
My Demon Dormmate

**MATURE Themes, Language, & Content** “Wait, this has to be a joke... I’m expected to share a dorm room with a man? I was supposed to room with other women!” She screeched while holding the sides of her head. “A man?” The male eyed her up and down, “Did you think I was human?” “Of course, you’re human. Things like vampires, werewolves, demons, fairies, and such don’t exist. So, what else could you be other than a human being?! Don’t be preposterous!” “Last I checked, demons exist,” he coldly replied, looking offended. She snorted as she crossed her arms in disbelief, “What? You expect me to believe that? Yeah, right... Are you trying to tell me that you’re like a demon or something?”. “LIKE a demon? No, no... I AM a demon, and my name is Xinith,” he lowered his voice as he crossed the room toward her. She stepped back until her back was against the door, “That is utter bullshit. Now back up, you creep!” “No,” he said in a much lower tone, “not until you believe me. Do you want proof? Then say that magic word you humans like to use so much to find us.” One of her hands was reaching into her back pocket, where she kept a small pepper spray bottle. He noticed her hand and gripped her wrist tightly, enough that he overpowered her and pinned not just one, but both of her wrists overtop her head. “You shouldn’t have done that, little one,” he growled, his face nearing hers. The room suddenly felt like it was closing in on her. Her heart was racing, and it felt like it was in a pinball machine, causing physical pain in her chest. Her lungs felt like they were drowning, and her eyesight kept fading in and out. She immediately tried thrashing herself around but to no avail. She was having a panic attack, and he was the cause of it. --- Alex was ready to start the next chapter of her life: College! Little did she know that the administration would mistake her for being a male student and place her in the men’s dorm because of her name. She gets stuck with the single suite that has only one bedroom but two beds! Even worse, she finds out that her dormmate is a demon?! What would happen if the two had a budding romance? Is her demon dormmate just using his powers to lure her in, or is she feeling something real? Only time will tell...

Lynnifer_Ice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Chapter Four: PERSISTENT

[©Lynnifer Ice - November 17, 2022]


My muscles relaxed, one by one. My breathing slowed down back to a more natural state. The pressure against my back was a little heavier, as if he were leaning on me. Thus of which, I had my hips leaning into the sink. I kept my arms around my chest, not wanting to lose the towel.

Gradually, I opened my eyes. I was met with a pair of dark blue eyes staring back at me through the reflection of the mirror. My eyes traveled over the scene in front of me. His arms were on either side of me, caging me in against the sink. I also noticed a bare shoulder against mine. When my eyes widened, it was like he read my mind.

"Relax. I'm still wearing pants," he calmly stated, just staring at my reflection. He wasn't smiling, but he wasn't frowning or scowling either. His expression was just void of emotion.

I let out a breath that I had not even realized that I was holding. My eyes traveled to my wet hair and the droplets of water on my skin. Then, back up to him, his hair was dark as the night sky. My eyes locked on the charm talisman amulet I was wearing, realizing I hadn't taken it off. It was small, in the shape of an animal's horn, a cornuto, made out of red coral. It had a gold crown decoration on the thickest end, where a woven band ran through it. The band was tied at the back of my neck, made out of a particular twine that made it look like silver; its length fell down to just the beginning of my bust.

As my eyes locked on the charm talisman, they grew by just the slightest. The memories that I thought I had dreamt of came rushing back to me. My eyes quickly locked with his, feeling his hands grip the counter tighter by the flex of his arms. A small corner of his mouth twitched as if he were trying to side-smile. That's when it hit me; the conversation we had before I went hysterical. Not taking my eyes off of his, a single word passed my lips in a barely audible tone.


A small satisfied smile rested on his face as I watched his dark blue eyes turn to silver.

Fuck. He wasn't lying... He really is a demon.

He turned his face ever so slightly so that his nose was by my hair but directly behind my ear. He inhaled deeply, holding it for a moment or two. "-...and what was my name," he asked as he exhaled in the same breath, his eyes still locked with mine.

"Xinith," I whispered, still trying to believe what I was seeing. At the same time, it was really difficult to not cringe from his behavior.

"Very good. You were paying attention," Xinith said in an amused tone as he brushed his nose against my ear. "Now... I want to confirm something. I'm going to ask you a question, and if you get it wrong, I'll let you go out tonight with that Blake man." He paused, watching as my expression changed. "Oh, you look surprised. How did I know about him, you're wondering? Well, he was the one that came to the door asking about you, and his scent matched the one I caught on you before. He's sitting in the living room, on the couch, waiting for you."

"Have you... been reading my thoughts..?" I asked him, a little frightened by his change in demeanor.

"You'd be surprised by how much your eyes give away," he breathed against my ear.

My breath hitched, not expecting the action. Xinith looked much calmer than earlier, and he seemed almost content with the situation. A thought kept nagging at me, so I decided to voice it instead, "What if I get the answer right..?"

"If you answer correctly," he smiled a bit wider, inhaling deeply again as his eyes briefly fluttered before latching back onto mine, "I'll keep you here and try to make you mine."

Say what, now? Isn't he kind of going about this 'ass' backward, like side-side-angle? Shouldn't it be, if I'm right, then I can go? Not the other way around? Oh gods, I might just throw up at the thought of having to stay here all night with him...

Needless to say, my jaw dropped. Before I could say something, Xinith spoke again.

"I should also mention that, if you lie, I will punish you for doing so," he added in with a sinister smile. "Now then, Alex... What is my last name? Answer carefully; I'll know if you are lying." He watched me, like a predator stalking their prey.

His LAST name? How the hell am I supposed to know something that I have never been informed of???

I gulped, trying to avoid his gaze. That didn't last long. I felt his cheek touch mine as it nudged my head back toward the mirror.

"Don't look away from me, even if you're scared. I want you looking me in the eyes," Xinith stated in a challenging-like demeanor.

"I- I'm not scared," I tried to refute.

"Oh, please. You reek of fear," Xinith gave me a warning look before he smirked, sniffing my hair again as he maintained eye contact, "-but you also smell absolutely enticing..."

Ugh... Gross. Ever heard of personal space, you creep?

I stiffened. I hated Xinith constantly smelling me; it felt way too awkward and weird, not to mention highly uncomfortable.

He claims he is a demon, but he acts more like a dog...

"I'm not a dog, Alex. Don't think like that."

"Then stop listening to my thoughts! That's private!" I scowled, feeling more than irritated.

He exhaled slowly, "You're stalling..."

There is no way I can get this right... I've never met him before in my life! If I get it wrong, though, I can go with Blake... Wait... Blake is on the couch, and the bedroom is on the other side of the dorm... That means... I'd have to walk past him in a towel! Oh, my goddess... I think I'd rather die than walk past a man with no clothes on.

"If," Xinith started in an almost encouraging tone, "you are, who I think you are, you should be able to answer the question correctly."

I tried to think about what his last name could be. It was weird, but I was actually serious instead of guessing a random name.

It must be important if he wants me to know his last name, but why?

The harder I thought, the more frustrated I became. I kept getting a strong pull toward the letter D, but I was not sure why. After several more minutes, I gave up and guessed the first D last name that I could think of.

"Is it DeMarco?" I looked right at his eyes in the mirror's reflection. He tensed at first, furrowing his brow, looking puzzled. Then, his face went blank, once again void of emotion.

"No, it's not..," he sighed as he pulled away from me. He looked disappointed for just a brief moment. He looked aside, now staring at the door. "I'll get you a change of clothes. Dry yourself off," Xinith ordered in a hushed tone before literally disappearing into thin air.

What....the.....actual.....fuck....? DID HE JUST VANISH INTO THIN AIR?! I... I guess that explains why I never heard the door open... Great... Good to know that he doesn't like using doors the way most people do.

- End of Chapter Four –