
My Dangerous Beautiful Wife

She is the captain of special operation force, and he is the president of the country. Both are living in different side of world but destined to meet with each other. She is just like a fire that will burn him wholly, and he is like ice-cold water that will extinguish her burning fire because of his love for her is bigger than anything. “I am sorry, but I don't do love. My love only for my country and my people, and nothing else matter”-Eva Clara ಠ_ಠ “I hope, you will realize someday. You should try to open your eyes more Eva, so you will be able to see there's so much thing that deserves your love, including me”-Zaire Gneiss ( ˘ ³˘) “I just want to open a new door for my country and lets people who lived there, living their life comfortably. For someone like you, you never understand what we feel when we have to facing our dying people every single day because of lack of malnutrition and disease. All of them are suffering now, and I want to end their nightmare by accepting this mission. And my mission is to end your life, Mr. President”-Eva Clara ┏(`ー´)┛ “Your beloved country are betraying you Captain Eva and your president sending you to me in the name of mission, but in fact is, to make you become a scapegoat. But don't worry because very soon, you and your beloved country will be MINE.”- Zaire Gneiss ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Will Eva be successful to carry out her mission and free her country from a clutching of an evil and greedy ruler? And what will happen when Zaire knows about Eva identity and her stories? Meet with Eva and Zaire in My Dangerous Beautiful Wife and hope all the readers enjoy this journey. ┗(^0^)┓

Raden_Na · Urban
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Four Way Origin

Due to third rate of building material, there are so many facilities building are easy to collapse. The government is turned into a blind eyes to this severe problem, not be responsible with hand-off attitude because they use a low budget and paid unregistered contractor company despite their poor quality material. Kariņš is located at few kilometers from West Ocean and mostly people are doing farming as their job. The only main sector that keep the country still growing is mining. A high quality diamond and a rarest jade stone are mostly come from here. It's heaven for a diamond and jade lover. But this sector is controlled by a strict law and not every citizen can enjoy its benefit, especially when there are greedy people who become their leader.

Every single value of profit by selling the mining product should be used to advance and recover the country, but this irresponsible leader take and used them for their personal gains instead.They should invest that money to develop the country, restoring dilapidated building or to explore a new sector so the people whose living at here can find an alternative to improve their life. But all that money going into these leaders personal accounts and become their pocket money, leaving all the people to suffer, still living their life under of poverty.

No facilities are provided perfectly such as roads, electricity, subway, and school are all in poor condition. Alongside not having enough sources of clean and pure water, the resident of Four Way also facing many difficulties every single day. High air pollution index, peculiarly located at Three and Four branch, and lack of nutrition causes serious malnutrition problems among the children. They have to depend on rain water solely and for those people who capable to afford a hefty price of clean water, they can directly purchase it at the center of city. Currently, Four Way is divided and governed by four different branches, but still under one leader, President Hendrick. Eva is under One branch and working with Rey father, General Kevin.

The only branch that still practiced a good conduct and honesty on their activity is One-Division and that's why mostly people of the city do their business at there. No fraud or swindle are allowed, and if found guilty, that person will be banned, his or her name will be blacklisted from entering One-Division forever. And it's make that area safest compared to another three branch because it's controlled by strict military law under General Kevin supervision. His military team become the strongest right after Eva take a lead as a captain and he extremely impressed and proud by her perseverance and performance day by day. Having a high skill in combat and talented in martial art, mainly judo, Eva is respected by many people regardless of their gender. But several individuals from another three branch, are hating on her, not satisfied with how she do her work.

Not long time ago, Four Way or known as Kariņš is still considered as a city, part of Amore country. But because of a conflict and a greedy of human nature, the government fight over North and South border make the leader of the both city is decided to separate and create their own country respectively. They ordered the resident to build a fence between a border to avoid a riot and they are forced to do that job manually. At first, they believe they got hit by a jackpot after succeed in conquering a South side of Amore Country, but little they know, there are so many dangerous threats are waiting to unveil themselves in the future.

And this is the beginning of destruction of Kariņš city, and later, the first president of new proclaim country change it's name to Four Way. Four Way means, all the people that living inside the country, are need to abide four main rules such as a loyalty to leader, must be cooperated when needed, conduct a good attitude and always follow the law set by military. The citizen are not allowed to leave the country, and if they still do that, a heavy punishment will be waiting for them. Because if anybody left, or go out from the country intentionally, she or he, will considered as a traitor.

The people are frightened by the law because they will be executed along with other members of their families. Regardless of age or gender, if convicted, then the death penalty will be imposed on them and this cruel law has been created by President Hendrick to strengthen his power, and to make sure that the people will obey to him.He has many loyal dogs around him and he can easily control and manipulate them. From Two until Four-Division, he can use his power as he wants, but it's a different situation in One-Division. The rise of military power there is great concern to him as this could affect the rest of the people and can overthrow his power. He must do something to stop that revolution before it's become worse and out of his control. He must get rid of the main person who work behind these people, General Kevin and his annoying captain, Captain Eva, because that woman is too dangerous.

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