue .... I saw some one standing behind the burnt temple and She's watching us..... When we came out of the temple We saw our uncle wasn't there... I heard some voices who's calling me but I can't see her..... As we proceeded to follow the sound of the throat, We saw we returned to the village road again and we found out our uncle .... He was finding us every where .... He said that he was going to a shop but after sometimes when he came back he didn't find us... I don't why but maybe It's my illusion but my brother said to me that he also saw our uncle and our uncle bring us that temple..... I said ," I don't know"...

I really don't know why it's happening to me ..... Is really someone waiting for me and calling me all time and protect me again and again... Who's she and he ????? What are those things???? I can't find a proper answer of these questions..... Can you tell me ... No one believes on me ..... if someone believes on me but he/she can't give me a proper information about those things... I know they're not natural ..... They're unnatural things..... But what are they?????

I have to inform you something..... From my 5th age I got dreams about it..... I got so much dreams..... Some of them are really happening to me..... Like My 3rd Incident .... I got a dream of that..... In my dream I saw :" I'm going somewhere with my father.... For some reason my father was gone and leave me alone in the middle of the road..... There is no one , No house , no buildings..... I saw my school but it's looks too much different than my real school .... It's burnt by fire and it's broken from the other side too... It's looking like a Ghost House or you can say it's a old- burnt- broken- dull house which is fill up with drakness..... Then a girl hold my hand and pulled me to the other side of the road... I saw a car was coming to me ..... And when I look at the other side I saw there is no one to save my life..... I was so afraid because there was no one.... After a long time I saw my father was coming to me.... I ran to him and start crying.... " As like my dream The incident happened beside my school and the nameless girl saved me from the accident..... Like this I got many dreams and it's happening in my real life.....