
My Dangerous Beautiful Wife

She is the captain of special operation force, and he is the president of the country. Both are living in different side of world but destined to meet with each other. She is just like a fire that will burn him wholly, and he is like ice-cold water that will extinguish her burning fire because of his love for her is bigger than anything. “I am sorry, but I don't do love. My love only for my country and my people, and nothing else matter”-Eva Clara ಠ_ಠ “I hope, you will realize someday. You should try to open your eyes more Eva, so you will be able to see there's so much thing that deserves your love, including me”-Zaire Gneiss ( ˘ ³˘) “I just want to open a new door for my country and lets people who lived there, living their life comfortably. For someone like you, you never understand what we feel when we have to facing our dying people every single day because of lack of malnutrition and disease. All of them are suffering now, and I want to end their nightmare by accepting this mission. And my mission is to end your life, Mr. President”-Eva Clara ┏(`ー´)┛ “Your beloved country are betraying you Captain Eva and your president sending you to me in the name of mission, but in fact is, to make you become a scapegoat. But don't worry because very soon, you and your beloved country will be MINE.”- Zaire Gneiss ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Will Eva be successful to carry out her mission and free her country from a clutching of an evil and greedy ruler? And what will happen when Zaire knows about Eva identity and her stories? Meet with Eva and Zaire in My Dangerous Beautiful Wife and hope all the readers enjoy this journey. ┗(^0^)┓

Raden_Na · 都市
3 Chs

Captain Eva Clara

Another emergency siren can be heard the entire city of Four way. This is the third time in a day, not a rare occasion, but a daily occurrence. A military and medical teams is always on their shoes to get ready whenever this disaster is happening. Because they know, this is a race with a time, and they have to evacuate every single person as soon as possible.

With the atmosphere in disarray, the military had to ban other individuals from entering the area of the ruins of the building. The sound of cries and asking for help can be heard along the way, especially the children's cries. A special military team led by Captain Eva is the first person who arrived at that place and followed by medical team a few minutes later. Everybody is looked very dejected and exhausted, due not having enough rest and break.

This entire week, there are seven building was collapsed, take off a hundred innocent soul and left thousand civilian heavily injured.

"Everyone, get ready. RZ? Please call Rey and told her and her team to get ready, and wait for us. Brian? We will separate into two group, you will enter from the front door and I will take the back door. No mistake is allowed, and be safe." Watching her loyal men face one by one, Eva takes a deep breath for a second and clutching her hand tightly. Holding a blueprint of that collapse building, she added.

"You can try your best, but don't endanger yourself and people surround you. I know it's especially hard for us, for everyone, but we must do our job properly. As you can see, people are dying and they need us. Don't let your mind wander around and be focus. Focus on what we were able to do, so it's easy for the medical team to take over later. Put your safety helmets and contact me through your walkie-talkie if you can't do a correct judgment. Let's go."

"Yes, captain", answer her people briefly.

Entering the scene using a back door based on her memories from the blueprint earlier, Eva and her men are coughing and sneezing a few time. A dust is flying everywhere, and it's enter right to their eye and nose.

The atmosphere in the rubble is particularly worrying, even more with the less solid building structure that will be causing another collapse to occur. Eva and her team had to pulled out a victim carefully, fearing that a little negligence would put themselves lives at risk. Received a signal from her walkie-talkie indicate that someone is probably in dire situations now. She answered immediately, and she clearly can hear Rey choking voices.

"Eva! Our hospital no longer can accept this poor victim. Our emergency room already filled with patients and can't take this batch of people anymore. What we need to do, Eva?" While calling her using a walkie-talkie, Rey almost burst into tears looking at a sea of injured people in front of her. She has no power over her stupid director order, and the only one who can change it is Eva.

But that person is still do a rescue mission inside the building, and she probably can't get out just like that.

Eva almost wanted to swear because of the stupidity of a certain party, innocent people being victimized. Hearing the words from Rey, Eva was silent for a while because she didn't even know the solution. Eva thought for a moment and contact her men using another walkie-talkie, give them a direct order to allow Rey and her team to use their military surgery hall because she was sure the general would not be angry towards her.

"Rey? You can directly go to our military base and use our place for an emergency treatment now. Just lets them know who are you, and they will open the gate immediately. Don't be afraid, just do your task greatly as you always do, okay?"

" Thank you Captain Eva and please be careful too."

Knowing what kind of person she is, Rey has to remind her, even though she knows Eva wouldn't listen to her reminder at all. And that worried her sometimes.

"Doctor Vince? It's time to work. Eva is giving permission for us to use their military place and let's go. For a heavily injured victims, you can bring them to our main hospital and for another patient that still able to walks,they can follow me to barracks. You can take Doctor William and Freddie to assist you because I'm afraid we don't have enough surgeon at this moment. I'm fine with myself, and only need Kimberly as my assistant. Hurry up and go go go now."

Watching at the same disaster that almost happened every single day, make Eva starting to giving up. But for a sake of this country, for every single soul that living at here, she has to be strong. Strong enough so she will able to open a new door that will bring an opportunity to reconstruct and rocover this country. To fight for independence and to improve quality of people life. A child will be able to go to school freely and enjoyed their childhood. That is her goal and maybe her wish before she can die. The day when every people are free from this country, from the cruel and irresponsible ruler. She has to hold on until that day is coming.

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