
My Demon Dormmate

**MATURE Themes, Language, & Content** “Wait, this has to be a joke... I’m expected to share a dorm room with a man? I was supposed to room with other women!” She screeched while holding the sides of her head. “A man?” The male eyed her up and down, “Did you think I was human?” “Of course, you’re human. Things like vampires, werewolves, demons, fairies, and such don’t exist. So, what else could you be other than a human being?! Don’t be preposterous!” “Last I checked, demons exist,” he coldly replied, looking offended. She snorted as she crossed her arms in disbelief, “What? You expect me to believe that? Yeah, right... Are you trying to tell me that you’re like a demon or something?”. “LIKE a demon? No, no... I AM a demon, and my name is Xinith,” he lowered his voice as he crossed the room toward her. She stepped back until her back was against the door, “That is utter bullshit. Now back up, you creep!” “No,” he said in a much lower tone, “not until you believe me. Do you want proof? Then say that magic word you humans like to use so much to find us.” One of her hands was reaching into her back pocket, where she kept a small pepper spray bottle. He noticed her hand and gripped her wrist tightly, enough that he overpowered her and pinned not just one, but both of her wrists overtop her head. “You shouldn’t have done that, little one,” he growled, his face nearing hers. The room suddenly felt like it was closing in on her. Her heart was racing, and it felt like it was in a pinball machine, causing physical pain in her chest. Her lungs felt like they were drowning, and her eyesight kept fading in and out. She immediately tried thrashing herself around but to no avail. She was having a panic attack, and he was the cause of it. --- Alex was ready to start the next chapter of her life: College! Little did she know that the administration would mistake her for being a male student and place her in the men’s dorm because of her name. She gets stuck with the single suite that has only one bedroom but two beds! Even worse, she finds out that her dormmate is a demon?! What would happen if the two had a budding romance? Is her demon dormmate just using his powers to lure her in, or is she feeling something real? Only time will tell...

Lynnifer_Ice · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter Three: NOWHERE TO RUN

[©Lynnifer Ice - November 16, 2022]


He tilted his head, watching me as I flailed around. I probably looked like a fish out of water. My eyes were unfocused, and my thoughts were scattered. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I couldn't even see clearly; everything was blurry. My heart was beating faster than ever. My instincts just yelled for me to run and get away as far as possible, but this man had me pinned so well that I couldn't free myself from his grip.

"Stop squirming," he snarled, sounding more annoyed than angry. He huffed when I kept thrashing about. Then, he slowly waved a hand over my eyes, "Sleep..."

My energy was gone in an instant. I didn't even register the last words he muttered before everything went black.


When I came to, I was lying on my bed with a cool cloth on my forehead. I slowly sat up, looking around the room. My bags were still by my bed, unpacked. I touched my forehead, trying to recall how I had ended up in bed and what had happened after coming into the dorm. The last thing I remembered was setting my bags down. After that, it was all a blur. I had a few thoughts about a man claiming he was a demon, but I assumed that I must have dreamt that. I looked down at the damp cloth, now sitting in my lap.

Who put the cloth on my head? Did I have a fever or something? Wait, what time is it?

I looked down at my wrist to look at my watch, but my watch was gone! I tried to quickly stand up to look for it but was met with an instant dizzy spell. I fell down on the floor, grabbing the edge of the bed. I groaned, rubbing my forehead. Then, I used the bed to help myself slowly get up. Once I regained my balance, my eyes scanned the room, finding my watch on the nightstand.

Did I take off my watch and put it there? That doesn't make sense, though, because I never take my watch off unless I shower.

I picked up my watch, putting it back on my wrist. I froze, feeling like someone was watching me. I whipped my head around, but nobody was there.

Did I hit my head, and if I did, how hard did I hit it?

I let out a sigh of relief and went to turn around to grab my bags so that I could unpack, but instead, a shrill scream left my lips. An unknown man stood nearly inches away from me. It freaked me out so much that I almost fell backward and would have, if not for the man grabbing my forearm.

He stared blankly at me before stating, "You're such a troublesome woman."

Not remembering who he was, even though his face looked familiar, I tried tugging my arm away. Instead, he pulled me closer, wrapping his other hand around my waist. He looked annoyed for some reason.

"Stop squirming before you fall again. I won't tell you twice," he ordered with such cold eyes.

I stilled, not out of obedience, but out of fear of what he would do if I refused.

"Good girl," he smiled sinisterly.

Do I look like a dog to you? I think not!

Then, without another word, he threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. I didn't say a word, nor did I protest. My limbs just went limp in his hold. I felt scared. It was only my first day in another country, and now this is happening. Many different scenarios were playing through my mind as he carried me out of the bedroom. I closed my eyes, hearing another door open. Then, I felt myself being put down to sit on a hard surface.

"Tch," he scoffed, "Open your eyes."

I hesitated, slowly opening just one eye, but when he scowled, I opened both of my eyes. I gulped, feeling my heart race. I looked down, noticing his hands were gripping the edge of whatever I was sitting on. Upon further inspection, I found that I was sitting on the bathroom counter. I felt uneasy that he was caging me in. I just looked back at him like a deer in headlights. I trembled when I felt him grab my chin with his thumb and forefinger. He moved my head from side to side, seeming to be looking for something. He hummed before letting go and straightening his posture. I decided to be brave and ask a question.

"What exactly were you looking for just now...?"

"Get undressed," he ordered, ignoring my question.

I choked on air, "Ex-Excuse me?!"

"If I have to repeat myself, it won't end well for you," he calmly stated, folding his arms across his chest.

Is he crazy or something?! Why would I get undressed in front of a stranger and a man at that!?

"Y-You aren't going to try anything creepy, are you?" I spilled out all at once. "I'm still a virgin, and I want to keep it that way!"

"Alex." He lowered his voice.

"How the fuck do you know my name?! I never told you!" I gasped, feeling like I might hyperventilate.

"That's not important."

"Yes, it is!" I shrieked, covering myself, despite being fully dressed.

"I'm not going to hurt you unless you give me a reason to," he rolled his eyes. "You smell like another man, and I don't appreciate it. Clean yourself up."

With that, he left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I quickly jumped off the counter and locked the door. I smelled myself, and I couldn't smell anything else except myself. I looked at the door, wondering if the guy was a possessive criminal or something. This guy scared me shitless, and I don't trust him one bit. Still, I felt like disobeying him would be a huge mistake, and I didn't want to find out what would happen if I did not comply with his demands. I turned the shower on and discarded my clothes. I checked the temperature, and once I was satisfied, I stepped in and closed the curtain.

As I rinsed my hair, I realized that I didn't have any of my shower supplies with me, let alone a towel or a change of clean clothes. All of my things were out in my luggage. I groaned in annoyance, wiping the water out of my eyes. To my surprise, there was a shower rack with a single green bar of soap on it. I picked it up, feeling it in my hands; it felt gritty. Out of curiosity, I sniffed the soap bar; it smelled like a field of wildflowers.

Okay, that's just weird. Does this soap belong to him, and why is it so gritty?

Out of habit, I looked to the side of the shower. Unlike my shower at home, nothing was there. That's when I also realized I had no washcloth or anything else to scrub myself with other than my hands.

Great... Just great... Well, on the bright side, I locked the door so that creep can't get in.

Seeing no other choice, I lathered up my hands with the bar of soap and placed it back on the rack. I repeated this over and over until I had washed every inch of my body. I rinsed myself off and ran my hands through my hair one last time. I turned off the water, now trying to figure out how I would dry myself off. To start with, I gathered my hair to one side and tried to squeeze as much water out as I could. I shook out my limbs and then slid back the shower curtain.

Big mistake...

That creepy man was standing at the door with a folded towel in his arms. I shrieked as he just stared at me with an expressionless face. I quickly covered my chest with one hand pulled the curtain closed with the other.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?! How did you even get in," I screamed at him.

"Open the curtain, Alex," he ordered, sounding irritated.

"No, you pervert! I'm naked!" I retorted, feeling slightly pissed off. That all changed, though, when his voice deepened.

"I don't care. Now, get out of the shower because if I have to come and get you-," he paused, inhaling deeply before exhaling.

It was like all my fear from earlier came crashing down on me. Every part of me began to shake uncontrollably as I backed up against the wall as if stepping back would somehow allow me to get away from him. I was scared out of my mind, but there was no way I would agree to let him see me in my birthday suit. I found myself automatically mumbling in a broken stance, "Please, g-go away..."


Then, I heard what sounded like clothing hit the floor. My breath hitched as a chill flew down my spine. I tightly hugged myself, crouching in the farthest corner. I waited, watching the curtain, expecting it to be ripped open.


I gulped, not knowing what was happening or what was going to happen. I jumped at the sound of knocking on our dorm door.

Our? Is he my dormmate…?

I shook my head at the thought. Then, I heard two male voices, but I couldn't distinguish what they were saying. Sucking up the courage to peel back the curtain to peep out, I found that nobody but myself was in the bathroom. A towel was crumpled on the floor by the door. I looked up at the door handle; it was still locked.

What the hell? Did I imagine everything just now???

I slowly got to my feet and slid out of the shower, snatching up the towel. I quickly wrapped it around myself and stepped closer to the door, crouching down again. I put my ear against the wood, trying to see if I could hear what the men were saying, but it was like trying to hear underwater. However, the voices stopped. It almost sounded like someone came into the dorm and then closed the door.

"It's not polite to eavesdrop, Alex," came a gruff voice from behind me.

The hair on my arms stood straight up as a new wave of dread washed over me. I didn't want to look back, let alone stand up. I didn't have a choice, though, when I felt a hand wrap around the back of my neck. It lifted me up so effortlessly as if I were nothing but a mere feather. My arms were wrapped tightly against my chest, holding the towel in place. I shut my eyes tight as I was turned toward the mirror over the sink. I felt a hot breath against my left ear. My bottom lip trembled as I kept myself together so that I wouldn't cry. I felt something lean forward against my back as the hand from the back of my neck disappeared.

"Be a good girl, and open your eyes for me. I want you to see this," he breathed against my ear in a whisper.

I didn't understand what was going on, especially when I felt arms brush by mine. Nobody was holding me, but I still felt a bit of pressure on the outside of my arms. He didn't say anything else. He just kept his position as if patiently waiting for me to react, but I did not. I didn't say a word, and I did not move a muscle. The longer we stood there, the more I could feel his breath along my skin. It was even more confusing when I felt myself start to calm down when I felt a light peck against my temple.

What the fuck is going on??? I should be trying to rip his balls off not act like some kind of lovesick puppy! I am not myself right now, that's for sure.

- End of Chapter Three -