
My Demon system

One day everything changed, they called it the blessing. Every human being gained an ability, countless abilities simply spawned. These abilities turned to out to be crucial. As in the year 2031, the human race was attacked by the vicious aliens, they called them Zarks. Zach lives in the most lawless and poor area in the world with his group. They are soon dragged into the army. This image ain't mine. If you want credit or want it taken down, please leave a review or comment and I'll fix it.

Sly_Lyon · ファンタジー
29 Chs


The testing continued with varying results, then Marvin was called out.

"I don't have an ability." Marvin told the teacher bluntly, and there was giggles all around the crowd. Zach looked around with his eyebrows tightened and a slightly frown on his face.

"I could not give two shits." The teacher told him. "Go and get your weapons before I get pissed."

Marvin walked over to the rack, and picked out a light wooden shield and a bastard sword. He thought that made the best loadout he had against this enemy.

"Good choice." The teacher told him.

He stood in the middle and the monkey way soon realised. Marvin charged forward eyeing the monkey the entire time. The monkey charged at him and then leapt at him. He swung his sword at the monkey and hit it right in the shoulder blade.

It didn't do much, and the monkey got a grip on Marvin. The teacher killed the monkey quicker than they could blink. "Fight's over, you get an E, no foresight at all"

The testing continued for a few rounds and then it was Zach's turn.

He stood in the middle with his selected weapon, a shield and a weapon. He didn't charge in and instead waited for the aggressive ape to leap it .

He rammed it with his shield, sending it flying. It was a clean hit and on top of that, his strength really showed. The monkey growled at him, and then more warily approached Zach.

He began circling the monkey with his sword ready to cleave. The monkey then ran in towards Zach, and instead of jumping it got real close and then leapt. Zach blocked with the shield but it quickly climbed over and would have ripped his face if it was not for the teacher stopping the fight.

"You get a D, you aren't confident enough"

Then it was Jim's turn to fight the monkey. Instead of going for the shield and sword combo, he decided he wanted a big sword. So he picked the biggest sword there was, the great sword. He could barely lift the thing, and he certainly couldn't balance it.

The fight began and the monkey charged at him. He swung his great sword at the monkey with great speed, but not only did he miss, but he stumbled as well.

He was in a compromising spot and the monkey was about to reach him, when he kicked the monkey. Sending it flying. Then he lifted the great sword up again, and decided to give it another try.

He put the great sword behind him and vertically swung it. Again it crashed down on the floor missing the monkey completely. The monkey was about to rip his face out when the teacher intervened.

"You get a E, too sloppy technique, but you didn't panic which was good."

The testing continued like this, nobody got a grade higher than a C. No matter how confident they seemed, and no matter how strong their ability, the teacher could point out flaws in their technique.

Then the testing ended and the teacher gave a small speech.

"Everyone who didn't get a C, will not be allowed on the hunting grounds. You're grades have been marked on your watches so there's no escaping it." Zach hadn't thought about it but the watch was really tight, he doubted he could get it off.

"In the upcoming lessons you will get a beast according to your skill level. Class is over, you are dismissed."

"That was kind of fun," Jim said. "Do we have anything to do now?"

The teacher overheard that question with his sensitive hearing and said, "Oh right, listen up. I keep forgetting this is your second day here. In the school we have different competitions and different facilities. You control your own practice regime, but let me warn you. Do not slack off"

"Oh" Jim said.

They all decided that they would go their separate paths and practice what they wanted to practice. Zach was going back to the gym to continue his practice with elemental abilities.

"Let's all meet up at our room later."

At the gym, Zach sat down and got into deep concentration. Meanwhile Marvin was on his way towards the job application center. He wanted to work up enough money for the electic ability.

On his way there he had gotten tripped by a group of second years, they scoffed at him, and told him that he should watch where he was going. He got mad, his entire face went red, and he threw a punch at them.

The person he punched didn't dodge. The punch connected but nothing happened, "Am I dreaming or did he just punch me." "Oh you dumb fuck, wait untill night time. I'll break every bone in your body." Then he punched Marvin in the nose, which broke his nose.

They walked away from Marvin in a bad mood, and Marvin grudgingly stood up swore at them and continued towards the job application site.

"Space cleaner, Teacher assistant, Chef's assistant, toilet cleaner." He decided he would apply for the space cleaner job, not only did it pay the most but it seemed the most fun. He walked over to the clerk and told him of his decision.

He began laughing, "these jobs are only for people with an ability of 5 or people with an influential background." Marvin was pissed.

"But how do I get an ability, if I can't work"

"Oh, you thought the store was for people like you? You are really dumb aren't you. These jobs are to give discipline to the richer kids. If you want money, you are going to have to hunt for it."

Marvin stomped his way out of there, why did it always come back to hunting. He was sick of it, he had already gotten sick of it a long time ago. And he really didn't want to hunt.

The clerk smiled, that kid needed to get an ability in a week. Because each week, the weakest student is killed.